Many times do you get people playing the "im too mature to talk to you" card. If you really were, youd let it flow through your discussion, rather than use it as a way to worm out of the argument. Also you seem quite angry. Dont worry, your father loves you man.
But no your right, this...
Boy you sure got me a good one. I post on the board to gather information on a game i intend to play, not to use it as a tool to impress people by posting the first new screenshot before anyone else.
Why else do you think anyone would care? He implicated that the standing restraint on getting...
Well, you buy a game to play it, not drive it around the streets to pick up chicks. Jesus hell christ. Nerds. Everywhere.
So the point of this thread is "could you contain your amazing excitment and not brag about having A VIDEO GAME on the internet and over MSN to your virgin friends?"
Extream realism isnt what games are about. Flashpoint is quite real, but still has to be a game.
You cant have a 100% realistic game. If you actually thought about what a 100% realisic ww2 game of el alamon would require, it would not be in the least bit fun. And yes, it does take a long time...
Not really. Playing battlefield 1942, would you rather jump into a plane and go, or sit there for 4 hours while your 7 man crew fuels your plane, wait for the armorments trolly to load your 2 bombs and mg bullets. Would you then like to go through the 30 minutes of saftey and system checks...
What suprises me is how they can announce the game last year, with a release date of 3 months later, then find enough things wrong with it to not release it for a whole nother year.
I can understand them finding a few things wrong with it, and delaying it a few months, but to be 100%...
haha while a good response, the other guy had a point.
With all the constant delays and not releasing a system test demo for everyone in the community, not just the "leet", they are encouraging people to download the leak.
Valve would calm everyones nerves by releasing a little tech demo...
I love you people who want to have the game released later so you can play other games.
What are you people idiots. Some of us are sick to death of valves PR. Just release the god dam game or the SDK tools you said would be released before the game, so that modders can get to work on their...
Really? So you knew they were making a sequal in 1999? I was under the impression that the first anyone heard of the sequal was about 16 months ago...
Still, i have angst at valve for being a year late, constantly losing the keys to the security vault, releasing trials to certain sections of...
What a great idea for them to work on some other game rather than the one they created. The dod team have been in bed with valve since 2001 and still they cant get a version to release with hl2.
Or press screenshot once and a while.
Eh now im just saying crazy stuff.
There will be a tonne of bugs in the game whenever they actually release it anyway, they need to just make a cutoff point where they just release it and keep working on it behind the scenes. At this point i dont think people will even care about a few...
Sorry your right a 1 map beta is more important than the full game and mod making tools.
Just like its a much better idea for the dod team to be helping with CS source than making a version of dod to release with hl2.
Somone able to crash a server for a game beta that half of the community cant play and the rest have mostly stopped playing the one map is insignificant.
Your rite there actually. The way things have been he probably should have said Feburary.
Pity they arnt listening to the reports...
The water in HL2 doesnt seem to actually ripple in response to an objects impact. It just creates a splash sprite and a ripple sprite. I remember seeing a video of CG game water where coins were flipped into water and the actual surface rippled slightly.