oh and those little people called iraqs.
seriously though, the war can be looked at in a good way and a bad way, its just depends how u want to view it. Coalition forces took a bad dictator out of power and is trying to set up a free government in iraq. im not saying it needed to be done but...
last time i listened in i was so amazed by the lack of professionalism, they sound like i did when i was five recording my voice on a recorder. they love the sound of their own voice and ramble on about dumb stuff, i have no respect for hlradio. if they found a few good dj's it would turn the...
9800pro = 190-200
512 3200DDR = 90-100
80-160gb HD = 80-100
there u go 400, there are good deals out there for good hardware. do a lil reaserch, read some reviews (both professional and customer) and buy your babies. :)
EDIT: those are online prices, expect a 20% increase in-store.
i thought that this new draft would take people even in college unless you were a senior, i read it somewhere ill look for it.
EDIT: oh and you cant avoid the draft by moving to canada, they signed an agreement.
EDIT2: oh and moto fighting immaturity with immaturity doesnt work the way i...
well i think we have enough soldiers already (1.4 million i think) and i dont think we need more, but i would go without a fight. its a duty to ones country. we live in one of the greatest societies in the world and take it for granted everyday. a lot of americans(or people in other free...
machine it has been said by valve that vehicles arnt that hard to make, in fact u see an apc in many pics and even in the e3 vid, the tank concept art also tells us they most likely have made it a vehicle. as for flying vehicles valve has also said it is possible but map design plays a large...
i think ill get it when i comes out...first game im going to buy since ut2k3.
and scott the reason a lot of people didnt like it was because it was so far from the original gameplay. im sure it was a good game but i didnt like the feel.
This has been my experience as well. i remember when i was new i didnt understand how people were so good, that was over 3 years ago. when you start to get better you realize people are just very good and know the map so well. im accused of cheating on a daily basis and i see other people...
iv never played on easy, im not bashing any of you but i dont want to have any handicap (iv always taken that harder road even in life). i used to start games on normal, but now that iv become surgical with my mouse (ty cs :dozey: ) iv started games on hard adn enjoy it. i love challenge with...
i liked how sometimes it only blew off a few legs and thing, i didnt like how when u hit the main body most of it disappeared, i hope they add bigger pieces.