Search results

  1. Stone

    Sketch pad?

    A tablet, I use a Wacom....... and mine twas free (the best price :E )
  2. Stone

    Where were you when you joined the forum?

    hmm, yes alot of people have been and gone, i went for a long long while, and have only just come back... Things have changed, friendships have changed, life has changed... and the title of the top of this screen has changed... But I hope to find a home here once again, if people will let me :p
  3. Stone

    Where were you when you joined the forum?

    I joined waaaay back when.... Along Long time ago, before alot of ye wee nippers even new of our existance, but too far back... ....Oh those were the days, Random chat, a real forum then it twas with an Arena and everything... ;( yes i still miss it... God i'm sad :P
  4. Stone


    Of course I remember you GB, I made you a southpark bunny guy, still got the same avatar as well i see oh and HEY NW909, you old seadog.... :naughty:
  5. Stone


    If ye want Tony, glad to see you've still got the same avatar, Anyone know if anyone still uses my southpark ones?
  6. Stone

    cartoony gordon

    That's not Xen, that's all the publisity he's had over the years ;) Nice work, /me wishes he could chibify as good as that....
  7. Stone


    wow, wouldn't of thought this many people would remember me, Life got on top of me for a while, whole world got flipped up side.. And if you'd like to take a minute...just sit right there i'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air.. erm wait no... erm that's not...
  8. Stone


    Glad to see you missed me Badger old friend Aye yes that twas me, way back when, almost a year now I think... along time...
  9. Stone


    yoo hoo? anybody remember me? No... oh ok..... just tought i'd check, don't shout at this poor Ex-Mod.... .....I'll get my coat ;(
  10. Stone

    Computer Display Crash

    I recently had a crash, where my computer wouldn't display windows, but would display everything else (ie booting up) so i booted in Safe mode and reinstalled all the drivers for the graphics card and that seemed to sort it out, but now when i go into display, when i click the settings tab, it...
  11. Stone

    Vehicle (warning:amateur modelling)

    I have one comment, that is that it seems to be very high poly, how many polies is it?
  12. Stone

    General Advice

    When modelling for a game, any game not just hl2, there is a recommended poly count, which comes with the engine, which other people can help you with really.. surface sizes aren't really a problem, but what shaders you use on the model are, as not all shaders etc are compatable with the...
  13. Stone

    what's better ps2 or xbox ?

    in my personal opinion i prefer my X-box, and i've got the ps2, psone, X-box and gamecube..... but that could just be me :rolleyes:
  14. Stone

    Vote for Fortnight 2 Modelling Contest

    Voting Closed, And Votes Are Being Counted........ ......please Wait.......
  15. Stone

    Vote for Fortnight 2 Modelling Contest

    Vote's Close Tomorrow People At 11:00pm (GMT) so everyone vote vote vote.....
  16. Stone

    OES reforms!

    /me walks in.... hmmm, whats happening here, whats this OES that all you people are on about, and whats a mod..... /me looks at his bade on his shirt..... oh yer, i'm the lead modeller......... I wonder what that involves... /me wonders out even more confussed than before.....
  17. Stone

    Vote for Fortnight 2 Modelling Contest

    yer, i know what you mean bout the asphalt, i did it, and meant to come back to tile it, but i forgot until i'd rendered and posted it....... oh well, i got one vote at least :p more than i expected
  18. Stone

    Vote for Fortnight 2 Modelling Contest

    lol, no actually it was me whp voted for you, the first vote.... i thought it was almost as funny as mine :p.....
  19. Stone

    Vote for Fortnight 2 Modelling Contest

    Well it's been and gone that time of the week again people....sorry bout that, had lots of stuff to do recently, been getting on top of me..... /me makes note to self to be more organised..... anywho, time to vote people, the entries are in the thread link go and vote...
  20. Stone

    Fortnightly Modelling Contest 2

    ENTRY #5 by Stone where in the rules did it say i couldn't enter :p