General Advice

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Howdi! First time I've ever posted on here so forgive me if i start a thread or mention anything that a million people have already talked about before.

I was just wondering what the general outlook on modelling for half Life 2 is?

I only really use maya, and though I haven't been doing it very long I've got the basic hang of it. The only thing is i don't know what i should be considering in relation to a game life Half Life 2. For example should i be careful how many polygons i make? or how large/small certain surfaces are? just general stuff like that. I've been playing around with it without any specific limits, but I'm hoping by the time Half Life is released (if ever) I'll know the general facts and hints that'll assist me in making decent models.

Oh and does anyone else think that a mod based on the Battle Royale flick'd be pretty fkn sweet? if slightttly complex.

When modelling for a game, any game not just hl2, there is a recommended poly count, which comes with the engine, which other people can help you with really..

surface sizes aren't really a problem, but what shaders you use on the model are, as not all shaders etc are compatable with the half-life engine, really at the moment, we know very little about the modelling for hl2 moderfications, and will probably be informed closer to the realise of the actual game, but for now, people are making models to a close estimate poly count, with only the basics invovled, so they can be easily ported, once we know what we need to do, into the hl2 engine...
do you know of any links on the web that show this kinda info in a very straightforward, dumbass based language?

as i am a very straightforward, dumbassed invididual :-D
check the 3d forums around... check in the game section or game development...
yea, about the weapons, we use a limit of 1500 for our mod ( just added 2 new guns ;)
and for our vehicles, we have 2 already, they are both 5000 triangles spot on, that's just what we think is "ok" for a multiplayer mod, maybe you can go higher, we are also just guessing, but 1500 seems good enough, if you have any modeling questions, feels free to ask, that's what this forum is about...

Is there a tool or option or something in Maya that lets you count how many polygons you're currently using?
remember kakihara, that it is Triangles you need to be counting.

secondly, HL2 is a single player game, and can have lot more polys for characters, that most games at the moment.

I would say 3-4000 tris for a character and something like 5000 for vehicles...and weapons 1500-2000 sounds decent :)
cool beanz, how can i count how many there is tho? surely there's some sort of tool that does it for you?