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  1. Dile

    Official E3 2004 Info Thread - ONLY NEWS AND LINKS

    From hlradio.
  2. Dile

    Do you think the GAMEPLAY will be similar to HL1

    That is NOT true...
  3. Dile

    Possible IGN story 12am PST...

    Stop whining people.
  4. Dile

    Possible IGN story 12am PST...

    Actually I read the 1st page first, and gone through this thread in case anyone has mentioned it. Then I posted it.
  5. Dile

    Possible IGN story 12am PST...
  6. Dile

    What mods I am looking forward to

    You know, I dont like these mods that are already being worked on. Mods which contain only a series of maps have the feeling. I want cool little mission packs, not good looking junk.
  7. Dile

    HL2 Windows Media Player skin (boxart captures)

    Uhm, no offense, but CLOSE
  8. Dile

    Two New Videos Confirmed for E3

    No need for talk, just get over it ;)
  9. Dile

    Two New Videos Confirmed for E3

    Abom, they dont show videos at e3 :- ) They are in-game demos played from .dem files. I hope you understand the difference :D
  10. Dile

    HL2 has parallax mapping

    People, displacement mapping is NOT normal mapping. Displacement mapping is when e.g. a rocket explodes on the ground, and a hole appears. The engine looks up a displacement map (a grayscale picture), and alters the ground's geometry the way its drawn in the displacement map. Normal...
  11. Dile

    Mr. BR$%@

    I mean, we have seen lots of character models from HL2, whats the difference? If Valve released this pic, everyone would look at it...
  12. Dile

    Mr. BR$%@

    Sure, its not allowed. I just dont understand people crying "OMG I nearly saw It OMG my eyes are burning OMG!"
  13. Dile

    Mr. BR$%@

    Its just a character model...
  14. Dile


    Vegeta897 is right, so listen to him. m_gould: The name "Manipulator" was made up by the community.
  15. Dile

    Is Doug Lambardi a bad person?

    That wasnt a Prima Strategy Guide, but a Behind the Scenes book.
  16. Dile

    Fragmaster Leaves PHL, Thanks

    I'm absolutely glad that Fragmaster posted this "letter". I that this is the kind of thing that was needed for a very long time. Now at least I see his perspective and not judge him by what he posted on PHL. He's right in most things, even though i disagree with some. I indeed thought some times...
  17. Dile

    The two @ E3

    Ummm...but VU has 3 other booths... EDIT: Just noticed: one of VU's booths is the same one as one of Valve's! Valve Software South Hall 1200 Vivendi Universal Games South Hall 1200 And its the South Hall one... one?
  18. Dile

    The two @ E3

    Americas Army... i guess
  19. Dile

    The two @ E3

    Uhm... yeah maybe :angel:
  20. Dile

    The two @ E3

    Check: Search for Valve Software. There will be 2 presentations by Valve. TF2 maybe?