If you could make an MMO...


Mar 19, 2005
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how and what would it be?

this is a repost of my thread in the natural Selection forums located here


The zombie fan in me has always wanted a zombie MMO, I don't think one has ever been done either.


soldier: The regular grunt type of any mmo, they have access to the bigger guns than the other classes, they can carry more armor (and maybe more stuff).

Medic: Their the healers of course, they also have to ability to identify medical equipment out in the field (like vials of anti-biotics and such) they can only weild weapons up to the small SMG type. a good person to have if your traveling out into the field. Medics can carry an average amount of things but all medical supplies weigh less to them.

Engineer: Similar to the medic, the engineer has a higher chance of finding parts and such in rubble and restoring broken equipment like turrets, vehicles, or even flashlights for nighttime travel. The Engineer can carry a large amount of things but do not have the same benefit as the medic for parts and such. Engineers can weild most guns(if not all) and also set up defenses like barricades and turrets.

Scout (name pending): These guys are more loners than the other classes, they travel light and fast and can carry the least amount of things. they would mostly be useful for doing minor supply runs between camps/cities and scouting ahead to make sure the party doesn't get swarmed. they have the unique access to the sniper rifle category.

Mission types:

supply runs: The typical travel out into the field and gather supplies for X group (say the medical staff, engineers, etc.) the supplies depending on who you got the mission from would vary.

IE. Bob the engineer has run out of spark plugs and wiring to keep the cities vehicles in order, the garage on the ruined town to the south might have some or maybe the city to the east (waypoints to both provided). unfortunately your a medic so you couldn't tell the difference between a rock and a spark plug so you would need the help of an engineer to help you.

parties are an important thing in this game and I'll expand on them later.


Rescue the survivors: the Higher ups have recieved word of some survivors holed up in a building a little ways away surrounded by zombies. they have ordered you to get them out of their and to safety. You would have to make your way through the zombie infested areas to them (either by foot or other means) and kill all the zombies "x" meters around the house and keep it clear for 3 minutes before the survivors are brave enough to come out.

As soon as the survivors are out it would be a running battle to get them back before the swarms of living dead get you and all of the survivors (as long as they don't all die it would be considered a success but you would get a bonus for have 90% of them live.)

Defend the outpost: An outpost has come under attack and they require assistance, they report they can hold out for a little while longer but they won't last forever so every moment counts. the outposts would be a good distance away so it would be best to find a faster alternative to walking. upon your arrival you'd have to kill the zombies around the entrance so they will open the doors and let you in. after you get in a timer will run down(giving you time to resupply and such) and the attack will begin and you have to kill X number of zombies, keep the zombies out of the main building for X minutes, or hold a specific part of the outpost (like a weak wall or something).

Clean Sweep: This would be more of an event than an actual mission as it would most likely take more than one party to complete it.

the higher ups have seen it fit to expand our territory and set up a new outpost. these outposts could be anything from a office building to a stretch of land. the area would be marked ahead of time with a way point and smoke signals surround the event area. The zombies would only live once so you have make sure you get everyone of them, upon clearing the area out you would have to defend it making sure no zombies got in (and lived) before the outpost crew arrive and set up shop. once the outpost crew arrived the mission would be complete. (it could also become a defense mission later on)

those are a few that I can think of off the top of my head.


the Inventory would be based on weight and shape so you could carry a large amount of small slot things of a small number of large multiple slot items. players would also have to balance how much ammo they carry with how much space they need for loot, so a scout might have most of his space taken up with ammo and little for loot.


it would be hard to go it alone in this game do to the fact their would be so many enemies arround and if you weren't careful you would be swarmed. so being in a party would have natural benefits like not getting attacked from behind as easily. since most items can only be identified by it's respective class if it would make sense to have atleast one of every type around so when you pick it up you would know what it is (ie upon pick up it would be automatically ID'ed).

leveling, hit points, and gun accuracy

your character would not level per se, but would be awarded Development Points (DP) for every kill which when put to your skills (such as pistol skill) would make your character aim a bit better and more dangerously. so when you start out you would more often than not aim for the chest area than the head and miss more often than not, as you continue to advance you would slowly get better and better with whatever gun type you put DP into.

your hitpoints would roughly stay around what they were at the beginning but with the ability to wear more and better armor (no uber magical type stuff, it would just cover you more.) your armor would be the first wear down followed by your actual help (although if your not wearing chest armor ad a zombie hits you there then it would be automatically subtracted from you health) so it would be wise to wear lots of armor even if it was cheap then wear expensive but incomplete outfits of armor.


thats my Idea, now tell me what your dream idea for an MMO would be.
My dream MMO would be a Pokemon MMO. I'm dead serious. I'd kill for a Pokemon MMO.

If I were making my own MMO, however, it'd be your typical fantasy setting, but the big draw that I'd put into it would be the creation of your own skills. It's the theory that when gamers create their own content, they become much more immersed in the game. Picture being a wizard able to create your own spells, or a warrior developing his own fighting techniques. There'd be no one else like you in the entire gameworld.

That isn't to say that there wouldn't be similar abilities. The game would have "presets" that you can mix to create unique skills, but there might be people who would have the same skill as you. Let me give an example. Say that you're a wizard character who has gotten enough ability points to research a new spell. You've got basic spells like ice, wind, fire, earth, etc. Say you wanted to combine the ice and wind spells to make an icy tornado. You'd go through the menu screen, combine the two spells, and name it. There'd be a slider that would allow you to alter whether the spell focuses more on the ice property or the wind property, and also changing the on-screen effect. If you emphasize wind you might get more of a powerful gust with little flecks of ice inside; if you emphasize the ice property it'd be more like big chunks of ice circling around at a slower rate. Point is that it's customizable, but the in-game look will be preset. So someone could have the exact same settings as you, but their spell might be called something different. Even though the difference is subtle, however, it's still that player's personal spell. You could get two wizards casting the same death ray at each other, or two warriors using a similar charge move, but they'd call out a different attack name. And considering how many options and variables there are, there still might not be a lot of guys throwing around ice tornadoes.

I'd like to keep skill names from being preset, but one of my friends I was telling the idea to said that it'd only be a matter of time before someone names a spell "Butt-f*cking Brady Bunch," so I don't think it'd be possible to give players COMPLETE control over what they call their skills. :laugh:
It's been said before: Multi Theft Auto. But MMO. That would be so freaking awesome.

But the lag would be horrible. Has anyone played Planetside? Does that count as an MMO?
Darkside55 said:
My dream MMO would be a Pokemon MMO. I'm dead serious. I'd kill for a Pokemon MMO.
your not the only one man, that would be sweet!
I'd like a decent fps mmo that didn't suffer from lag and ropey combat.

Add the basic classes, the ability to improve skills/ weapons/armour and customise your character.

Buying/selling/making/rapairing/customising weapons and armour alone would be great fun. Add vehicles (which you have to maintain) and it would be too good :)

'i'd like to stick a laser sight on my pistol, increase the RoF and add 2 bullets to each clip' , 'How about we reinforce the sides of our jeep guys, and make the windows bullet proof'?

Medics keeping the team alive, engineers raparing vehicles and weapons when they jam - could go on all day.

And best of all, it would reward skill, not time spent playing. When you start the game you may have crap gear compared to someone who's been playing for months, but a well aimed bullet to the head will still do the trick. No lv. 60 ganking going on here.

Add all the basic mmo stuff too - skill trees, quests blah blah
Warhammer 40k MMOFPS.

It would be, hands down, the best single game on the Earth. Anyone who disagrees is a heretic.
I would like one where, instead of lone people going off on quests in small guilds, I'd like the ability to create nations, with national leaders. Kind of an RTS/MMO mix. People who like to craft can craft weapons for the army, or build walls, etc., the army can go on wars, as commanded by the national leader (elected by the populace), in a fantasy setting.
Mine would be one where there would be no grinding or pointless Quests to get XP.
Warhammer 40k would be awesome, but I think Dune would be better. Doesn't even have to be an MMO, it could be like Guild Wars but with 100+ player servers.
a grendel universe MMO, Bladerunner MMO or a ultra realistic MMO

looking forward to Age of Conan MMO ..due out next year, huge fan of the original Robert E Howard books
One which involved a Jurrasic Park type incident several years on after the dinos had escaped to the mainland... would be set all over the world after dinos had started to take over... would offer plenty of opportunity for hunting missions, defensive missions, offensive missions, setting up your own house, helping create a clan base, and taking territory along with allowing for genetic experimentation in creating new dinos that could be used to attack other dinos, humans, or as pets
lol stern, that isnt the grendel I remember.

i say, everybody gets and island, and they fight it out on the sea and on land.
WhiteZero said:
Mine would be one where there would be no grinding or pointless Quests to get XP.

