Sniper model

It's an interesting concept. I don't like how you have the trigger positioned, it seems as if it would be very uncomfortable and awkward to hold. Maybe add a handle like that of an FN-P90, where there is a hole carved into the buttstock that forms a handle.

hmmmm. I don't like it. Its low polgon which is good. But the barrel could do with at least 8 sides instead of been square. Also maybe make a place where the bullets will be ejected. Remember to make sure its near the mag asembaly.
no offence, but nobody would be able to hold that gun :( maybe make a hole for your thumb to go through, like the AWP in CS, and yes that is the best reference i could think of :p
i dunno, its a sniper gun, so likely ok being held from prone or with a solid surface below to get a clean shot, no finger holes to have to wiggle fingers out of in a rush.. I dunno but something seems ok about that. Course if it had been a different kind of gun I'd have my doubts then.
It just doesn't seem it would be comfortable to hold, and if you are a sniper I imagine you should have a gun that would feel right.

I say atleast add a hole for the thumb.
Yes. Though you could of saved polys by not having the grooves in the clip, post another wireframe.
The clip's shape seems a bit awkward in my opinion. The bottom of it really shouldn't be parallel to the chamber, as bullets wouldn't really fit inside it right. Take a look at the clip on the G36 and I think you'll see what I mean.

Other than that, a trigger guard and ejection port are the only things I see missing.
Originally posted by Mr. Coffee
The clip's shape seems a bit awkward in my opinion. The bottom of it really shouldn't be parallel to the chamber, as bullets wouldn't really fit inside it right. Take a look at the clip on the G36 and I think you'll see what I mean.

Erm.... no i do believe that, that is false, a clip can be any shape you want it to be, you can get flat magazines, it just reqiures a specialist mechinism inside it, that's all... :cheese:
Nostradamus to say thats one of your first models its developing really well. Unlike other people u have taken peoples atributes into acount and posted images of the changes. I like it. Veryy well done for your first model.
thank you
actually i have modelled before... a mistake of me to call it my first...rather my third, and my first completed and good looking ;)

and thank you all for the c&c... i appreciate it... anything else is welcome :)
heh IchI's right.. Nostradamus hasn't complained once or made excuses, he's listened and made the changes, and quickly too, nice one :)

..give him a few months, he'll have an attitude like the rest of us ;)

*chants* one of us, one of us, one of us

Only one complaint, the rest of it looks absolutely great. Nice to see an original weapon too. On the trigger it looks like you have a safety, a la Glock. I say u get rid of it, its probibly never gonna be seen in game. The rest of it is awesome for one of ur first models!
Originally posted by Fenric1138

..give him a few months, he'll have an attitude like the rest of us ;)

*chants* one of us, one of us, one of us


no for him to become one of us he has to go through.......THE RING OF FIRE!!!!!....

*Stone looks at Fenric angrily


*Fire Bursts From The Plastic Volcano In The Tank, In An Impressive Way :P
very nice work for ur first model . jsut one thing what kind of render method are u using some of these renders arent at all clean and dont really look like brazil.
Originally posted by mindless_moder
very nice work for ur first model . jsut one thing what kind of render method are u using some of these renders arent at all clean and dont really look like brazil.

its xsi so maybe final gathering, or just some lights and brighter than normal ambient?
XSI's Final Gathering is as good, if not more flexible then brazil.
Looks good, Nostradamus. What colours are you going for? Camo? Are you just going to have it all black?

Looking at it, I'd change the mount for the sight a bit, if it was my model. But it's not, and I can't model properly yet, anyway:E, so you can ignore my opinion if ya like:).

Oh, and fancy muzzles are always good:E.