Huge Mexican Oil Find!

Jul 17, 2003
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Once they get this thing in full production and refineries working for it we should have a cheaper, much friendlier source to buy from.

This should also help the Mexican economy which in turn helps us because it curbs illegal immigration from the source- improvement in Mexico is highly beneficial to us.

It should also lessen dependence on Arab oil once it's fully producing

Hopefully this turns out great!
Fantastic! Another country to exploit oil from! oh did I say exploit? I meant export.
hopefully that will help the mexican economy your right Rakurai.
>>FrEnZy<< said:
Fantastic! Another country to exploit oil from! oh did I say exploit? I meant export.
Alright then how about let's not buy from them at all, eliminating a lot of their economic growth and continuing reliance on a highly expensive and unreliable supplier.
That would be great! We wont have such a stupid world power dominating the world anymore!
RakuraiTenjin said:
Alright then how about let's not buy from them at all, eliminating a lot of their economic growth and continuing reliance on a highly expensive and unreliable supplier.

Middle Eastern oil is no more expensive than any other oil. And as for unreliable, might you happen to remember what happened all the other deepwater oil rigs this hurricane season. Oh yeah, a lot of them went offline causing gasoline prices to soar to 3.00 a gallon. I mean it's great and all but don't act as if there are no negatives.
Time for another invasion.

*R. Lee Ermey voice*

Seriously though, we need to invest in alternate energy sources and quit relying on fossil fuels.
RakuraiTenjin said:


Once they get this thing in full production and refineries working for it we should have a cheaper, much friendlier source to buy from.

This should also help the Mexican economy which in turn helps us because it curbs illegal immigration from the source- improvement in Mexico is highly beneficial to us.

It should also lessen dependence on Arab oil once it's fully producing

Hopefully this turns out great!

you import more oil from canada than any one country in the mid east
CptStern said:
you import more oil from canada than any one country in the mid east
Arabia as a whole exports a lot more to us, OPEC is unstable and I don't like that in a partner for trade. I also would like to see Mexico bump off Chavez for oil exportation.
why the hell would you want mexico bumping off chavez? If anything, I'd like to see mexico be apart of Chavez'es revolution. Theres so much poverty in that country that Chavezes social reforms will do alot of good.
Yeah that's why Venezuela's poverty/unemployment hasn't improved, the GDP has decreased, and opposition to Chavez's administration is jailed.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Arabia as a whole exports a lot more to us, OPEC is unstable and I don't like that in a partner for trade. I also would like to see Mexico bump off Chavez for oil exportation.

no ..canada is your biggest trading partner get 14% of your imports from Saudi arabia, 17% from canada (the numbers fluctuate from time to time but canada is always on top)

in 2004 you averaged 2.118 million barrels per day from canada while you averaged 2.485 million barrels per day from the Persian Gulf which includes:
Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.
povery unemployment hasn't improved? Opposition to chavez's adminstration is jailed? AHhahaHAhahaha, you are so off its hilarious. Infact, the opposite of everything is happening there at the moment. Not only has poverty improved significantly, Almost the whole country can now read and write, Chavez welcomes any opposition he receieves in his parliment, and Im not quite sure about the GDP, but im very sure their ecconomy is improving (considering all the social reforms that are going on there).

