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  1. The Mullinator

    Oblivion Screenshots Thread

    Grrrrr. I have looked up all the stores around where I live here in Canada and they are all releasing on tuesday. Oh well, it will give me more time to finish my book report.
  2. The Mullinator

    Futurama is Go!

    Good news everyone!
  3. The Mullinator

    Pauldrons are out. :(

    You guys would have preferred this game be delayed longer to include features such as being able to use single pauldrons, single gloves, etc? For all you know they were game design decisions made long ago and never intended to be implemented. Perhaps the developers did not like how some kind...
  4. The Mullinator

    Worst Fanboys

    Xbox/Halo fanboys. They are the ones who have now become convinced that Japan is full of racists and anti-americans because the Xbox 360 is doing poorly there. No matter how many times you tell them that Apple is american and doing amazing in Japan they still ignore it.
  5. The Mullinator

    Drug trial gone horribly wrong.

    They do, it's a requirement. However there are always going to be a few drugs that will react differently in humans. It rarely ever happens and there really isn't any way of knowing it will happen until the test is given however.
  6. The Mullinator

    What is the first thing you'll do when you play Oblivion?

    Try and find the closest forest and explore. I have been waiting for a properly created forest in a gaming world for a very long time.
  7. The Mullinator

    Huge Mexican Oil Find!

    Short term benefits here, not many negatives as far as I can see. US gets more oil (good in the short term, bad in terms of encouraging reliance on this fuel source), and Mexico gets a lot of money from exporting.
  8. The Mullinator

    How long is your....

    Today is my weird day. One class from 12:30-1:30. Then a three hour lecture on the other side of the city from 6:00-9:00. The three hour lecture is really quite interesting but it is just so painful getting to it. I basically have to leave an hour early to get there on time which means in...
  9. The Mullinator

    PS3 details today "- Price will not be less than 50.000YEN (~$425USD)"
  10. The Mullinator

    PS3 delayed

    meh, from what I have read the PS2 with the HD also allowed for Linux to run. Apparently the price is also going to be "no less" than $425 US. Hard drive will be a requirement for playing any games but Sony is...
  11. The Mullinator

    PS3 delayed

    In two hours we will find out for sure since that is when Sony is having a press conference. It seems pretty likely though.
  12. The Mullinator

    PS3 delayed

    Oh they have a plan alright. It just seems to revolve around Blu-ray. They have even stated that games are simply the PS3's killer application while it's main focus is as a Blu-ray player. From what I can tell and see Blu-ray is really bad for the playstation and is really causing problems...
  13. The Mullinator

    Sony may be forced to halt production of the PS2

    Well I just got this from a Slashdot user but I can't see why it would be false:
  14. The Mullinator

    Sony may be forced to halt production of the PS2

    They sued Sony years ago, almost right when the PS2 was released. It's just been dragged through court for this long.
  15. The Mullinator

    Sony may be forced to halt production of the PS2

    They patented the method those controllers used to rumble, they didn't just patent it either and then sit on. They do in fact license it to other companies, Sony and Microsoft simply didn't bother to pay any licensing fees from what I understand. Nintendo also released controllers that rumble...
  16. The Mullinator

    IQ tests is the biggest scam of the modern western civilization!

    I have taken 1 IQ test in my life. Returned with and IQ of 127. Also there is never going to be someone capable of scoring 200 on a real IQ test. Real IQ tests are set so that 100 is the average. I also totally agree with you jverne, IQ tests can only limit people. They cannot tell how...
  17. The Mullinator

    Sony may be forced to halt production of the PS2

    They already lost the appeal though, what other methods do they have of delaying this?
  18. The Mullinator

    Sony may be forced to halt production of the PS2 Not looking good if they are in fact required to follow through with this.
  19. The Mullinator

    Video Game Voters Network (Must read IMO) This is a new site designed specifically to deal with the problems facing the video games industry in Washington, also to dispell myths about games and was created by the Entertainment Software Association. Believe me if you are pissed off at guys like Jack...
  20. The Mullinator

    Confusing Weather Springing Up

    It doesn't look like you guys got enough snow for a snowball fight. Too bad, you could have had a lot of fun with that. Yes that is pretty weird. Especially weird because I live in Ontario and over the last few days all we have had is rain. Since when does a US desert get snow while a part...