Well personally I think Far Cry looks incredibly good. There might a few tid bits here which you've pointed out but overall it looks like a fun piece o' work. As for this whole Doom3 vs. Half-Life 2 vs. Stalker vs. Far Cry. I'm going to buy them all, but I think Stalker will be the winner, cause...
Well, I only got Breakthrough because I just wanted to complete it and bury it forever. I can't remember how many hours of gameplay off the top of my head, but it was somewhere around the likes of Spearhead, perhaps more. So it's up to you really. If I was looking to save money I probably...
Wow, Jack really got him good. The Von Bondies are a pretty good band though. I wonder what made them have a crack at each other. Kinda funny how the guy from The Von Bondies had to be treated at hospital and then Jack had 'minor injuries to the hand' lol.
I don't particulary want to be in a room with someone who smokes, because it stinks like hell. I don't really understand why they want to do it, it's pretty much paying to kill yourself. I'm not going to go out of my way to try and stop someone smoking because it's up to them, and it's their...
It pretty much sums up everything that's wrong with society...
No not really but anyway. It's like a bad Doom clone. The graphics are bad, the gameplay is bad, repetitive killing and spawning of the same monsters. Pretty much like Serious Sam except less fun and in a more Doom-ish enviroment.
Yeah I saw some of your work, and I thought the negative feedback for it wasn't entirely justified.
Anyhow I changed my mind and decided to have another crack at it. I changed the contrast on the back pictured to give it a more dusk feel rather than dead of night. For the foreground picture...
Lol, yup that was what I was thinking. I was also hoping for some more tips on photoshopping etc., but I guess I was out of luck :p. Anywhoo as everyone seems to hate it I think I'm just going to leave it for now, perhaps come back to it later since I've lost the will to work on it.
I'll make it a bit brighter than, I made the text myself, so I can imagine it might look a bit poop, although I don't really know what I can replace it with :p
Hi all, this is my first proper go at making a nice looking piece of art. I used Paint Shop Pro 5, and I don't know anything about any other platforms or jargon etc., to do 'photoshopping' and such, so please, forgive my ignorance if I don't understand some comments or what not. I tried lots of...
I usually play America's Army, BF1942, CS sometimes and my MMORPG choice is UO. You can sometimes find me on other online games, although I can't think of any others right now. My name is usually either Alzxul or Alzxul[UK]. However on CS, im Kingpin[DK-N]. Hopefully I'll see one or two of you...
Well I voted other, because I think the best games of all time have been a nice mix between things like the Fallout Series, Pirates! and yes indeed Half-Life and others. I hardly think Halo deserves to be on that list.