The Official Who would win thread!


Sep 14, 2004
Reaction score
These grounds are my battlefield. . .

Seriously lets play a game [SARCASM]maggots[/SARCASM].

We start off by posting like this:

ex: Unicron vs Galactus.

The next post is the win, and an explanation.

Proceed with caution, because pirate traps and treasure await at the end.

I'll start. . .

Unicron vs Galactus. . .
Unicron, because unicorns are magical, combine that with a transformer that doesnt look like a unicorn and you equal win.

Popsicles vs turboprops.
Turbopops of course. . .

They are much more "turbo" than a regular popsicle.

Darth Vader vs Superman
Darth Vader, cuz superman sucks.

Bush vs. Kerry


P.S. you can ignore my post ...
Darth Vader pwns Superman in the face with his lightsaber and some Kryptonite.

Gloglebag army vs. All else

(Hint: Gloglebag Army)

P.S. I did, hasan. ;)
Edit: oh my goodness.
all else, becaue all else includes me.

Pillow manifolds vs Loaves of woodland creatures
Superman of course, he would knock him into a galaxy far far away.

Webster vs. Gary Coleman
Woodland Creatures have urine, and lots of it.

Ummm. . .

Oh Gary Coleman Security Guard, or 6 year old.

Anyways he wins.

Green Lantern vs Mr. Peabody.
Green Lantern because I don't know who Mr. Peabody is.

The Prince of Persia from the Warrior game or Link?
Mr. Peabody.

Just plain cooler.

Bill Cosby vs. Mario.

EDIT - I KNEW this was gonna happen. :bounce:
The Coz.. because, well, the kids today gotta listen to the jazz music.

American Football Player vs World Football Player
I'd still say CyberSh33p, he can take the hammer and sickle from his avatar and use it against nw909's puny knife.
ShadowFox said:
The Coz.. because, well, the kids today gotta listen to the jazz music.

American Football Player vs World Football Player
depends on position, but generally, and american football player would attack the soccer player, and the soccer player would flop to the ground crying and holding his ankle before anything even happened.

american football player wins.

:laugh: vs :sleep:
Tredoslop said:
I'd still say CyberSh33p, he can take the hammer and sickle from his avatar and use it against nw909's puny knife.

Yeah, I guess you're right. Sh33p can shoot pure communism from his eyes too, which is kind of creepy, but cute at the same time.

Oh and Timmy, I still love you

:laugh: wins

:bounce: vs :cat: