WOW - Final Far Cry trailer out -hires-... new Graphics revolution now for sure


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
The final trailer was released... it's hires, shows off physics and graphics.
And I must say it's just completely unbelievable. Don't believe me, check it out. Sure, it's quite colourful, but still, the detail the graphics have does even surpass hl2 and Doom3. And never forget, you get free roaming levels in far cry, not linear levels with barriers like in d3 or hl2... And physics of the game ar at least as good as D3 and hl2!

heres the link, trailer is about 40 megs

give it a try, it's worth it!
azz0r man are you blind? Yeah, it's not a graphics revolution, but the graphics are right up there with HL2 and DooM 3 and dare I say it, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. This is one of the major 10 games coming out in 2004.

P.S. THe beta sign up ends today! I really want to get picked.
what kind of codec do u need to run that Vid anyway?... anyone?
ray_MAN said:
azz0r man are you blind? Yeah, it's not a graphics revolution, but the graphics are right up there with HL2 and DooM 3 and dare I say it, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. This is one of the major 10 games coming out in 2004.

P.S. THe beta sign up ends today! I really want to get picked.

Well the fact you rate stalker above Doom 3 in the ol' gfx department voids your point :P

DeusEx2 said:
heh, like you searched b4 posting the computer and videogames screens ? ;)

/me adjusts tie, I was tired
azz0r said:
Well the fact you rate stalker above Doom 3 in the ol' gfx department voids your point :P

/me adjusts tie, I was tired

havn't you seen the indoor bit at the end of the 5 min stalker video?
I don't like the farcry graphics, but thats just imho. Also there appears to be no facial animations :/ and the water reflection was very jerky in the beggining, and the splash was non existant when the crate fell in and the explosions sucked. But thats just IMHO.
mrchimp said:
havn't you seen the indoor bit at the end of the 5 min stalker video?

I saw the DX9 lighting demonstration with indoor environments. The shaders are cool, but overall, it lacks the consistency and true dynamism DOOM 3's unified renderer possess.

Worse still, the shadows are unreasonably jaggy... I wonder why.
The playermodel of the main character shown in the beginning of the clip looks like shite.
Or is that just me?

I didn't get a good view of any others, but the vehicles and surroundings sure look good.
thats not what I was talking about.

I just watched the Far Cry vid and I have got to say it was alot better than what i was expecting, the explosions were a bit duff but the rest was amazing. I still think it has a bit of a seedy atmosphere but I geuss it's just a game that doesn't take itself that seriously. i hope they make the explosions better in a patch and add decals.

I wonder how big the mp battle fields will be?
azz0r, I have to ask, what do you have against STALKER, exactly? lol, every time someone says something praising it, you bash them to kingdom come.

STALKER looks pretty, as good as HL2 (a little better IMO, since HL2's lighting/shadows aren't exactly great from what we've seen). I know you disagree with everyone that STALKER looks good, but I have to ask, why?
FarCry looks like a fun game......but it dosnt look good. The animations suck. And the physics system looks odd.

Not a good looking game.....but it still could be fun.
The engine is impressive but it has something of the consoles about it with the sheer brightness of the colours. I can't help but feel I'm watching an advert for action man toys it's so glowing. I guess it just doesn't look gritty enough for me, unlike HL2 or Stalker.
Yeah thats what i ment, it's too "clean", even though its in a jungle, also somehow some textures appeared to be very lowres to me.
Shuzer said:
azz0r, I have to ask, what do you have against STALKER, exactly? lol, every time someone says something praising it, you bash them to kingdom come.

STALKER looks pretty, as good as HL2 (a little better IMO, since HL2's lighting/shadows aren't exactly great from what we've seen). I know you disagree with everyone that STALKER looks good, but I have to ask, why?

Theres this guy called Lithz on teamxbox forums who I tend to arguing with because he's always saying stalkers so godam amazing. He reckons Stalkers lightings better than Doom 3's, oh the fanboyism.
I don't see the big deal with far cry...

the explosions was definitly crap...other than that the colours are way too vibrant...looks like friggin super mario Sunshine or something like that.
azz0r said:
Theres this guy called Lithz on teamxbox forums who I tend to arguing with because he's always saying stalkers so godam amazing. He reckons Stalkers lightings better than Doom 3's, oh the fanboyism.

Well each game has it's aspects as can be seen from the trailer movies. I doubt anyone will argue that Doom³'s has the most impressive looking skins of all the forthcoming games. But there remains a ? over Doom³'s ability to handle the sort of landscape/level size that Stalker is clearly capable of. It's all swings and roundabouts. I'd like Farcry more if the jungle looked darker (rainforests are dingy below the tree line).
Looks tasty, some of the criticisms i can undrstand though. Its pretty vibrant, but then again it does look pretty vibrant in the tropics due to the "Purer" sun light (Ok so not that much but still...)
The explosions looked very BF1942 esq to be honest, but if the rest of the game holds up then that sohuldnt be too much of a problem.
Im hoping the facial animatiosn will be sorted out, because quicte frankly they were crap...non existanteven.
graphics revolution?

1. stalker
2. farcry
3. hl2
4. doom3

in that order kiddies, you heard it here first.
Well personally I think Far Cry looks incredibly good. There might a few tid bits here which you've pointed out but overall it looks like a fun piece o' work. As for this whole Doom3 vs. Half-Life 2 vs. Stalker vs. Far Cry. I'm going to buy them all, but I think Stalker will be the winner, cause I'm a huge Fallout/Post Apocolyptic fanboy, and plus it has the nice mix of RPG with FPS as well as one massive non-linear landscape. I think overall the best graphics (not necessarily gameplay), go in the order of,

Half-Life 2
Far Cry
of the four I think mine will go:

Far cry

that's only based on graphics though ;)
This is a graphics revolution? It's definitely a step forward as most other next-gen games are taking. I don't think it's a revolution though.
A couple of my opinions on FarCry graphics:
- The colour is vibrant, but it's disconnected. It is used too harshly and without a natural tone.The game's lighting/shadows also makes everything look out of place.
- The normal maps seem overused. I know large environment games need to cut back on polygons but the bumpmaps, normalmaps and specularmaps make things look unnatural. Added to that, it seems the shadows do not have colour, but fade to gray/black- that is not good for a game that tries to use vibrant colour.
- Models/textures not very impressive. Faces don't look too great (though we've all been spoiled) and bodies okay but not on par with other next-gen games.
- The animations looked awkward. They aren't very fluid or very human-like to begin with (though this may be because I don't really like their models) and they still suffer issues like running on the spot or twitching.

I don't really see FarCry as leading the pack in graphics (better then current though) but I do admire it for it's gameplay; with huge environment sniping and vehicles it'll no doubt be fun.
I am really looking forward to it. Just because of the environment, I could care less if the animations are awkawrd or the bumpmaps and facial animations are as good as other games. The game just screams "fun" at me.
I really wish I could decode the trailer.
And since am such a hl2 fanboy I have to say that I think hl2 will be on top in the grafic department. I have nothing to base that on im just a fanboy
Man I just saw the video... this game has AWESOME graphics! It's on my list. Gameplay looks excellent : )
You have the DivX codec? If not, download it here.

You need it to watch the movie.
I dont even like Doom 3, but the fact is its years ahead in terms of lighting and character modeling.

Half Life 2' character models are better I suppose because they dont look plastic, but Doom 3's monsters absolutely own anything Ive ever seen.

That has made me think twice about Doom 3's graphics, it looks reeeeally nice :)

I was disappointed with Far Cry when i saw the trailer, when the guy reloads his MP5 at the start the clip doesn't even get changed :(

But it does look like good fun, hopefully it will be!
To me, it almost looks like the enemies in Far Cry are floating above the ground or something. They look like they were superimposed onto a flat background or something, I don't know.
azz0r said:
I dont even like Doom 3, but the fact is its years ahead in terms of lighting and character modeling.

Half Life 2' character models are better I suppose because they dont look plastic, but Doom 3's monsters absolutely own anything Ive ever seen.

Doom 3= probably better mobs (at least the big ones).

Half life = definitely better humans (the doom guys walk around like they are cavemen as opposed to modern humans)

Stalker = Possibly the most expansive environments. I don't think stalkers character models look that impressive so far.
Shuzer said:
I agree, however, if this is a representation of the overall quality of the in-game character models in STALKER, then yay. That model appears to be ingame, hopefully we'll be seeing models of that quality in the final product.

I remember when the first stalker trailer came out (before hl2 was even public knowledge), and back then the Stalker character looked to be about the most impressive game character going. Post hl2 announcemrnt though, the last stalker trailer hasn't shown any improvements in the character development. I'm not holding out that the developers will produce anything approaching the level of that promo shot. It would be nice if they could, but I have doubts about the X Ray engines capacities to handle expansive scenery and high level polycount figures.