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  1. Yakuza

    What religion are you?

    What I am saying is that you base your whole Belief system on what some one else has done and scene. You have never seen an atom yet you believe the exist simple by word of man. You have "faith" in the words and findings of these scientist because you choose to believe what they says as...
  2. Yakuza

    What religion are you?

    Have you personely, seen and participated in all of the experiments and truth that science claims to be apart of.
  3. Yakuza

    What religion are you?

    How do you know?
  4. Yakuza

    What religion are you?

    So you have exchange the beleifs of one book written by men, for another.
  5. Yakuza

    What religion are you?

    Your right...we are all equaly screwed up and all fall short of the glory of God.
  6. Yakuza

    What religion are you?

    Main cause huh........I can think of a billion wars were religion is not the main cause. In fact There are "Very" few wars were Religion is the "Main" cause. How does religion make people suffer. It seems people suffer just as much on both ends of the poll, how can religion make people suffer...
  7. Yakuza

    Eating Yourself

    Dude we do not want to know were you put your fingers. :P
  8. Yakuza

    What's cooler: Samurai's or Ninja's?

    Why does every on get this idea that ninjas are ruthless killers....oh yeah from the movies. In fact assassination was the least of the jobs. The ninja most often stole information or planted bad information. In fact ninjas did almost everything they could to avoid a death. Death draws to...
  9. Yakuza

    What's cooler: Samurai's or Ninja's?

    Now I am not saying that "a" ninja never used a Katana, but in general your statement is false. The samurai sword known as the Katana was general way to expensive for the lower famers wich most ninja clans were. Especialy way to expensive for the Genin(The field agents that acutaly preformed...
  10. Yakuza

    What's cooler: Samurai's or Ninja's?

    You have a point. Ninjas were able to identify Many, many , many forms of vegitation. Any thing from healing wounds to just for eating. Also most Ninja lived in small villages or farm towns up high in the mountains, so woody areas are more Homey to them.
  11. Yakuza

    What's cooler: Samurai's or Ninja's?

    To a point yes. But the samurai was also trained in various forms of grappling skills. A ninja going head to head with a samurai was at a serious disadvantage, yet they also didn't play "fair" :E
  12. Yakuza

    What's cooler: Samurai's or Ninja's?

    LOL you are joking right? hehe I dont find much romance about war, hara kiri...ect...
  13. Yakuza

    Alright, Half Life 2 is perfect if it has.......

    we must mod the Ninjas into Half-Life 2
  14. Yakuza

    Time for Another Poetry Thread!!

    Simple pink, Dressed the floors of my thoughts, dripping on my lips the song of dreams caught, finding her spread like oceans and just as deep, sipping the rim of mountains steep, the fornication of tempered sleep,
  15. Yakuza

    The Founding Fathers Were Not Christians

    Sorry, I didn't know he was the only founding father. Hmmm the constitution says " in the day of our Lord". The bill of rights says "Endowed by their CREATOR".
  16. Yakuza

    Alright, Half Life 2 is perfect if it has.......

    Ninjas. There are not enough Ninjas out there in the gaming world. There should be at least one ninja in every game, at least 1. So, I believe ninjas should find there way to Half life 2. The combine soldiers would fear da ninjas. And what could be better than ninjas with guns and...
  17. Yakuza

    Post Useless But Fun/interesting Trivia Here!!!!!!

    one of the mythological orgins of the Ninja is said to come from a creature called the Tengu, Half man half Crow. The are no documented cases of witches being burned in Salom. The first law making cocain illegal was because the white society thought it made black people violent. I think...
  18. Yakuza

    Coca Cola

    hehe, you know there was a time when they were both together.
  19. Yakuza

    Time for Another Poetry Thread!!

    Its born you see, poetry, Like a child nursing on its mother from the inside You cant escape it, You do not write poetry, it writes you.
  20. Yakuza

    Time for Another Poetry Thread!!

    Addiction I stood below mountains, and drank the dawn, feeling the dew between my teeth and the sun in my throat. My whispers break like bending bones, silent screams run down the edge of my stainless lullaby , holding my lungs with each breath I chew away. Scratching fingers dig...