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  1. Stone

    Sniper model

    no for him to become one of us he has to go through.......THE RING OF FIRE!!!!!.... *Stone looks at Fenric angrily hmm...THE RING OF FIRE *Fire Bursts From The Plastic Volcano In The Tank, In An Impressive Way :P
  2. Stone

    Weekly Photoshop Contest Discussion: Week 3

    yer that's what they've tried to do with PSP8 and just messed it up..... this may be a job for NarcissisticGaming's lead programmer..... WTH is MrBadger when you need him :p
  3. Stone

    Operation Everlasting Shadow

    wooo t-shirts, i'm so going ot order one myself, so i can have my name on it :cheese:
  4. Stone

    stuff to model

    aye, what i might do is have a week comp, one week and then a fortnight one the we can have a low poly comp then a high poly comp, then a low poly....etc what do you think?
  5. Stone

    I need a date to go with me to go watch matrix revolution

    YAY, i'm going to the 2 o'clock showing tomorrow WOOOOO! all my Graphics class are coming with me, and taking the afternoon off, even the lecturer :cheese: IT gonna be so cool.....that's if i can get some cred together because i don't get paid till the 15th ;(
  6. Stone

    Weekly Photoshop Contest Discussion: Week 3

    Aye, that it does my friend, that it does :P
  7. Stone

    Which one do you Like most?

    personally i hate that stone character he's a right idiot....i voted Farrowlesparrow, even though we aint spoken for ages.... /me does one of those women stares at Farrowlesparrow, so he knows he's in the dog house :P
  8. Stone

    Sniper model

    Erm.... no i do believe that, that is false, a clip can be any shape you want it to be, you can get flat magazines, it just reqiures a specialist mechinism inside it, that's all... :cheese:
  9. Stone

    Google Fights

    Badger versus An Empty Can Of Spam ( 888 000 results) ( 99 200 results) The winner is: Badger hmmm i geusss that one was obvious Stone versus MrBadger (13 400 000 results)...
  10. Stone

    stuff to model

    Well one has been planned, but i need to put together a set of rules, first, they are unfortunetly still in the writing as i've had alot of work these last weeks :( but hopefully i shall finish them soon....
  11. Stone

    Weekly Photoshop Contest Discussion: Week 3

    I use PSP 7, i have psp 8 too, but i hate it, it's so bug ridden.. /me shivers.... that's for the compliments guys
  12. Stone

    Weekly Photoshop Contest: Week 3

    ENTRY 6 by "Stone"
  13. Stone

    Weekly Photoshop Contest Discussion: Week 3

    hehe thanks dude, i was only pulling your leg, and backing up the fact, when the image i post is exactly the same :P
  14. Stone

    Weekly Photoshop Contest Discussion: Week 3

    look you turn around for five minutes and some steals your style, same colours and everything :p love you really Nw909 MY RETRO ART
  15. Stone

    Switched to 3dsmax 6.0

    /me looks at ichi weirdly.... Why?....I even have a zip drive on mine, but that's only because it looks good :P
  16. Stone

    My first 3d model, a Pipe for my mod.

    oh come on kidies, no need for this, if this continues, i warn that this will be closed... and ChrisArt you should know better...... /me waggles finger at ChrisArt in the manner of a parent
  17. Stone


    DaMn< ThInK ThAt My cApS LoCk iS BrOkEn.>.>.>.>. :( I DoN'T ThInK It lOoKs lIkE ShOuTiNg aT AlL BuT ThAt cOuLd jUsT Be BeCaUsE Of eM DoInG HoUrS Of tYpOgRaPhY.>.>.>.>.> ;)
  18. Stone

    3d weapon model

    the one thing you guys are forgetting about the OICW is that it comes apart ^ (and is also now named the M-29)....... It has three different types of rounds ^.... and for when you need to crawl through that tight space, you can remove most of it and end up with this ^ (The SABR)
  19. Stone

    CWMP: Shipka SMG (Hiro)

    Nice work from hiro once again.... and to think once he was a wee pup :P only joking Hiro, nice work :cheese:
  20. Stone

    3dmax 3.1

    Sorry guys, but I can't condone the talking of pirating software on my forums sorry.... CLOSED