**The OFFICIAL Buy Lunch for Valve Thread!**

Neutrino said:
I have to disagree. My point is that your raising money for some objective. I just feel that if one goes to the trouble of organizing a donation then it should be given to people who really need it, not some company.

The fact is that over $300 dollars is being raised for a game company, which doesn't need it at all. That exact same $300 dollars could buy medication for someone or feed a hungry person. (Now I'm not saying here that thanking Valve is not a nice gesture. There are just other ways one could go about it.)

It's the principle of the thing. Would you start a donation to buy Bill Gates and Microsoft a nice thank you gift? Cause I don't see that being any different than this.

Sorry to rant, I'm just strongly against the idea. It's the principle of the thing.
well if you want someone to donate to some group that NEEDS it... then how about you open up a pay pal account and ask people to donate to it? just because you disagree with raising money to buy lunch for valve doesn't make it wrong. it's all about perceptions. you see it as wrong, we see it as a nice gesture. and... i wouldn't personally buy bill gates a thankyou gift, because i don't like him. heh... i would, and HAVE donated to charities. what we all do with our money is our business :)

edit: valve are people too, and they will be appreciative of our gesture. it's a nice thing to do. what we're doing is not wrong. there is no "right" or "wrong" things in the world are not so black and white. i'm just sayin, people give to charities all the time. what's wrong with donating a lunch to valve? nothing.

/redundancy hehehe
^^^Good point, the other thing is that Valve put all the money they made on HL1 into HL2, so its not like Gabe is rolling around in piles of cash.
so what's the current total at now? it's been a few hours...

edit: damn, looks like he's offline :(
Xcellere said:
Ok everyone, continuing my other thread..... we're here to buy lunch for the folks at Valve.

I just got off the phone with Pagliacci Catering in Washington, and they said that a large cheese pizza costs $15.29 (that's with tax). So round that to $16, and the need to buy 17 pizzas, and our total comes to $272.

WOAH WOAH WOAH! Slow down there bud. I'm absolutely POSITIVE you can find a better price than that! $16.00 for a freaking cheese pizza!?!? Don't pay that much dude. Check around and not only can you find better prices, I bet a bunch of companies would give you a BIG discount for such a large order. Did you try any local pizza companies?
DarkStar said:
WOAH WOAH WOAH! Slow down there bud. I'm absolutely POSITIVE you can find a better price than that! $16.00 for a freaking cheese pizza!?!? Don't pay that much dude. Check around and not only can you find better prices, I bet a bunch of companies would give you a BIG discount for such a large order. Did you try any local pizza companies?

Yeah, $16 a pizza is really expensive. I used to work with Domino's. Depending on who the store manager is, you should aim for a price per pizza from 5 to 10 dollars.
If we donate I wonder if Valve will put our name in the "Special Thanks to:" section in the credits :).

When are we gettin em the Pizza cause it'll take me 3-4 buiness days to transfer the fund to my paypal account.
We won't be getting them pizzas for another week or two.

The place I called was 3 miles from the Bank of America building where Valve is located. I'll give Dominos a call in the morning.
Do Domino's on a Tuesday, two large Pizzas for only 10 bucks. I'm sure you can convince them to do the deal multiple time for yah.
we should find out what valve prefers for pizza places. dominoes, papa john's, pizza hut... ya know what i mean? what if they hate dominoes or something? :|
Jackal hit said:
we should find out what valve prefers for pizza places. dominoes, papa john's, pizza hut... ya know what i mean? what if they hate dominoes or something? :|

I doubt they have a unified company policy on which pizza place they prefer. Like "henceforth Valve officially hates Dominoes!" or "let it be known across the land that Valve likes Pizza Hut!" No.

They're probably just like any other group of people, some like some things, others like other things.
DarkStar said:
I doubt they have a unified company policy on which pizza place they prefer. Like "henceforth Valve officially hates Dominoes!" or "let it be known across the land that Valve likes Pizza Hut!" No.

They're probably just like any other group of people, some like some things, others like other things.
yeah, but it's not too difficult for valve to send out a company-wide memo asking what pizza place everyone likes... anyways, i'm just anal about these things, like to be organized :)
To all the winey women in here annoying the crap out of me about poor kids needing food: Give everything you own to them. How can you have anything, if these people are more in need than you???

Furthermore, just buy the damn pizza's, the only thing that matters is the price. Try to have some variation(just a little), let's not have cheese pizza only.

Also: Post the adress&phone number of the place you're buying the pizza's(or at least PM them to me-> I will not donate if you don't).
Neutrino said:
Buy the game then. That's all the monetary thanks they need.

Can you not see my point at all? Thank them by all means, but raising money is not the way to do it. If you want to thank someone by setting up a donation do it for the red cross or something.

