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    Why does gordon still have to wear that suit

    Without the HEV you would have no HUD! How would you tell how low your health is?
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    Alyx will almost definitely use a gun as well so I doubt she is as useless as you lot think.
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    Half-Life 2 DESKTOP countdown?

    I asked the guy who I saw using it and this is what he said: is down at the time of posting but you can get the latest version (0.85d) from the following mirrors:
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    Half-Life 2 DESKTOP countdown?

    I am desperately wanting this desktop countdown, once I get it THEN (and only then) can you RIP.
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    Half-Life 2 DESKTOP countdown?

    Half-Life 2 DESKTOP countdown I am looking for the desktop countdown to Half-Life 2 but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I even searched these forums, but nothing :(
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    half live release on xbox

    All depends on the PC. When I get my 3.06mhz and 9800 upgrade then the xbox will be drowned in piss by my FPS.
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    The Pulveriz0r!!11!!1!

    *Slaps forehead*
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    HL2 xbox confirmed

    Only 8GB of HDD space, and I bet alot of that is used up to run the game.
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    HL2 xbox confirmed

    Anyone who buys this on the Xbox is a fool, unless of course they have no other option.
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    gaintsura's map

    What. The. ****?
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    What will be fixed

    I just posted this into another forum, I never said I wrote it but most people who go there don't read this forum! Damn you mr reak :flame:
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    Half-Life 2 Physics Test Level HERE

    lol, well done whoever made this. It just shows how restricted the HL engine actually is!
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    HL2 Rag-doll demo (and Hello!)

    Hello Bennus, Welcome to the forums :)
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    HL2 Wallpaper

    Good Job :cheers:
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    Does it matter...

    In HL1 you can kill a marine quicker by shooting him in the head, so the answer to your question is YES :D
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    Example of Artificial Inteligence

    The zombie rotor is on the 500mb video, just get a mate with a phat pipe to put it on CD for you.
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    Gabe Interview: system requirements go up

    My thoughts exactly, this is a PC game through and through. Putting it on an Xbox would be like putting hot Fish and chips on a freezing cold plate.
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    Gabe Interview: system requirements go up

    What does this mean for the Xbox version? Seeing as it uses a 700mhz processor :eek:
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    who's admin?

    Me, you're banned! :cheese:
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    HL2 and CS 2?!

    I am glad to see 1.6 taking so long, it's a lost cause. Hopefully the makers have realised this and have set all resources and assets to produce the nexxt gen CS!