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  1. The DemonWithin

    Do you ski ?

    Skiing is fun, actually i really enjoy it. not too bad at it, but havent gone skiing in a while.
  2. The DemonWithin

    Snow Mk2

    heheh no, whered you get that from?
  3. The DemonWithin

    Snow Mk2

    saskatchewan perhaps? yeah that is dull HAHAHA!!!!1! come to alberta, its where the partys at, well, not really, but lets make believe.
  4. The DemonWithin

    Failed To Find Master AuthenticationServer

    hmm, i did it again and it worked, perhaps its just cause steam is so busy? keep tryin man, oh, and i deleted something called or something in the main steam folder, its the update for steam so it downloads it again, that mightve helped.
  5. The DemonWithin

    Failed To Find Master AuthenticationServer

    im gettin this too, it happens when you try to create a steam account. you put in your email address, then it asks for your 'secret question' once you put that in you get this error. and it doesnt let you go any further.
  6. The DemonWithin

    How does alcohol make you feel?

    Luckily im a happy drunk, i tend to start throwing things tho :( . weed is better IMO.
  7. The DemonWithin

    Do you have man boobs ?

    wow 55? i can only do 20's on either end. of course the bar is 20 as well but im guessing you didnt include that in yours. i dont do bench that much tho, dumbells for me.
  8. The DemonWithin

    Do you have man boobs ?

    im workin on the pecage. soon i shall be able to bend the will of humans with my manly chesticles.
  9. The DemonWithin

    Writing dates

    Yes, but since i learned wit my left, it would be hard heheh. as in if i ever went over there to visit. although i would probly have an automatic. as for the dates; 11/13/04 The month of November's thirteenth day in the year 2004 13/11/04 The thirteenth day of the month November in the year...
  10. The DemonWithin

    Writing dates

    yes thats what i mean, shifting gears, in a standard transmission, as thats what my transmission is. standard as in manual. yes.
  11. The DemonWithin

    Writing dates

    No! i do not believe i could shift with my left hand, that sir, would be a no no.
  12. The DemonWithin

    Writing dates

    i do day month year as well, ive seen it both ways here in canada tho, so its confusing haha.
  13. The DemonWithin


    alright this is how itll go, you can use your machette, an ill use my sword, the catch is, my sword isnt sharpened, so you know, its fair. edit: i kinda lied about the knife part in knife fight.
  14. The DemonWithin


    12 gauge shotgun. couple of hunting rifles (of some sort, not a big gun fan) 2 knives, sharpened. long sword, 36" blade guns are my fathers. edit: van, lets have a knife fight.
  15. The DemonWithin

    Thank you, for beliving me.

    Lol how many times are you goin to say goodbye dude?
  16. The DemonWithin

    Your most screwed up (made up) stories

    stop activating the turbolift you savage radar operator! ill button your shirt so that you cant type with four hands while happy rainbows and smiling mountains rain down upon the castles full of chocolate alarm clocks and spread fire red powerups. sometimes the phasar touches the sky but most...
  17. The DemonWithin

    The Official Who would win thread!

    Edit: oh my goodness. all else, becaue all else includes me. Pillow manifolds vs Loaves of woodland creatures
  18. The DemonWithin

    The Official Who would win thread!

    Unicron, because unicorns are magical, combine that with a transformer that doesnt look like a unicorn and you equal win. Popsicles vs turboprops.
  19. The DemonWithin

    oh man guys ur advice plz

    Have you talked to these women before? or hung out wit em? if not it sounds like their ****in wit you. if so then jus have fun.
  20. The DemonWithin

    Antimatter Weapons

    heh more than boil, were talkin about 90000000000000000 MJ of energy according to that information. im thinkin the water would be heated out of existance lol.