He still doesn't seem to notice the reason why you actually raise money. You raise money for people who need it. I am sorry to say, but valve don't need it :P

ops, i said I was going. I couldn't help my self on commenting with someone on my side :D
Its not about if they *need* it this time is it.

Its about giveing them something because they are making HL2 out of a pasion for gamers and because they want to give us something to enjoy.

They could have left the industry after HL and just live it up.

But they did not.. did they. They started work on HL2.

In addition to this they said they spent all the money from HL and more on HL2...

LOL just spent the last of this weeks pay about five minutes ago. Forget Valve, I need to eat ^^;
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Its not about if they *need* it this time is it.

Its about giveing them something because they are making HL2 out of a pasion for gamers and because they want to give us something to enjoy.

They could have left the industry after HL and just live it up.

But they did not.. did they. They started work on HL2.

Um, there making it to make money. That's what the business is about. They're not doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. If they were the game would be free.

And why did they start work on HL2? Cause HL1 was incredibly successful and this is going to make their company huge. It's a good business decision.

Now, I agree a thank you of some kind is a nice thought. However, IchI said it rather nicely....you don't raise money and take donations to thank a big company, you raise money for people in need.

About the comment earlier that Gabe doesn't have much money because they spend everything on HL2, that's just ridiculous. I'm sure he's quite well off. But that's irrelevent to this argument anyway.

Also, someone mentioned that the people, such as myself, who disagree with this should set up our own donation to a charity or that we should give everything we own to them. Well, I agree that would be a nice thing to do. But that is just avoiding the issue. You guys are the ones who already went to the trouble of setting up a donation and are actually collecting money. Why don't you do it? See, it's the principle of the thing. I think that if you actually go and make the effort to set up a donation and collect money then that money should be used in a charitable way.

And finally to the person who says a few of us are just whining about starving children and charities and such, your not really getting the point. The point is your taking donations and raising money for a GAME company, who has aboslute no need for it. If your going to spend the effort it takes to set up a donation then I think it should be for a worthy cause. Also, my second point is that I think a non-monetary based thank you would have a lot more value. Something like taking the effort to send a snail-mail card or something like that would have a lot more meaning in my opinion.

Anyway, like IchI said, I guess I'll just be going now, but I had to get another word in as I think this whole donation thing is absolutely ridiculous. sorry.

Edit:@Dadulus: Sorry if I'm just annoying you. Like I said, I'll truly leave this thread this time. I won't bother you again.
Neutrino stop being such a spoil sport for goodness sake. if you're not gonna donate then fine. stop repeating yourself.

a few of my mates took The Darkness out to dinner one night. The Darkness are rolling in money, but their fans wanted to pay for them to show their appreciation. it's no different here. people want to say thank you for HL1, and here's a little gesture to give you a little boost.

if you want to donate to charity so bad then start another thread with another paypal account and arrange it so people will contribute.
Dang, sorry...I thought I hit edit and it posted another one for some reason. Oops.

Edit: Dang, now my time limit ran out for editing, so: (Just have to say too that with your last sentence your pretty much missing the entire point Dadalus. Sorry, sorry, I just had to squeeze in one more thing)
Neutrino said:
we should find out what valve prefers for pizza places. dominoes, papa john's, pizza hut... ya know what i mean? what if they hate dominoes or something?

I asked Rick this, and he said they have no preference. Any pizza place would be fine. And yeah, Dominos would be a great idea.
I would be just as happy simply organiseing a thankyou letter or card or something since I cant actually donate my self.

And I know very well its a business to make money. But there are far less risky ventures with that kind of cash.

Anyway, the whole point of this is to treat the company we are fans of. Its not because they need it at all.

Its pointless argueing about this. Its up to you whether you donate or not. But there is no need to start preaching about how its the wrong thing to do in the very thread where we are trying to get it together. Your just putting off people who might consider actually takeing part. Thats what I dont like.

You should be bringing up your points in the other thread surely... Well thats my opinion.
I agree, this is not a discussion. If people disagree then post their qualms in the other thread, or better yet... Shut the hell up!
I won't get my paypal account activiated until the next week... I need a new pin for my visa...
Request For Adress & Tel Nr Of Pizza Place

So, how about the adress and phonenumber of the place we're ordering the pizza's? I want those to be able to control this is not a scam!

If it turns out to be true and genuine I'll gladly donate.
Xcellere I PM'd you about this just now.
16 bucks for a large pizza? wtf lol... even without tax dominoes or papa johns you can get a large for 9 bucks with tax.

anyways wish i could donate, but i cant even afford to feed myself.
$10 donated to a worthy cause :).

I am not donating because they are a games developer that makes great games but because of all the time and effort they spend answering everyone's emails every single day.
Razor said:
$10 donated to a worthy cause :).

