True, but this tactice must be taken cautiously. Staring into a girls eyes may leave her feeling uncomfortable, especialy if she is shy. However being in a club situation this would tend to work better as women are usualy under some kinda influence thus breaking down some of their bult up walls...
when you get out of highschool women tend to change their viws on what kinda guy they want. I cant count how many single women I have talked to who want a guy who is honest, responsible, and carring.
But they also will tell you that they need security, either finacily, emotionaly, and...
Well its good you can admit it :E
seriously, ever wonder why all the bastard guys get all the chicks and "us" nice guys finish last.
The answer is simple. Women want a guy who is not affraid to be a man. the problem is that most of the guys who remotly resemble a confident male are wack...
Yeah its true.
One thing I think girls can really appreciate is a guy who is confident in himself. Yet at the same time a guy who can present himself respectfully and not egotistical.
The car thing isn't that big a deal. Compramise wih her, dont make it a big deal. Tell her that if she...
Most pistols essentialy have a "blocky" look to it.
There is an essence that needs to be sought. Even if a modeler is restricted by poly limitations, he can capture an essence of a model and still give us the feel if it were higher poly.
Really, maybe you can enlighten me on these scientific contradictions...
here are also some scientific facts in the bible.
hmmm. "We our endowed by our creator".....
"done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the...
I am a Christian no matter were, what time of day, or where ever I may be.
Christianity is not some building with brick walls. Christianity is a state of being, a continual walking after Jesus.
So I am not allowed to be a Christian and share my faith with other christians at school.
It doesn't have to be "taught" but offered as a possibility or an allternative to the belief that "Science" has.
Only untile some one voices their opion about what else we should take out of pledge...
No I am not talking about "using" religion in school. I am talking about letting people of faith have the freedom express there faith in a reasonable way.
I really dont think I did, I believe you just misunderstood me.
No, but the teacher could take a count of hands on how many people in the class believe in something different than what the education system says. The teachers could then explain on those who raised there hands, or give the student an opertunity to share with the class what there views are, but...
Do you actualy read my posts. Where did I state that religion should be taught. Gimmie a freakin break dude, people say no gay stuff and people get their panties in a bind. Then I say why cant we have the freedom of expressing our faith in a reasonable way at school, and your like, lets burn...