Well health is more important than armor. You dont die if your armor runs out. Also look at the part where he gets smacked by the big alien, still 93 hp but low armor
Im not sure if this has been talked about before, I just noticed and thought it was pretty neat.
If you look at the crosshairs in the video you will notice that it has two bars on the sides. The one to the right decreases as gordons fires his gun so this is probably the ammo left in the clip...
Budapest in northern europe? Where did that guy go to school :afro:
And i dont visit IGN anymore now when they have that insider stuff. Not Gamespot either. Gamespy are still (pretty)cool though (excpt for that waiting in line shit for download)
Hmm yes that is very observant of you, then that poster would say "DE"? what does that mean?
I think i can make out that same poster again at the bottom of the statue with the horse on it, its a bit blurry but look at the far right of the screen at about 20:23
Hmm... I wonder why no games has coop these days. It totally rocks! Especially on LAN. Me and my friends are always looking for coop games when we have LANs, because there is no competitiveness, which is good, because we want to stay friends.
Too bad svencoops singleplayer in HL1 was so...