half live release on xbox

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when will half life arive on xbox?
does anyone know?:afro:
I hope it doesn't affect the PC release.
HL² will be released to x-box AFTER the PC version is released. si you can xpect HL² on x-box in december or next year
Or perhaps, going by Halo PC, a little before Half-Life 3 :). Seriously theres no way to tell. It depends on too many things we don't know.

What is "Half-Live"?

Did you mean Half-Life? That is already on the Playstation 2.

If you meant Half-Life 2, then I think you are definatly wrong. The Playstation 2 simply cannot cope with what Half-Life 2 looks like. It's like saying "Put DOA3 on the PS2!" - It's pointless, because DOA2 was at the limits of the PS2, DOA3 would basically be exactly the same game, the graphical enhancements would be lost, this is also so with HL2, I doubt the PS2 could handle the advanced physics system among other things.
im sure he was just joking around...he said "Half Live" and then "PlaySituation2" read words more carefully...little smiley man is either retarted or trying to be funny...ah well i love ya anyway mate.
If you think anything said on the net is serious, you have some serious problems buddy.


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Half-life 2 won't come to Playstation2, because PS2 isn't powerful enough. The only console that got the requirements is the Xbox...
All depends on the PC.

When I get my 3.06mhz and 9800 upgrade then the xbox will be drowned in piss by my FPS.
The release of HL2 and DoomIII are going to be really great for any hardware and PC manufacturers. Im betting they have already seen an increase in sales from the announced release of these two games alone.
/me slaps back :P
ofcours if you have a radeon 9800pro it will look bether than on xbox :borg:
If SoF2 is anything to go by then Half-Life 2 will look crap on Xbox.
haha indeed.

if xbox can pull off half life 2, then gamecube could, but not a port; only if it was programmed for gamecube.
Just thought I'd update this thread a little in case any other Xbox-heads like myself are interested (sorry if it's old news). The Xbox version was NOT cancelled. Link:


Me... I'm planning to buy the X version as I patiently save my nickels and dimes for a proper PC (and I don't think the Dreamcast I'm using to websurf right now has the system requirements, LOL).
I have no problem with HL2 on the Xbox, it just wont be as good as the PC (missing a mouse, and the ability to download MODS)
Nobody who plays console will buy HL2 because they all think Halo is GOD. They're wayyyyyyy too stubborn to be convinced that Half-Life is even a decent game. Trust me, I've tried.

Ahhh, the power of denial.
Originally posted by ninja287
Nobody who plays console will buy HL2 because they all think Halo is GOD. They're wayyyyyyy too stubborn to be convinced that Half-Life is even a decent game. Trust me, I've tried.

Ahhh, the power of denial.

Good point, a lot of Xbox owners are too infatuated with Master Chief to notice anything else, but not this FPS nut. :P HL is my overwhelming favorite of the two.

First time I played HL was on my PS2: thought I died and went to heaven, it was one of the first FPS I ever played (Perfect Dark for N64 was my first, HL was second). I bought my Xbox when rumors about HL2 arriving on it were at their height, and purchased Halo as an afterthought. Don't get me wrong; Halo is a great game, but the story, atmosphere and length of play IMO can't live up to HL. And believe me, I've heard more than one Xbox owner on the net slam Halo 2 after viewing the HL2 E3 vid: they want this game as much as I do.
My god, people in this forum are actually intelligent. I have been on loads of forums like this and a conversation involving the pc and console debate would have escalated into a nuclear war by the first page. Good to know that there are others out there who understand that the pc will always be one step ahead.

the xbox is surely the most suitable console to get the port, but the xbox version will probably have to be scaled down quite a lot, because not even the xbox xan handle the kind of stuff we've seen so far!
This is true, that the Xbox can only handle so much in terms of hardware limitations. But I'm one of those gamers who doesn't feel the need to have the game at absolute maximum perfection (at least visually) in order to play. If HL2 XB looks and plays as good as the ports of RTCW, Jedi Knight 2 and Serious Sam, I will be one happy happy happy happy happy happy Xbox owner. Happy, dammit! :E :E
Originally posted by derby
I have no problem with HL2 on the Xbox, it just wont be as good as the PC (missing a mouse, and the ability to download MODS)

there should be mods for the Xbox version that can be released via Xbox Live! But you're right about one thing, no keyboard and mouse