HL2 Source Engine and Havok physics engine

  • Thread starter Thread starter aohus
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Well, if you guys didn't know, Valve has been secretly creating the new HL2 world since 1999! Just recently I've had a profound curiosity with different modelling/rendering software. Now I know Valve uses the Source engine, but isn't that a modified/amped up version of the Unreal engine? And regarding the physics engine they're using, called Havok 2, would anyone happen to know where i can get my hands on the Havok 2 physics engine?

check out the ragdoll effect from the link
The "source" engine was coded from scratch by Valve, so no it isn't a modified version of the unreal engine.

And I believe the physics engine is a modified version of the Havok engine, not Havok 2, but I could be wrong.
Not sure which version it is but they definitely modified it some.
Im about 80% sure that the physics engine in HL 2 is a modified Havok 2 engine
The Unreal Engine sucks, the source engine is going to get all the attention now :D huzzzaaa
For now, yes.. But Its gonna be replaced thats for sure... I think that Unreal 3 will have a really really nice grapic engine...
Killerlager: you are correct sir!

The source engine is brand new, developed in house by Valve. However, the physics modelling is done using a modified version of the Havok 2 subsystem.

Just to clarify, Havok 2 only does physics computations, it is not a stand alone game engine.
Unreal 3?

That will probably come out in late 2004 maybe 2005! The source engine will be the best engine around for at least a yeah.

Possible Source competitors:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Out in 2004
Quake 4 - TBC
Unreal 3 - Don't make me laugh
Far Cry - Nice engine, not sure about the gameplay dynamics though.

Any more?

It would appear that the Source Engine could be used for just about anything. Futuristic ScFi, cops 'n' robbers type games, SWAT type games...you name it. It will be very exciting to see what mods come out of this. Although I assume a lot of game developers will buy this engine, I think we will be amazed by the free mods as well.
Yeah...STALKER is the only game i think thats going to compete with HL2, even though HL2 will win anyway :p
The UT2003 engine looked good, but not anymore. There will be a new UT - UT2004, but it's the same engine.
Originally posted by simmo2k3
Yeah...STALKER is the only game i think thats going to compete with HL2, even though HL2 will win anyway :p

Is it so hard to buy two games at once? :D I am waiting for both, that's for sure.
Were not talking about buying them. I will definitely buy HL2 and STALKER!!
I'm pretty sure that you have to pay for a license to get your hands on the the Havoc engine...
Originally posted by Bilko
\Possible Source competitors:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Out in 2004
Quake 4 - TBC
Unreal 3 - Don't make me laugh
Far Cry - Nice engine, not sure about the gameplay dynamics though.

Any more?

Oh man, Far Cry is another game I've been looking forward to that also has a great engine. Their cryENGINE tech video is what got me trippin'
haha... yeah i heard about UT2004... that's the dumbest idea ever... but as for UT2k3 it did(does) look good, but Source will blow it out of the water

i seriously cannot remember a time waiting for a computer game to hit the shelves, ever. i mean, usually i will hear of a game and be all, "wow, sounds like a fantastic game, anyway, moving on with my life..." now its more like, gotta check the hl2 sites and see if anything new came out/released. When the HL2 SDK comes out I will definitely have a go at it and see what i can muster out, as far as the Havok engine is concerned, that would be a lot of fun to play with. Honestly though, you can get almost anything off the internet for free, being that I got Maya (7000 dollars) for free, and Pixar's "Renderman" for FREE as well (8000 bucks). So basically I have the necessary tools to make Monsters Inc or Finding Nemo, but I just don't have the experience. You see, I just download expensive programs just for the hell of it, because I can say to myself, even though I did lose a bet with my friends, I can make it up by downloading thousands of dollars worth of software/games onto my hard disk. Life's great. Mirc is great, kazaa is wonderful, and i am just reaping the benefits of it.
Re: wow

Originally posted by aohus
i seriously cannot remember a time waiting for a computer game to hit the shelves, ever. i mean, usually i will hear of a game and be all, "wow, sounds like a fantastic game, anyway, moving on with my life..." now its more like, gotta check the hl2 sites and see if anything new came out/released. When the HL2 SDK comes out I will definitely have a go at it and see what i can muster out, as far as the Havok engine is concerned, that would be a lot of fun to play with. Honestly though, you can get almost anything off the internet for free, being that I got Maya (7000 dollars) for free, and Pixar's "Renderman" for FREE as well (8000 bucks). So basically I have the necessary tools to make Monsters Inc or Finding Nemo, but I just don't have the experience. You see, I just download expensive programs just for the hell of it, because I can say to myself, even though I did lose a bet with my friends, I can make it up by downloading thousands of dollars worth of software/games onto my hard disk. Life's great. Mirc is great, kazaa is wonderful, and i am just reaping the benefits of it.

You sir, are a criminal.

Whats worse, you don't even know how to use them.
you probably shouldnt talk about pirating software on public forums :D
sure there buddy

yeah you would think the FBI, MPAA, or RIAA is gonna hound me down.
Re: Re: wow

Originally posted by Dave
You sir, are a criminal.

Whats worse, you don't even know how to use them.

Haha!! Nice one. I'm a modest pirate myself. How much does Flash cost? Coz I can't find a crack...
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
Haha!! Nice one. I'm a modest pirate myself. How much does Flash cost? Coz I can't find a crack...


Worth every penny, if you use it well.