Will Half-Life 2 Revolutionize The PC Gaming Market?

Will Half-Life 2 Revolutionize The PC Gaming Market?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 29 28.2%
  • No!

    Votes: 31 30.1%
  • Maybe!

    Votes: 20 19.4%
  • Whats Half-Life 2?

    Votes: 4 3.9%
  • I Like Cheese!

    Votes: 11 10.7%
  • I like food. :)

    Votes: 8 7.8%

  • Total voters
I dont think so... but yeah he's right there is already a thread about this...
i think this might be the 3rd thread of this....i voted yes thou....but if they release it april 2005 i dont think it will....LMAO...it owuld if it was in september
Revolutionary? What is so revolutionary about HL2? Doesn't look any more spectacular than any other major upcoming FPS(less so, IMO). I dont see why people start polls like this on a HL2 forum anyway, unless they are afraid of receiving objective results.

The guys at the Unreal2 forums thought Unreal2 would be revolutionary.

Up until the demo came out, the Deus Ex: Invisible War fans thought the same of that game.

I voted No.
I voted maybe. I haven't seen enough to determine either way.
Originally posted by Kschreck
Will Half-Life 2 Revolutionize The PC Gaming Market?

"Think of Fragmasters .wav file where he has that h4x0r voice impersonation of a HL2 fan."

Im going to ask Mrs. Crabshaw if I can get outta school early to get my copy of the game. Hell yeah!! Hell yeah! OWNED!! owned...hahahaa..
What do you guys think will be revolutionary anyways? What features makes a game revolutionary? I do think that HL2 will be revolutionary just like HL1 was. HL1 introduced a whole bunch of new concepts in games that are pretty much a must now for any game. Scripted events that tell story, convincing/immersive action/puzzles/environments, modifiable engine/material, etc. I think/hope Hl2's revolutionary features will be in story telling or gameplay and, like HL1, will probably be overlooked by some people.
Some people seem to think that revolutionary has to mean non-linear like deus ex or gta. I respect that but I don't completely agree that that is the right direction (I think structure, pace and tone have far more potential and signifigance than trying to achieve more and more non-linear games).
But then again these views are almost exactly like what Valve thinks and that's why I'm such a big fan of theirs while some of you guys might think otherwise.
no it wont...

but all doom3 and halflife2 and stalker all together WILL.
Just if a SINGLE game had all 3 components.
I voted yes, but S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost will, also. They'll both be great, but which one will be better is something that only time can tell... and people's personal opinions, also, when they actually come out, of course :p.
Originally posted by Subz
no it wont...

but all doom3 and halflife2 and stalker all together WILL.
Just if a SINGLE game had all 3 components.

could you explain that a little more?
I h4xord the Poll to have "I like food. :)"
As some of you know, this is my official "Spam line." :)
had it come out in september, it would have been the first game with real, accurate physics... now, we've got max payne 2, deus ex 2, and freedom fighters, all with great ragdoll/physics... they lost that innovation. not saying it won't be great, just saying it won't be as novel.

I made a long reply yesterday and my message was lost becouse the threat was suddenly closed. now its reopend with some extras useless poll options.
Yea, I just wrote a fairly lengthy reply to a recent thread only to find out when I hit the "Submit Reply" button that the thread had been closed. Then 3 minutes later the thread is opened again.

Whatever, I'm not going through the trouble of re-typing my post again just because some mod was dicking around.
Hey where's the "You bet your funny hat it will!!!!!"-option?
Originally posted by GhostValkyrie
In Soviet Russia you don't type signature, signature types you!
WTF?! That's hilarious! Where's the original quote from? Sounds familiar..
Well technically this thread shouldn't be here as there is another one (or two) exactly like it. One of them on the front page. So, I quite rightly closed it, but then it was re-opened again by Munro. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
I, personally, have lost almost all interest in HL2. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looks far more interesting now...
Originally posted by Chris_D
Well technically this thread shouldn't be here as there is another one (or two) exactly like it. One of them on the front page. So, I quite rightly closed it, but then it was re-opened again by Munro. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

What would happen if we merged the two since their basically the same? I haven't seen two threads with polls merged, does it mess up :)
half life 2 will be revultionary, if it is released within a certain time frame... to be ahead of its time, it needs to be released on time
You must be kidding yourself if you think HL2 will revolutionise anything.

It's just another FPS. It's terribly cliched, the graphics while impressive are looking more and more run of the mill everyday due to the wealth of graphically impressive games coming in the next few months and the much-touted physics engine is following the same pattern.

It'll be a great, fun game. I have no doubt. But it's nothing new - it's just yet ANOTHER FPS game where you shoot aliens. With a shotgun. Been there, done that, several thousand times before.
Well I voted for maybe.

I do not know if hl2 technology can beat D3 or Stalker oneS, because till this second we did not see any of the technology that valve implement in HL2 except for HDR (and HDR is simply great tech but its not enought to kill both the tech that D3 and stalker hold).

;( :dozey:
Originally posted by Spiffae
had it come out in september, it would have been the first game with real, accurate physics... now, we've got max payne 2, deus ex 2, and freedom fighters, all with great ragdoll/physics... they lost that innovation. not saying it won't be great, just saying it won't be as novel.

I agree totally.
Originally posted by Spiffae
had it come out in september, it would have been the first game with real, accurate physics... now, we've got max payne 2, deus ex 2, and freedom fighters, all with great ragdoll/physics... they lost that innovation. not saying it won't be great, just saying it won't be as novel.

