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im also hearnig people refer to one of them as the zero point gun, which sounds pretty cool. i guess well have to wait until we come to the part in the game where a scientist most likely gives them to you, "here gordon, take these. with them, you will be able to put people in funny poses and make tiny forts for yourself."
kaf11 said:
im also hearnig people refer to one of them as the zero point gun, which sounds pretty cool. i guess well have to wait until we come to the part in the game where a scientist most likely gives them to you, "here gordon, take these. with them, you will be able to put people in funny poses and make tiny forts for yourself."

They got the name "Zero-Point Gun" from the stolen beta. So thats probably the name, altho it may not be final.
There are 2 manipulators. But wich one is called 'zero point gun' ? The blue-beam one, or the orange throw thing?
half alive said:
There are 2 manipulators. But wich one is called 'zero point gun' ? The blue-beam one, or the orange throw thing?
Orange throwing thing.
The Zero-Point gun is the one seen in the Strider Video.
I think the physcannon is the blue one, and Gabe or someone said it was just for demonstrating the physics... or something...
Brian Damage said:
I think the physcannon is the blue one, and Gabe or someone said it was just for demonstrating the physics... or something...
no, i think thats the physgun. Gabe said it was to interact with the physics in the game.
The physgun is the blue line gun. The Manipulator is also known as the zero-point gun or the physcannon.

All cleared up.
half alive said:
aren't the physcannon and physgun the same?
Negative. The physcannon is the orange one, (cannon, it can shoot things)

The physgun is the blue line gun. I am positive.
Vegeta897 is right, so listen to him.

m_gould: The name "Manipulator" was made up by the community.
Will the blue one be in the final game? It might just be me but don't really see how usefull it would be if you have the orange one already, unless it can move really big objects that the orange one can't
just a hunch, but since it seems both will be in the game and i keep hearing about a manipulator type gun that can weld stuff. i am going to assume that the orange beam whatever-you-call-it will pick things up and chuck them hard while the blue whatever-you-call-it will pick up stuff and weld it to something else
The physgun is the gun used in the physics demo vid and it's much more fun than manipulator.
Rupertvdb said:
aren't they different functions of the same weapon though?

Nope, it's two different weapons. Look in the physics demo part of the E3 presentation... the physgun has a different model than the manipulator (which can be seen in the traptown bink video).
kaf11 said:
"...and make tiny forts for yourself."

Well I think its a good idea :dozey:

Anyway, I love the name physcannon or physgun, I hope thats what it is :P
It's funny... I think of "Physcannon" or "Physgun", and I get an image of a Supersoaker loaded with Coke...
Brian Damage said:
It's funny... I think of "Physcannon" or "Physgun", and I get an image of a Supersoaker loaded with Coke...

ehhh? thirsty much? damaged childhood? please tell ;)
gabe did say that they are different weapons and a thing i noticed is that both of them have a measure of weight or something on the gun which looks like the rainbow and with the blue line gun goes to the right(green) while with the cannon goes to the left(red)
Lord_Storm said:
gabe did say that they are different weapons and a thing i noticed is that both of them have a measure of weight or something on the gun which looks like the rainbow and with the blue line gun goes to the right(green) while with the cannon goes to the left(red)

Yea, everything that is maniplitable has weight to it, like say a watermelon is six pounds and a large truck would be 2,200 lbs... You could easily lift the watermelon but not the truck. So... yup. From what I hear you can also get it to display the acual LBS in the consol of each item you pick up. Sounds kinda cool to me.
Physcannon... like Fizzcannon...

Coke... y'know, the cola drink, not the powder...
no it stays in middle when it has nothing "locked" so what...air is more heavy than ...whatever you pick up with the blue line gun?but i think that everytime it picks something it goes to the same position... well just watch the videos and you'll understand