I am not donating because they are a games developer that makes great games but because of all the time and effort they spend answering everyone's emails every single day.

thats a very good point. ive read throught this thread and i must say that its just a bit of fun, and for all the time and effort valve have put into the project i think this is going to a very worthy cause. Valve have gone through so much stress over the past few years, what with the source code being distributed, their whole career under the spotlight constantly and all the fans (both those who like them and those who hate them) sending hundreds of E-mails a day. Not to mention the fact that theyre making this game as good as it possible could be, when they could have released it on septhember 30th and made just as much money, if not more than the summer release date.

And i agree with dedalus- for heavens sake, stop ranting about charities!! we can do whatever we want with our money, and if that involves giving a tiny amount to a games developer that are making a game that this forum is named after, then thats our buisness- so go give money to charity if you want. im sure many of us here have donated more money to charity than they are going to contribute to this pizza, anyway.

and BTW, i cant donate because i dont have a credit card as im only 14, and my mum is very stressy about these sort of things- but if someone came over to me (who was reliable) and was taking money fot the pizaa, i would dontate at least £5 (i have about 80 saved up atm).
i would donate, but I dont have a paypal account, or money.
Element Alpha, the place I called is Pagliacci Pizza - 206 652 0877 Catering.
To all those people that think they shouldn't donate the money because Valve is already rich think of it this way.

People are giving the money to buy a pizza, its a present not a charity. If you had some sort of really rich family member (and you are not rich) and it was his birthday would you say "Your already rich so I'm not buying you anything". No I don't think you would.
The Mullinator said:
To all those people that think they shouldn't donate the money because Valve is already rich think of it this way.

People are giving the money to buy a pizza, its a present not a charity. If you had some sort of really rich family member (and you are not rich) and it was his birthday would you say "Your already rich so I'm not buying you anything". No I don't think you would.

yes thats because you have a personal relationship with them and you are giving them a gift as part of them reaching a certain age. If you take Valve releasing a game personally and you feel you need to show your effection, then no offense but your a very sad man/woman. Also giving presents on birthdays and chistmas is a tradition that got out of hand and now people feel abliged to buy presents. So infact your wrong with your whole point :P

There is a very good reason why you see hardly any or next to know one buying gifts for games creators. If you love Gabe and the team so much you class them as a celebraty and you love them.... then thats just worrying. Its nice tos ee kind hearted people and all but if you ever wanted to get away with the excuse its just like a birthday you would have to send it personally. Thats the whole point... instead your giving your money to a total stranger who buys rip of pizzas and charges 40/50 dollors for delivery. Tbh, gg. LOL!

At the end of the day you could just say... what the hell its only 10 dollors but then you need to think about the guy who now has a x800 xt and you don't because he ripped of people.

Thats if he does rip you of... surely it looks like he is giving the circumstances. Or maybe he is just a kind hearted person with some weird fetish for gabe.
I think it's better if gabe didn't eat that pizza ;)

just buy pizza's for valve, and for gabe some sort of diet-food :)
Xenome said:
I think it's better if gabe didn't eat that pizza ;)

just buy pizza's for valve, and for gabe some sort of diet-food :)

nurse my sides

IchI said:
Thats if he does rip you of... surely it looks like he is giving the circumstances. Or maybe he is just a kind hearted person with some weird fetish for gabe.

mmmmmmm, Gabe in tight leather underpants.
Personally if you guys want to donate its upto you but personally I'm not going to donate my hard earned wages to Microsoft millionare employee's who earn enough money to buy themselves a bloodly pizza parlour let alone a pizza.

If they can spend 40 million dollars on a game I'm sure they can spare a couple of quid to buy themselves a ****ing pizza.

Anyway donate if you want but thats just my personal opinion.
I had said that it is a "present", I had merely related things to a birthday because it was well... Something to relate it to.

You guys seem to misunderstand the idea behind a present, its not about giving it to someone who is deserving, its about giving it someone because we feel like it. Its about giving to someone because we like them, and its about giving to them because we appreciate them.

I personally appreciate their work, I like them, and if I had a credit card I would feel like buying them a present. I realize they could just as easily buy it all themselves, I realize they have all the money in the world for stuff like that, but you know what I don't care. If I want to show them I appreciate them then yes of course I could buy their game, but the thing is I am not buying the game to show I like them, i'm buying the game to enjoy myself. If you don't understand how I can still spend a mesely 10 bucks doing this then maybe you should just assume that you have different ideas about what gift giving is all about and ignore this whole thread.
Yeah! And lets get pizzas for Eidos, DreamCatcher, Rockstar Cames and every other game developers while we're at it! What a stupid idea.
Again what you guys do with your money is upto you. Can't you say thank you with a card or something? I'm sure you have Greeting Card shops in the US?

I just wish I made the money you guys all make to finance this kind of stuff as you all must have a lot of money.