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  1. Dile

    If you want to see high dynamic range rendering in motion...

    Oh, button...:o
  2. Dile

    is valve going to charge for every little bit of content??

    That's you. What about a casual gamer who just wants to play the sp, and nothing more? And you can unsubscribe at any moment
  3. Dile

    If you want to see high dynamic range rendering in motion...

    ...take a look! (I can't try it, because I don't have a Dx9 vid card) EDIT: forgot: EDIT2: I'm a spinnin' lil' manhack!
  4. Dile

    is valve going to charge for every little bit of content??

    I don't understand you... If you pay 10$ monthly, you will be able to play all games on steam. So if you only want to play HL2 sp, and you have broadband, you pay 10$ for a month, play HL2 thru, play a little multiplayer + other games (because you can), and by the end of the month, you can...
  5. Dile

    How to make the bink videos run less choppy

    That's why I posted my system specs :cheers:
  6. Dile

    How to make the bink videos run less choppy

    YUY2 off-screen worked the best for me with a gef2 mx400 & celeron 1ghz. EDIT: Direct draw to primary surface was very choppy.
  7. Dile

    Will Half-Life 2 Revolutionize The PC Gaming Market?

    A Must Read to everyone:
  8. Dile

    The idea of the year?

    That's a railroad. Probably...
  9. Dile

    The idea of the year?

    Er...I think everything excluding barricade.
  10. Dile

    The idea of the year?

    We all know that some of the e3 vids were scripted. We also know that valve doesn't want to release any more videos, because they don't want to spoil the actual game. So... Why don't they release the SAME vids but with full ai/graphics/etc, or with other gameplay? What do you think of...
  11. Dile

    My mod idea... Edge of Justice.

    I haven't read the posts in this thread, just a quick advise for Brian Damage: Think of a better, more original title. Those mod names like "edge/mission/etc of darkness/justice/mercy/etc" are so annoying :- (
  12. Dile

    lil' HL pop quiz

    4. maybe Robert Downey Jr?
  13. Dile

    lil' HL pop quiz

    1. quiver 2. Hollow box 3. Mist 4. forgot
  14. Dile

    Dile's words

    Sorry, rec I was a lil bit...angry then, I'll try to explain the situation more understandably now... So what made Call of Duty cool? Was it Graphics? No. Was it AI? No. Was it physics? No. Was it the story? No. What was it then? It was the amount of work that Infinity Ward has done...
  15. Dile

    Dile's words

    I'm still saying that you should play it (not just the demo). And I'm not saying that just to bamdth47, but to everyone here.
  16. Dile

    Dile's words

    That's the problem here, some people still believe that only good graphics, story, etc make a game good..
  17. Dile

    Dile's words

    Remember the game named Half-Life? The AI in call of Duty is not bad, but scripts move the events forward.
  18. Dile

    Dile's words

    That's because it's all scripted.
  19. Dile

    Dile's words

    I'm not saying that graphics will be bad, I'm saying that it's not important at all when determining how good HL2 will be, so all this comparing the graphics makes no sense. EDIT: I don't wanna explain anything, go play Call of Duty, and find out what makes it awesome.
  20. Dile

    Dile's words

    Not even the story...