That would put the thousands of koreans and chinese MMO players out of work :E
An RTS MMO in a sci fi setting, think about it, you start with one guy, make him collect resources and stuff, and eventually build more and more guys, expand your territory and attack other players (zerg rush!!) the game could take place in a whole galaxy (ala eve: online) Where you could fight in space (ala homeworld) and controll multiple battles simultaniously (ala supreme commander)

It would be SO cool if there would be an MMO with several territories, each run by another member of the dev team. Normal players (non-dev team) would be assigned as generals, corporals, lieutenants, privates and whatever under the lead of a dev member. There would also be basic classes like medics, engineers (build buildings) and other classes that would all be real humans and that the dev would control. If the dev is offline, the command goes to the first general and a tutorial is started. No one would be able to hack because if one dev suddenly loses his position that person would be banned. The dev would also know most of his generals by name. Mêh, that would just be absolute ace.
A gigantic platen with lots of counties. Some people be poliyions while others get to be soldiers so you have politics and Battelfield 2 all in one! And battles would be huge with loads of tanks and stuff rolling out.
something sci-fi.

I'd like to actually have actual space battles where pretty much every participant is a human. Down to people running around inside capital ships to make sure the ship is running at peak efficiency and individual fighters.
gh0st said:
lol stern, that isnt the grendel I remember.

i say, everybody gets and island, and they fight it out on the sea and on land.

well which grendel are we talking about? the one from Beowulf or Hunter Rose? :E
I don't care for MMOs but if I had the option to create one, I'd make one that dealt with the UFO phenomena. You'd start out as a researcher, FBI/CIA agent, civilian(abductee), and a military officer and you'd all be witnesses to the UFO phenomena.

For example, you could be a civilian and try to infiltrate a top secret base to find out the truth. If you're successful, you can sell your story to various news organizations or to scientists for money. If you're an abductee, you must find out why the aliens are taking you. This would involve random abductions while playing your character and giving you a glimpse of the alien ships and lifeforms. You could have the option of fighting back or being compliant.

The FBI/CIA agent class would be given the task of going out to UFO/alien sightings and investigating. Gaining more alien objects or data could boost your status to FBI Administrator or head of your own private research organization.

Maybe there would be an alien class. Perhaps your job would be to collect biological specimens from long term abductees or other material. Such things could include DNA samples, rare animal species, documents, etc. You would be given the option to be a good alien or a malicious alien with plans to exterminate the human race.

Eventually, your race of aliens would decide whether or not to make peaceful contact or all out war.

Its really based on 3-4 cultures. The civilian abductee, the government entity, or one or two different alien races.
Effin' insects would be neat. Like you choose a speices and such. Like say you are an ant. Go around and stuff. Not like you could hold items or anything. Or weapons. It would be realistic. And you fight for the colony! For the queen!

Actually I want a WW2 mmo. There is one already out, but meh, graphics are kinda lame.
What about an MMO where you buy groceries.

That would roxxor. Period.
I'd play it if you had the ability to ride around the parking lot in a grocery cart.
guchi said:
An RTS MMO in a sci fi setting, think about it, you start with one guy, make him collect resources and stuff, and eventually build more and more guys, expand your territory and attack other players (zerg rush!!) the game could take place in a whole galaxy (ala eve: online) Where you could fight in space (ala homeworld) and controll multiple battles simultaniously (ala supreme commander)


You're in luck. www.10six.com
The Sims Online

But with more gameplay and less total shit.
I have always wanted to see some type of modern war type MMO where you play as different soldiers and gain lvls and equipment I think that would be bad ass.
Either a Starship Troopers MMOFPS...
Or a World of Starcraft, which would be a MMOReal-Time-Strategy-Shooter.

Seeing as I've said these both before, but can't be arsed to find my post pretaining to them... Make of it as you will.
Oh, and before i forget: A discworld MMO... i mean discworld.atuin.net . But with graphics. although that might spoil it, i dunno. But the joys of running around Ankh-Morpork doing... stuff...
EverQuest 1 with updated graphics (Don't say EverQuest 2, that game sucks) same world, same everything, new visuals, I would play that again for another 5 years.