If valve offered you a chance to have half life 2 early,but with a few stipulations

would you abide by valves rules?


    Votes: 98 70.5%
  • nope,no possible way in hell i could keep my stinking mouth closed!

    Votes: 22 15.8%
  • yeah,but i would have to "bend" the rules a little :)

    Votes: 19 13.7%

  • Total voters


Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
which would be

Your not allowed to tell anyone you have it,or give it to any friends,post any screenshots or play any cs source.

and if you did not abide by the rules they would never let you play half life 2 again...

would you abide by the rules and take half life 2?
didnt we have this exact same thread a couple of weeks ago?
I'd rather just have it when everyone else does. It's much more fun when you can talk about it and such.
Hell ya it wol....actually no i would tell my freind and he would be like dats da shit and he would kill me and take HL2
I'd have to take advantage of some technicalities. One would be that we couldn't post any screenshots, and it said nothing about transfering it over messengers or IRC. :)
Wow.. That would be REALLY hard to do. :O

I voted no :(

And 'Whiteboy' That is still telling them you have the game. Which is breaking the rules.

I bet most of the people who said "yes" didn't think hard enough.
depends how long i had to wait until it came out :D
that is.. . . if i cuold talk about it after it came out ;D
If I could do all that extra stuff once its released, then yes.
I have never bothered to tell anyone I have a game or post screenshots. I really don't care, I just want the game.
i would say nodda, however, the way security is on the internet, i dunno...i guess i could remove my gaming machine from my network...
but i want HL2 for online play.
I would play through the game 5 times, then take screenshots and tell my friends and you all and after thats done they can take it away from me I wouldn't care ;)
uziholda said:
which would be

Your not allowed to tell anyone you have it,or give it to any friends,post any screenshots or play any cs source.

and if you did not abide by the rules they would never let you play half life 2 again...

would you abide by the rules and take half life 2?

Well, you buy a game to play it, not drive it around the streets to pick up chicks. Jesus hell christ. Nerds. Everywhere.

So the point of this thread is "could you contain your amazing excitment and not brag about having A VIDEO GAME on the internet and over MSN to your virgin friends?"
urseus said:
Well, you buy a game to play it, not drive it around the streets to pick up chicks. Jesus hell christ. Nerds. Everywhere.

So the point of this thread is "could you contain your amazing excitment and not brag about having A VIDEO GAME on the internet and over MSN to your virgin friends?"

This coming from a guy with over 500 posts on a message board about said video game? Nice.

I can see how your unappreciative and condecending attitude gets you laid alot.
Dirk Pitt said:
This coming from a guy with over 500 posts on a message board about said video game? Nice.

I can see how your unappreciative and condecending attitude gets you laid alot.

Lol, Pwned. :)
Dirk Pitt said:
This coming from a guy with over 500 posts on a message board about said video game? Nice.

I can see how your unappreciative and condecending attitude gets you laid alot.

yes ... dirk just delivered a slap to you man ... nice
What I find amazing is how sex is made to relate to HL2 at all. How much does it have to be on your mind for you to bring it up in relation to a video game? And what exactly does it imply when you randomly use it to insult people on a forum that is as far from sex related as you can get?

I'll let you mull that one over for a moment.

Admittedly I haven't "gotten laid" since Saturday, but I'm not quite at the stage where it makes me want to project my frustration onto unsuspecting internet users.

Exactly how long do you have to be starved of it before you begin to use virginity as a random insult?
urseus said:
Well, you buy a game to play it, not drive it around the streets to pick up chicks. Jesus hell christ. Nerds. Everywhere.

So the point of this thread is "could you contain your amazing excitment and not brag about having A VIDEO GAME on the internet and over MSN to your virgin friends?"

ur posts always crack me up :laugh: :thumbs:
Wildhound said:
What I find amazing is how sex is made to relate to HL2 at all. How much does it have to be on your mind for you to bring it up in relation to a video game? And what exactly does it imply when you randomly use it to insult people on a forum that is as far from sex related as you can get?

I'll let you mull that one over for a moment.

Admittedly I haven't "gotten laid" since Saturday, but I'm not quite at the stage where it makes me want to project my frustration onto unsuspecting internet users.

Exactly how long do you have to be starved of it before you begin to use virginity as a random insult?
Perhaps it implies that he's bluffing and trying to cover his one-handed tracks by trying to make out that he's had sex with more people than himself.
urseus said:
Well, you buy a game to play it, not drive it around the streets to pick up chicks. Jesus hell christ. Nerds. Everywhere.

So the point of this thread is "could you contain your amazing excitment and not brag about having A VIDEO GAME on the internet and over MSN to your virgin friends?"

But he/she is from Sydney so he/she is prolly gay....not that there is anything wrong with that. :naughty: :p
How exactly could they prevent you from playing HL2 "ever again". How would they stop you from purchasing your own copy upon release?
Cut off your hands? Seems like a pretty extreme punishment for breaking a non-disclousre agreement.
el Chi said:
Cut off your hands? Seems like a pretty extreme punishment for breaking a non-disclousre agreement.

They'll give you 100 horney women and a top manager position in a company so you'll never have time to play HL2 again. That must suck bad.
PvtRyan said:
They'll give you 100 horney women and a top manager position in a company so you'll never have time to play HL2 again. That must suck bad.

this punishment would be acceptable.
PvtRyan said:
They'll give you 100 horney women and a top manager position in a company so you'll never have time to play HL2 again. That must suck bad.

