What was NOT good in HL1.

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We have many threads about what was so brilliant in hl1 and what we want to see in hl2. But how can they improve if they dont know what they did wrong in hl1? ... they cant improve that much i guess.

What??!!?? "Something wrong with HL1?" I hear you say. But sure there were parts of the game that I didnt like as much as other parts.

What I think was not so good in HL1 was the whole ending at the alien planet. I liked the idea of getting teleported to the "inbetween world", but it definantly wasnt as much fun there as it was in black mesa, especially surface tension.

Also the end boss wasn't very dramatic. Once I understod to destroy thoose triangles and jump to reach his head I only needed a few tries. Also the whole in space part was very slowpace and repeating with the same 2 enemies (the flying guys and the lightning guys ;)).

Offcourse the g-man stuff at the end was cool and the story was exellent all the way through, but the ending level (the space one that is), shoould have been more fast paced and have more variation compared to the black mesa levels. And a better ending final fight would have been nice too ;)

Thats my oppinion on how hl1 should have been better and what should be thought of more for hl2.

Please comment on mine and write your own oppinions on how hl1 could have been improved to make sure the developers wont make the same mistakes twice :cool: .

yeah the end wasnt to great, it wasnt hard neither, the only annoying part wich made me load a lot (i hate to lose hp, even if it just 1) were those annoying jump thingies that didnt work too well sometimes :/

but overall I think it was still fun tho.
"but overall I think it was still fun tho."

yeah offcourse its the best game in the world :D

But i agree last part wasl also a bit to easy (yes I have played the game on hard :))
I liked the ending levels a lot although i do agree they didnt live up to the standards of most of the rest of the game!
Your in luck. It's been stated that you will not leave earth this time.

yeah the last levels were good but not as good as the others... that says alot about the first part of the game ;)
There was alot of jumping which wasnt all that good. I was thinking though people made such a big fuss over it that valve has said 'dont worry there will be no xen in hl2.'

I was thinking, 'you fools. Think how good they could make this wierd alien planet now with pulsating slimy walls and realistic water.'
now that I think about, when you compare HL1 and HL2, there's really nothing to compare :eek:

I love HL2.
Yeah urseus, they really lost a good chance by making Xen not so good. It could have been awesome.
It would be nice to have seen xen in Hl2 perhaps there could be some Xen stuff on earth. Like plants that have been teleported accross and are spreading or soemthing. I doubt that would be in it but it would be nice if there were alien 'hotspots' or something where you found stuff like that.
You thought about throwing away half-life because of the ending level? I didnt think they were that bad. It was interesting to see the alien world, although i think the architecture could have been better. They seemed to simple. I think in part at least its because since noone has been to an alien planet, they had no reference to get ideas from other than films and other games which isnt the best material.
The only good things about xen were the healing pools
I kinda liked the Xen levels in Half-Life but i guess only a handfull of people did!?
I'm another one, I HATE XEN!!!, everytime I played HL through again, I acctually stopped at the point at xen, its looks terrible, and...urm, yeah it looks terrible.

EDIT: god why do I get the post that goes on page 2, makes me look like a loner
Yeah Xen sucked, it was like they got to the end, and thought, hmm, we need to finish this but we're really tierd. So they gave it to the work experience guy or something and went home early.

At that point it went from HL to DOOM (or even worse Duke Nuken 3D ARRGGGGHH!!!); just running and shooting.

Lucky for us HL2 will be based entirly on Earth then!
Originally posted by Andy

At that point it went from HL to DOOM (or even worse Duke Nuken 3D ARRGGGGHH!!!); just running and shooting.


Uhm, xen part was way duller than duke 3d, at least shooting and running in d3d was funny....
lol @ above

I didn't hate Xen that much tbh.. I thought it was rather unique and different on some aspects, it was okay \:
Quite simply,the fact so many people are STILL talking about HL even now shows how much quality this game has, so i think we can ignore the odd problem!
Xen WILL be in HL2, Gabe Newall said so, its just they won't be so jarring... i refer you to PCG 123
Xen was pretty boring, but I think the other problem with Half Life was the lack of different friendly NPC's. There was only one security guard model and only 5 scientist models. Thankfully HL2 will completely obliterate that problem.
Xen rocked, I love jumping and Xen was loads of fun.

I'm glad they decided to put a Xen in HL2!

[ Thank you Badger ]
Originally posted by mrBadger
Xen WILL be in HL2, Gabe Newall said so, its just they won't be so jarring... i refer you to PCG 123

Does no-one pay attention in this thread?
There was a mad badger on Xen. In the alien factory, he's sleeping under one of the walkways.

Despite the badger I still hated the jumping puzzles.
everone likes badgers! :) but the jumping puzzles weren't too bad, i've seen worse bits in worse games: e.g. Daikitana (what part you ask? Well all of it really :P )
I was horrible at them. Nothing worse than fighting through 3 minutes of baddies and then missing the next platform mid-jump. Splat, start over.

Ooohhhhh! Made madder than a wet badger.
Yeh, but the jumps weren't too hard really, especially if you save before the jump......:P neway Gabe says (wow, i'm talking about him like we are mates, lol) that there will be Xen but it will be better, they've shown off hi-detail teleporter rooms....drool

[np Dave :) ]
That sounds awesome, I really like the idea of Xen and I wouldn't want it taken out. HL would've been a major letdown without the Xen chapters. I also think the designers did a great job portraying an alien world, one completely different from our own in so many ways.
I just never saved often enough, and wish there was less (not none) jumping. I'm definately Glad Xen's in HL2.
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
That sounds awesome, I really like the idea of Xen and I wouldn't want it taken out. HL would've been a major letdown without the Xen chapters. I also think the designers did a great job portraying an alien world, one completely different from our own in so many ways.
I just never saved often enough, and wish there was less (not none) jumping. I'm definately Glad Xen's in HL2.

there is no Xen in hl2..or?
IIRC all that got said was that there were no lame jumping puzzles (as was set on Xen in HL1) this time around, not that there wasn't any Xen levels at all. Perhaps there might be a short excursion to Xen at some point.

*tries to imagine what a more organic-looking Xen would be like when rendered in the source engine*
Originally posted by snark^
IIRC all that got said was that there were no lame jumping puzzles (as was set on Xen in HL1) this time around, not that there wasn't any Xen levels at all. Perhaps there might be a short excursion to Xen at some point.

*tries to imagine what a more organic-looking Xen would be like when rendered in the source engine*

Yes that's what I mean by awesome. New graphics, no Mario Bros. jumping, yet all the strangeness of the original Xen.

I'd be happy as a badger that just broke into someone's cupboard.
Small villages in Eastern Europe try to keep badgers happy.

Usually by throwing pastries in their direction.
Hopefully small villiages include City 17..... I am really looking forward to seeing Valve's take 2 on Xen really, it will be interesting..... I'm thinking what Unreal promised "Mist swirls, walkways glow, and the world beckons" yeah, that will be cool.......
Yes I totally agree. I'm looking forward to seeing the improved xenians and xen.

Hopefully they'll put in badgers. Like cyborg badgers that shoot lasers.