That's not true, the Havok used in MP2 and DE2 is nothing compared to just the stuff we've seen in the E3 video's, let alone all the stuff we haven't seen. Havok in MP2 and DE2 looks clumsy and very inaccurate at times. And it doesn't really add to the gameplay, it has no use there accept being a nice gadget, you could do without, in HL2, you can't.
Besides, if HL2 would be released in september, it would be far from the first game with physics/ragdoll. Hitman had it back in 2000, so did Hitman 2 and Unreal Tournament 2003.

As for HL2 being something that will revolutionize pc gaming? No. It's just getting your hopes up to a level that can never be achieved. You'll just be disappointed and before you know it, the bitching towards Valve starts again.
I voted no...if it had been released on the original release date it might have been...now with the delay it will probably be released too close to other great games to be able to be claimed revolutionary(sp?)

the whole thing that made HL2 look to be one of greatest games coming out this year was that it also was supposed to be one of the first coming out.
Originally posted by Pseudonym_
Revolutionary? What is so revolutionary about HL2? Doesn't look any more spectacular than any other major upcoming FPS(less so, IMO). I dont see why people start polls like this on a HL2 forum anyway, unless they are afraid of receiving objective results.

The guys at the Unreal2 forums thought Unreal2 would be revolutionary.

Up until the demo came out, the Deus Ex: Invisible War fans thought the same of that game.

I voted No.

quite true
Originally posted by Iconoclast
You must be kidding yourself if you think HL2 will revolutionise anything.

It's just another FPS. It's terribly cliched, the graphics while impressive are looking more and more run of the mill everyday due to the wealth of graphically impressive games coming in the next few months and the much-touted physics engine is following the same pattern.

It'll be a great, fun game. I have no doubt. But it's nothing new - it's just yet ANOTHER FPS game where you shoot aliens. With a shotgun. Been there, done that, several thousand times before.

The physics engine looks like it is going to be the only proper implementation of a physics engine in a game, and the physics will actually effect gameplay... Which I do believe will change the way developers write games, and the way we play them.
While, yes, I think that HL2 will be the first "true" implementation of physics, the bulk (NOT all) of effects it will be put towards (boxes tumbling, people falling etc. etc.) have been seen before, several times now.

I'm sure there are some great physics treats awaiting in the game, and I'm sure it'll set a precedent, but I'm not sure the word "revolution" is quite the right word. This is, however, the most likely area for HL2 to shine in. I'd loved to be awed by the effects in this area.
I think the thing that's really going to revolutionize gaming is Far Cry. The totally freeform AI is absolutley amazing. It looks good to, but the AI is incredible (if it is as good as magazines say/it looks in videos/ people who've played it at E3 etc say).
Half-Life 2 will revoulitonize modding. Why, you can smell the Cease and Desist letters from here :-)
Originally posted by jimbones
WTF?! That's hilarious! Where's the original quote from? Sounds familiar..

Family Guy: "In Soviet Russia you don't drive car, car drives you!"
HL2 has a lot going for it other than DX9 default graphics & Havok physics. You guys are forgetting a lot.

The big one in my opinion is MODability. The ease to create an entirely new game. And in my email communication with valve, it appears they have a lot of ground covered to make the game MODable.

Revolutionary? Depends on what your personal idea of what makes soemthing revolutionary versus merely effective.
"And they wont rule the children of the revo..." Uplink is hit round the head with a comedy frying pan.
Originally posted by Uplink
I think the thing that's really going to revolutionize gaming is Far Cry. The totally freeform AI is absolutley amazing. It looks good to, but the AI is incredible (if it is as good as magazines say/it looks in videos/ people who've played it at E3 etc say).
Half-Life 2 will revoulitonize modding. Why, you can smell the Cease and Desist letters from here :-)

I think stalker's free form aspects and AI is more interesting than Far Cry's, infact I'm not sure if I'm even going to buy Far Cry. Way too bright and cheesy for my likeing, the lack of a deceant story is quite disturbing as well.
There are plenty of games with hugely powerful editors that are very easy to mod. HL2 won't be the first, nor revolutionary, in this area.
Originally posted by Iconoclast
There are plenty of games with hugely powerful editors that are very easy to mod. HL2 won't be the first, nor revolutionary, in this area.

The point here is, VALVe supports modders.. sure, games like Far Cry have that supposed really easy editor (not sure if it was Far Cry, though I'm pretty sure), but.. will they support modders like VALVe supports the HL modders? Doubtful
Depends on what your personal idea of what makes soemthing revolutionary

Main Entry: 1rev·o·lu·tion·ary
Pronunciation: -sh&-"ner-E
Function: adjective
Date: 1774
1 a : of, relating to, or constituting a revolution <revolutionary war> b : tending to or promoting revolution <a revolutionary party> c : constituting or bringing about a major or fundamental change <revolutionary styling> <a revolutionary new product>
2 capitalized : of or relating to the American Revolution or to the period in which it occurred

Perhaps someone could enlighten me, and tell me just what it is about hl2 they think will bring about a major fundamental change in gaming? Its just another game, some things are new, some aren't. but there isn't anything in hl2 that other games aren't/havn't doing/done equally well, if not better.

Some of you seem to think that revolutionary means nothing more than having the common next generation features, but getting it on shelves a month or two before other next generation games, which is silly.