Where ever your getting your sources from, They are incorrect. The Americans have being striving to defame Chavez, and destroy the social revolution that his happening over there as it is a bad example to america's freemarket capitilism.
GhostBoi said:
Middle Eastern oil is no more expensive than any other oil. And as for unreliable, might you happen to remember what happened all the other deepwater oil rigs this hurricane season. Oh yeah, a lot of them went offline causing gasoline prices to soar to 3.00 a gallon. I mean it's great and all but don't act as if there are no negatives.
Not entirely true about the oil rigs. During Katrina 86 oil rigs were destroyed, out of the gulf's 4000. And nearly all of those were old and sitting on top of dry wells. Rita later knocked out an additional 125, but again they were mostly inactive. While recovering from the storm this did cause a spike in oil prices, the main reasons for the high prices actually came BEFORE the hurricane (two weeks before Katrina Newsweek carried the headline "Gas, Oil Prices Again Reach New Records"). Grabbed all this from the most recent issue of Popular Mechanics.
While I do hope this is beneficial to the country of Mexico, I dont think more oil is the real solution to any of our problems. Investing money/scientific breakthroughs in alternative energy sources which are more efficient and better for the environment would get me excited.
kaf11 said:
While I do hope this is beneficial to the country of Mexico, I dont think more oil is the real solution to any of our problems. Investing money/scientific breakthroughs in alternative energy sources which are more efficient and better for the environment would get me excited.
That's research and in reality would probably be a hundred years before anything is even prepped. This is energy in hand, well not quite yet but it's physically there just needs pumpage and refinement.
I'm not considering unobtainable/theoretical solutions, but perhaps further implementation of currently available alternative energy sources such as ethanol.
Short term benefits here, not many negatives as far as I can see. US gets more oil (good in the short term, bad in terms of encouraging reliance on this fuel source), and Mexico gets a lot of money from exporting.
Invade Mexico! Get teh resources!
Hmmm, a mixed blessing IMO. Further reliance on oil is not a good thing at all. Also, I really, really doubt that any of this wealth will actually get to the average mexican. All the money from this is either going to end up in the pockets of a rich American businessman or a corrupt mexican politician.

I hope i'm wrong.
It more has a potential for being good news, than actually being good news yet. Thats better than nothing though.
kaf11 said:
While I do hope this is beneficial to the country of Mexico, I dont think more oil is the real solution to any of our problems. Investing money/scientific breakthroughs in alternative energy sources which are more efficient and better for the environment would get me excited.
qft :)
Or hopefully the project ITER will yield a commercially viable fusion reactor within 50 years.

Or tapping the Scalar vacuum... :shh:

In the short term, it's a good find, but in the long term, we want to wean ourselves off this oil addiction.
kaf11 said:
I'm not considering unobtainable/theoretical solutions, but perhaps further implementation of currently available alternative energy sources such as ethanol.

FACT: Ethanol is not an oil alternative it is an oil derivative.
next thing you know we'll be starting a war with those Spaniards.......
RakuraiTenjin said:
That's research and in reality would probably be a hundred years before anything is even prepped. This is energy in hand, well not quite yet but it's physically there just needs pumpage and refinement.

That's bullshit about it taking one hundred years to prep any kind of newer technology. If we spent the billions of dollars that's being wasted in Iraq on research and development, we could make serious strides. But that's not going to happen because we have too much fun killing each other rather than spending money for the betterment of humanity. :frown:
*satire*hmm, looks like we'll be hearing alot of stuff about how mexico needs to be "liberated" from the evil clutches of a slightly different government than ours and how we have to step in as a "big brother" to help those poor mexicans with their economic problems by....acquiring some of their oil using...pre-emptive tactics. :laugh: *satire*

actually I don't think its such a big deal, we get alot of oil and other exports from mexico already, and the US will probably handle them like any other third world country (ie. though exploitation) it's nice that its a bit closer and a bit less hostile, but oil is oil. I would much rather prefer them finding a natural source of mass quantities of hydrogen, or even fresh water.
satch919 said:
That's bullshit about it taking one hundred years to prep any kind of newer technology. If we spent the billions of dollars that's being wasted in Iraq on research and development, we could make serious strides. But that's not going to happen because we have too much fun killing each other rather than spending money for the betterment of humanity. :frown:

that is quite true! i think the iter project costs 6 000 000 000 euros, it's not little but compared to the oil industri it's just a bump on the road! If the oil companies would give away just one fraction of theire profit we'd have fusion energy by nex week! (of course, why would they, is the question)
GhostBoi said:
FACT: Ethanol is not an oil alternative it is an oil derivative.
Being a renewable energy source I would say that it may prove to be a good alternative to complete oil dependence.
The crops that go towards ethanol production are fertilized and pesticized with oil and natural gas products. Not to mention ethanol has to compete with farmland for food purposes.