W4d5Y: Cable Guy

Talk to the UN coz the Wadsy ain't listenin'.

I just provide information.

I do not want to convince you of anything, that would be against the rules, I just want to provide you with interesting information, I personally have no opinion on it further, because I am no expert to consult.

I just provide information.
oh yeah :sleep:
Talk to the UN coz the Wadsy ain't listenin'.

Funny because you replied. :dozey:

I just provide unstabstiated information.


I do not want to convince you of anything, that would be against the rules, I just want to provide you with interesting information, I personally have no opinion on it further, because I am no expert to consult.

What rules? What in God's name are you talking about? Have you ever had your head checked out?

I just provide information.

Right. Glad we sorted that out. :rolleyes: