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  1. EVIL

    Would this memmory be ok?

    so does your mother ;)
  2. EVIL

    EVIL's sketches!

    I'l have to think about that m8 :D, I am quite demanding you know.. :P
  3. EVIL

    EVIL's sketches!

    Yea, I met the guy in amsterdam, kevin is awsome (bit shy tho haha :D), (also know as puddnhead for his concept art work). seriously seing this guy work is an amazing experience.
  4. EVIL

    Direct feed RE5 screens (56K WARNING)

    looks pre-rendered to me, (all 3 screens), but hell, you never know! seriously, if this stuff is realtime, then its pretty ****ing impressive. But I doubt it, and no haha the first screens does not look like concept art. (don't know where dudes get the impression that all good looking stuff is...
  5. EVIL

    Would this memmory be ok?

    I want 2 gig of memory, and people are telling me something about dualchannel etc, and thus I would need 2x 1024 mb clices of memory curently I am looking at the following 1GB x 2 (2GB) PC3200 DDR, CL3 (OCZ, OCZ4002048PFDC-K) would this work fine with the following configuration?: Mobo: DFI...
  6. EVIL EA to Become Publisher for Valve Retail Titles

  7. EVIL

    SiN Episodes Screenshots

    Damn, I was hoping they would go more along the HL² road (making it alot more realistic), using source and all, shame tho, I might have liked it. Cuz to be honest, I think the art suxx, I mean look at that sjit (shit), it looks like a game for young teens (artwise).
  8. EVIL

    EVIL's sketches!

    Decided to post another update :), hell its not the best work, but I think you will like it ;) I like this one hehe, drew it in the train, characture of some buisniss guy who sat like that, his knee's pressed against the back of the seats infront of him, reading the paper (suprised his nose...
  9. EVIL


    Shame to hear that man, I would have loved to see even a tiny part of that vision of yours. Shame it wont be possible, but hey its not the end of the world, other oppertunity's idea's and visions will come. Glad to see that you had the courage to pull it out of development yourself, instead of...
  10. EVIL

    Dropship- Anyone shot one down yet?

    the dropships don't have guns, the containers do have them tho. they have 2 automatic turrets on the front corners, so all you need to do is blow up the containers, thats it. shame tho, the dropship design is quit interesting, shame their function is so unimportant, i want to see a synth bomber :P
  11. EVIL

    Destroyed Beauty: An Inside Look at "Gears of War"

    superb! absolutly superb, I am recognising some work of concept artist's I know, hawkprey for example, the man is bloody talented, amazing work. the art and story does it for me! Cant cloody wait, will this come out on pc to?
  12. EVIL

    If you could make an MMO...

    your not the only one man, that would be sweet!
  13. EVIL

    Post Your Awards Here

    got my basic helicopter badge last night hehe pretty fun
  14. EVIL

    25000 points already!

    and i found my 228 points pretty damn good for bad lag servers, not bad imo :P could be better tho, i am trying to get more medals but I need a list with the requirements
  15. EVIL

    Supreme Commander details

    decent? DECENT!? OMG give this guy a kick in teh nuts, TA was awsome!
  16. EVIL

    Alan Wake screenshots from a Finnish website

    looks allright, not really impressed
  17. EVIL

    i need a really good deathmatch pc game

    Quake 3 baby .. you don't need more
  18. EVIL

    Check this out!

    omg / me fears the game, slow enemy's scare me
  19. EVIL

    oy! they are testing a new version of bf2

    and the think that keeps me from getting an errection.. ehh I mean.. shooting .. ehm.. foe's..
  20. EVIL

    bf2 machinima

    Count me in for some air stunt action (USA jet's) /me loves barrel rolls 2 feet above carriers and ground/water