...I'd rather have the game :laugh:
I'd comply to the demands. I'm playing games for my own pleasure, not to make anyone jealous.
I would wait until it releases. :) I want to be fair and have to wait like everyone else. Even though I REALLY love HL2! :)
HA I don't even get sex!

wait. . .oh hell. Erm, I would like to play the game sooner than later? I think that's the point of the thread, but at the cost of never talking about it, not using it as material to hit on girls with. jebus.
oh yeah thats the reason i made this thread,so i can get laid by my fiance more,i dont get enough sex as it is so im gonna walk into my house screaming


two words

shut up
Dirk Pitt said:
This coming from a guy with over 500 posts on a message board about said video game? Nice.

I can see how your unappreciative and condecending attitude gets you laid alot.

Boy you sure got me a good one. I post on the board to gather information on a game i intend to play, not to use it as a tool to impress people by posting the first new screenshot before anyone else.

Why else do you think anyone would care? He implicated that the standing restraint on getting half life2 early is that you cant tell anyone you have it. Why would it matter if you could tell anyone anyway, if not to raise your percieved status to other people to be "heaps cool on the inbraweb".

Keep up the good work with your razor sharp wit, and keep these super threads coming in. They really are issues that need to be brought to light and discussed.
nope,no possible way in hell i could keep my stinking mouth closed!
urseus said:
Boy you sure got me a good one. I post on the board to gather information on a game i intend to play, not to use it as a tool to impress people by posting the first new screenshot before anyone else.

Why else do you think anyone would care? He implicated that the standing restraint on getting half life2 early is that you cant tell anyone you have it. Why would it matter if you could tell anyone anyway, if not to raise your percieved status to other people to be "heaps cool on the inbraweb".

Keep up the good work with your razor sharp wit, and keep these super threads coming in. They really are issues that need to be brought to light and discussed.

You are the type of idiot i prefer not to indulge into "mature" conversation with but since your here let me tell you something...

Just because you get some kind of intellectual thrill from flaming and being a complete moron,I must let you know that you have perceived this entire thread wrong.

Its not about bragging to people over the internet,the reason they would be constrained on talking about half life 2 is because VALVE would not allow them to do so,and you say...

"I post on the board to gather information on a game i intend to play, not to use it as a tool to impress people by posting the first new screenshot before anyone else."


Even the damn developers like to show off there game to everyone and BRAG so shut up.

I swear man you flame just to flame with no logic behind it...

I made this thread out of fun,because i like to get peoples opinions on different matters,if you did NOT like the thread then just shut up and dont post in it,simple as that,if you want to see political posts about george bush,or threads about world problems or deep subjects join a ****ing webforum that does that..

INCASE YOU HAVE NOT NOTICED THIS IS A HALF LIFE 2 FORUM and GUESS WHAT this is a HALF LIFE 2 DISCUSSION BOARD,which means in kindergarten terms WE DISCUSS AND TALK ABOUT HALF LIFE 2 IN EVERY SHAPE AND FORM,not EVERY thread has to be important news,you say you just want to gain information,then all you need is on the front page,what do you think you will find in the forums? a GOLD date?

oh man im not even gonna bother just shut up and cease to exist you worthless piece of feces
uziholda said:

Many times do you get people playing the "im too mature to talk to you" card. If you really were, youd let it flow through your discussion, rather than use it as a way to worm out of the argument. Also you seem quite angry. Dont worry, your father loves you man.

But no your right, this thread is as worthy of discussion as mechanics of the source engine, story discussion, or player weapons/physics.

I post on here because the news page often doesnt have in depth talk about the info from valve thread, or story discussion. If thats ok with you Linkin park Mcangsty.

Your thread though is a class above those "hey guys would you play half life 2 if valve said you can only play it on tuesdays with a red glove on!??" threads.

Your right every thread doesnt have to be about HL2 discussion, which is why the forums are sub divided into catagories.

I apologise if ive gotten you abit hot under the collar linkin park, but dont let "internet" get to you too much. Try some yoga, or maybe some croche knitting.
would voting 'yes' in this poll count as me saying i had it early from valve?

Urseus, do you even have a point? Don't come into threads and throw insults around and you won't have a problem! And don't indirectly insult Linkin Park... that just wasn't needed...
I don't think it's a matter of "perceived coolness"
If you have information that only you are privvy to, it's difficult to keep it private.

Did fragmaster think letting everyone know he knew something without telling what was going to make him look cool?
No, in fact, it seemed like he was more than a bit frustrated having to hold his tongue because of legalities.

And gaining information off forums is usually receptive. Posting your opinion is not enlightening to yourself. You could learn everything that everyone else knows on hl2.net without ever making a post, and just reading.

I don't like linkin park, but the insults about them seem mighty out of the blue. I could be crazy, but I think more than "teen angsters" are prone to frustration and/or flaming. You should know that ;D
Dirk Pitt said:
This coming from a guy with over 500 posts on a message board about said video game? Nice.

I can see how your unappreciative and condecending attitude gets you laid alot.

Yes. Actually it probably does get him laid. Ever heard of the Deacon effect? Go research it. Girls are attracted to guys who are jerks because it's a challenge. Therefore, in his jerklike state now, he probably gets a ton of girls. Sadly I'm not being sarcastic.
Hell yes, I would accept those terms and secretly revel in all of the Half Life 2 glory.