**The OFFICIAL Buy Lunch for Valve Thread!**


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Ok everyone, continuing my other thread..... we're here to buy lunch for the folks at Valve.

My PayPal account is [email protected]. Send all donations to that address. Please include your full name, and town + country along with the payment so I can list your name and location on the Thank You letter.

OUR GOAL: $325

I just got off the phone with Pagliacci Catering in Washington, and they said that a large cheese pizza costs $15.29 (that's with tax). So round that to $16, and the need to buy 17 pizzas, and our total comes to $272. We'll tip the delivery guy $25 for hauling all that pie around as well. Plus, I have to print our Thank You Letter at Kinkos, and Overnight FedEx the letter and the check out to the catering company in Washington (the opposite end of the country). So all expenses will roughly come to $325.

Credibility here is also a key to pull this off. My company website is located here, and my 12,000 post account on IGN.com is located here. I'm an established, well-known member of the community there. If you would like to get in touch with me, feel free to drop me an email. Also, if you're looking to make a donation, I can provide you with my cell phone number so you can get in touch with me directly.

Thanks to everyone for making this possible. Also, I'll keep updating the thread with how much we've raised so far. Let's get to it!
There rich enough to buy there own lunch and besides gabe is a cool guy!
shhh Mrchimp. This is thanks for valve giveing us what is likely to be the greatest game ever to exist. This has to happen


Oh and stickie?
Hey - I get paid tomorrow, I'll send 1 Pizza's worth then :)

Does this mean we all get a 'special thx 4 the pizza' on the HL2 game credits? :P
Obraxis said:
Hey - I get paid tomorrow, I'll send 1 Pizza's worth then :)

Does this mean we all get a 'special thx 4 the pizza' on the HL2 game credits? :P

Someone should drop this idea to VALVe.
I was donator #1...just thought I'd get my name in the thread ;)

*edit* oh, if I get a mention in the letter the name's Tom Blackwell - Leeds, UK.

come on forum members, lets buy some serious pizza!
ohhhhh nevermind, should of read the original post properly

People are allready donateing!

Good on ya!

I will try and convince my mum to donate....(Aint likely.. but I can try!)

*oh and thanks Abom... and :p to you too!*
I will probably add some money over the weekend when I get the time...
I'll prod my mum or dad to paypal some money over.
I wonder if VALVe will give the donaters anything, like a poster! So how much more do we need. And how much should each person donate?
We have $300 to go, but we just started an hour ago, so we'll be fine. I guess a nice starting point is $10.00 a person. Anything anyone can give is nice.
hows this as a starting point for a logo? hehe, its a 5 minute prototype so be gentle ;)
If I had money I would donate...but I am uber poor.
why is there 2 pizza threads?
/me is confused
isnt one enough :D. You guys need to think about topping btw
okies.... this is confusing. Valve make a game. You buy it. They make millions of dollors and you get a game to play for a little bit (do you notice the difference?). Then you want to buy them lunch.... ok.... your just pathetic, or more likly your trying to get people to send you money through paypal so you can buy a x800 xt. So hush!
Shut up IchI.... this is suppost to be a thanks to valve for making a great game, being a great team, supporting fans and for supporting this site when it needed it most.

And please can we have it restickied..

I will spam the thread with bumps every so often if it isnt.....
Right IchI, you found me out. :|

And could we get this stickied again?
Good idea, but my Paypal account is empty...:(

Good luck on your quest!
I'll donate something once i get my solo card and paypal setup :D
*tries to create paypal account*


*fails miserably, fills tub and grabs electrical appliances*
I'd donate if I could, but I don't think my parents would let me help buy lunch for a bunch of strangers...
Paypal is kind of a hassle really ... anyway, I'll try making an account and pooring something into it. Let my line say "Will HL2 feature gravity pizza's?" please. K thx
okay i donated $16... w00t... or something :| hehe

what's the grand total so far?
So what are you going to do if you only reach say $100 or so?

And I just wish to state for the record that I think collecting over $300 dollars for a multimillion dollar corporation as a way to thank them is just wrong. There are so many other organizations that could use donations so much more.

But anyway.....carry on.
Neutrino said:
So what are you going to do if you only reach say $100 or so?

And I just wish to state for the record that I think collecting over $300 dollars for a multimillion dollar corporation as a way to thank them is just wrong. There are so many other organizations that could use donations so much more.

But anyway.....carry on.
giving a donation to valve doesn't take away from giving donations to charities, the two are completely unrelated :laugh:
Can a mod change my original post to have the total amount needed to $355? I forgot to put the $30 needed for sodas in.
Jackal hit said:
giving a donation to valve doesn't take away from giving donations to charities, the two are completely unrelated :laugh:

I have to disagree. My point is that your raising money for some objective. I just feel that if one goes to the trouble of organizing a donation then it should be given to people who really need it, not some company.

The fact is that over $300 dollars is being raised for a game company, which doesn't need it at all. That exact same $300 dollars could buy medication for someone or feed a hungry person. (Now I'm not saying here that thanking Valve is not a nice gesture. There are just other ways one could go about it.)

It's the principle of the thing. Would you start a donation to buy Bill Gates and Microsoft a nice thank you gift? Cause I don't see that being any different than this.

Sorry to rant, I'm just strongly against the idea. It's the principle of the thing.
hmmm.... so them getting millions of dollors doesn't mean anything, anyway. Do what you like. What ever makes you happy. In my opinion its a waste of money time and its pointless. You giving money to a complete stranger who may or may not have good intentions and your all giving it for full all because its only at least a 1,000,000th of what valve will make.

cyas hope you have fun.
It's to say thanks for all the effort they've put into this game, and to help them get across the finish line that they're near.
Xcellere said:
It's to say thanks for all the effort they've put into this game, and to help them get across the finish line that they're near.

Buy the game then. That's all the monetary thanks they need.

Can you not see my point at all? Thank them by all means, but raising money is not the way to do it. If you want to thank someone by setting up a donation do it for the red cross or something.