pistol for hl2

  • Thread starter Thread starter yaniv
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Keep practicing, you will become good in a couple of years..
Looks good.

Some areas along the barrel need to be flat instead of rounded, if you're following the reference. :)
good for you.
you can tell me whats wrong or not but dont tell me it's crap -> your the crap!
yaniv said:
good for you.
you can tell me whats wrong or not but dont tell me it's crap -> your the crap!

Funny, I think that Ichi's work is superb.
yaniv said:

In other words, take advice from people that are trying to help you, or shut the **** up.

Have a nice day.
I've never seen one of your thread without your egocentric attitude. You really need to grow up. When people give you advice or tell what they think about your work you don't need to get mad at them. And seriously stop thinking your a pro! Everyone here is still learning. Even the best modeller in the world keep learning! So why can't you?
IchI said:
Hmmm.... its crap. your modelling completly wrong:


I know you are good and all - but mate, be slightly less harsh next time. He is new. :|

yaniv, I'll be honest - your model is not good, but hopefully with practise you'll be better. :)

You should take Ichi's advice, he is really good at modelling.
"another_asswipe i'kk keep that in mind.
"lans" thanks for understanding...i'll practice.
ok anyone? done stomping me? i'v got it ok???
hope to talk to you next time on more "pleasent" thred.
Half of the polygons are wasted. Try not to use more than one polygon(2 triangles) on a flat or almost flat surface.

Something else you want to stay away from when making game models is the Meshsmooth modifier.
Meshsmooth ->why?
im allways using that.
it makes the model to look good, otherwise it will look like a bunch of cubes.
It's ok for modeling in general but it adds allot of faces that aren't needed making for allot of clenup.

It ends up being easier and faster to just model everything out by hand.
yea i know now what you mean by looking at ichi's tutorial.
i'll improve my techniques....thanks man
you guys are takin it to hard on the kid, if thats his best, it isnt crap ichi its outa line for you to say it crap just say its not good and state why. I know what im talking about.
you guys back off man, yaniv was just posting a model he wasnt bragging or nothing and you all jump on him and just criticize him... yaniv, i think the model looks fine and it doesnt matter how u modeled it

ok lets start with the first bit ...when you choose the subject try to gather a lot of references and other information about the the subject ..in this case you chose a gun .. the finished product ..ie the model doesnt look a lot like the concept in proportion or shape because u made it of off one pciture ...essentialy while making a proper geometric replica of a subject you need to have a lot of reference images that show the shape the size ..proportion and details very well ...now if u give me the name of the gun i will be bable to help you out ..
that along with the modeling approach must be why the mode turned out so bad.... but since u must be pretty new to this its understandable ..the first few models always lack details ...but as u progress youll become more observant to minute intricate details and notice stuff about the shape ...
Mindless has a point. You need to gather more reference. Your model doesn't look much like the reference you posted. You are using the meshsmooth modifyer. don't do that if you're making an ingame model. If you want to use the meshsmooth make sure you sharpen your edges. Add an extra edge close to the endedge to get it smoothed, but sharp. I'll be able to explain with examples when I get back from work. Untill then, make more models. Pick up hints here and have them in the back of your head on the next model. Practice makes perfect..
I dont think yaniv needs to shut the **** up, he seemed quite civil to me. I get the impression he has not been modelling for long and is still learning and i think calling it crap is a little harsh, everyone started somewhere.

So keep it up. Keep practicing and you will be able to make great models in no time.
"Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?"

Seriously.... that's some hostility, guys... chill.

Watch that vtm Tut, man. very interesting. i'm not a modeller, but seems very useful. of course theres always more'n one way, but it's a place to start.

you're using max, you shoulds take note of the last VTM (from IchI's post) on smoothing. It details using smoothing selectively on features of the model...

The first part (after the 'setup' vid) shows how to use the reference image directly in program. That should get your model to be closer to the reference image. You should also get some more reference images to help get the details. Notice that the rear sights do not have a notch in them.

[Edit] My personal suggestion: if you know someone with a gun, you should take a look at it in RL. It's good to have actually held a gun and seen the way the mechanical parts operate. I think it would help modelling as you would have a better mental idea or the purpose of a gun feature and the way it is incorporated into the design.
Any semi-auto handgun should work. Be very carefull! Make sure it is not loaded. Ask your friend (I'm assuming you do not have a gun yourself, of course) to take the clip out, and check the chamber. (A gun with no magazine and a bullet in the chamber, can still fire)

Since you are just starting out, you should concentrate on polygon modelling at the lowest level, until you really have a good grasp on it.

Now. Everbody else. Why even post if you're just gonna be hatin' like that? Sheesh.
Sorry to be harsh but man its rubbish. You need to sort out your technique. Do some simple tut's, and do IchI's VTM, its very good and it really raises your skills and understanding. Good luck though.

yaniv said:
Meshsmooth ->why?
im allways using that.
it makes the model to look good, otherwise it will look like a bunch of cubes.

Most pistols essentialy have a "blocky" look to it.

There is an essence that needs to be sought. Even if a modeler is restricted by poly limitations, he can capture an essence of a model and still give us the feel if it were higher poly.