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  1. B

    Show us your desktop

    >>> My Desktop <<< Not the most interesting desktop in the world but, hey... :afro:
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    CS mod!

    I thought CS really lacked actual terrorist scenarios (sp?), maps could be made much longer, maybe some kind of police chase or something would be cool? I'm getting too ambitious now arn't I? :D
  3. B

    Where are U from ??

    England :cheese:
  4. B

    HL2 Source Engine and Havok physics engine

    Were not talking about buying them. I will definitely buy HL2 and STALKER!!
  5. B

    life's a bitch 2

    Someone ban this n00b.
  6. B

    Single Player BREED demo out!

    They make us wait all this time for this?! My faith in CDV is dropping rapidly.
  7. B

    Whats Colledge like ?

    Before going there I suggest you spell it right: 'College' :cheese:
  8. B

    lifes a bitch

    Yeah, if you don't pirate a game this year, make that game Half-Life 2 :)
  9. B

    HL2 Source Engine and Havok physics engine

    Unreal 3? That will probably come out in late 2004 maybe 2005! The source engine will be the best engine around for at least a yeah. Possible Source competitors: S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Out in 2004 Quake 4 - TBC Unreal 3 - Don't make me laugh Far Cry - Nice engine, not sure about the...
  10. B

    Playing HL1 again.

    Oh my God! It's like a whole new game on hard, I love it! Noone should be playing it on easy if you are replaying it, it's just no fun! When you know something can easily kill you, you get scared and jumpy more so than on easy where you know that anything that messes with you will end up in a...
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    Playing HL1 again.

    I still don't get that huge baby, whoever thought of that needs to see someone, and fast. Although it's probably too late ;(
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    lifes a bitch

    Then Half-Life 2 comes out and makes it allll better :D
  13. B

    Will My Computer Run Half-Life 2?

    Nope, go for a Geforce 4 MX, much better than the 9700 and they cost much less for some reason.
  14. B

    Playing HL1 again.

    Heh, nice one. I wonder if Valve will bring out a patch this time that lets people play without the CD? 5 years ago warez was much less free flowing and just starting to blossom. No doubt there will be a no-cd crack out within 3 days anyway :)
  15. B

    Playing HL1 again.

    It's been ages since HL1 has been on my computer, but with all this hype and hysteria around I just have to play it all the way through just one last time before HL2 comes out, I have forgotten quite alot of what went on in the later parts of Half-Life and to be honest I don't remember...
  16. B

    HL2 Maps...

    Yeah, Valve said their multiplayer will be something special. I can't wait to find out! A 25 min video and still we don't know much about this beauty :)
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    HL2 Source Engine and Havok physics engine

    Nice video! :)
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    HL2 Maps...

    haha :cheese:
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    How much hard drive space will HL2 need?

    You just answered your own question. :cool:
  20. B

    E3 Videos - Anti-Aliasing?

    I would say they almost definitely have Anti-Analysing on, probably 8x