Half-life 2 doesnt look speicial anymore since far cry is out

Apos said:
Far Cry is a good solid FPS, and good FPSes should get support from gamers like us.
I agree completely. I'm just getting fed up with the "OMG!!!1!! FAR CRY ISS TEH BESTEST GAM EVAH!!!1!!!!!!!" crowd. It's a good game, but it's not that good.
Cujo said:
If Far Cry would be just "eye candy mediocre $hit" it wouldn't get such high notes on gaming sites. I didn't saw anything below 90% note anywhere.
I know this is rather missed purpose to post such topics here on HL2 board cuz it's filled with (no offense intended) fanboys. However Far Cry IS revolutionary game both technically and in whole prospectum and there is no need to say it isn't. It's easiest to lie yourself.

Don't get me wrong, Far Cry's an awesome game, but there is nothing revolutionary about it, except that its the prettiest Direct X 9 game currently out. Thats it, other then that, there's nothing in the game that hasn't been done before
At least a few people previously posted before this understand that FC is indeed a good game.

The reason its revolutionary is because it set a new standard in graphics...it has shiny cut-scene FMV's sometimes and there isnt an awful lot of difference, if any except the characters look more realistic. I can still remember having a PS1 with Final Fantasy8 and saying "Gawd I wonder if GFX will ever look as good as that cut-scene" and now we have it. :bounce:

Edit/ Another thing that makes FC a good game is its a big game....not a rip off like *Cough* Deus Ex 2 which is completable in under a day at least first time around. You get alot of value for money unlike many many games of today that have 15 add-on's in the making all costing a full game price.
The reason that Far Cry's in-game graphics often look better than the cutscenes is that they use the same models/textures for the cutscenes, and they lose some quality in compression :)
I dont really see "prettiest graphics right now" as revolutionary though. I would see it as revolutionary if Far Cry could still have graphics that pretty and run on a decent system, like a Geforce 4, 1.2ghz etc. THEN it would be revolutionary, but basically all Far Cry has done is set another standard in graphics, like Unreal 2 did. and that sure as hell wasn't revolutionary at all.
SMT said:
Meh. Far Cry is okay, but it's no gaming messiah IMHO. It has a rather mediocre physics implementation, I think. I've really enjoyed the game up until now, but after a while it got to be like "Oh look, hooray. More crawling through bushes and ambushing islands from a boat. Three cheers for repetitive gameplay." I imagine I'll finish it sooner or later.

The Crytek engine does a great job of rendering long distances with aggressive LOD, but they really overdo the specular map on absolutely everything. And the models move rather stiffly, a problem which Half-Life 2 does not seem to have. I'm looking forward to a time when game designers really begin to use shaders in a more subtle, unobtrusive way to actually pull off graphic effects with finesse.

huh? I can't help it but laugh at such ridiculous statement, from such "ungreatful" :laugh: - if you will - person. Who obviously lacks good old common sence as well as any artistic skill.

FarCry is trully a master piece from it's AI to it's physics engine period, you would have to be either blind or utterly dumb not to realise this. I'm pretty sure that Valve is currently drolling over this game right now. All that talk about "LOD", "specular mapping" and so on, would have sound more believable, if you knew what you are talking about.

Do yourself a favor and don't compare a game that is already out against another that isn't. It will just make you look silly. Sorry, but that to me is fanboy talk. :p
Caminante said:
huh? I can't help it but laugh at such ridiculous statement, from such "ungreatful" :laugh: - if you will - person. Who obviously lacks good old common sence as well as any artistic skill.

FarCry is trully a master piece from it's AI to it's physics engine period, you would have to be either blind or utterly dumb not to realise this. I'm pretty sure that Valve is currently drolling over this game right now. All that talk about "LOD", "specular mapping" and so on, would have sound more believable, if you knew what you are talking about.

Do yourself a favor and don't compare a game that is already out against another that isn't. It will just make you look silly. Sorry, but that to me is fanboy talk. :p
First off, i doubt Valve are drooling over that game, but im pretty sure they've got more up their sleeve then anything Far Cry has to offer. Because, for a start, this is probably the first game that actually matches the same level of co-operative AI in Half-Life, which is 6 years old. Im sure Valve have better'd their AI since SIX YEARS AGO

And before you say "I dont own the game so i wouldn't know". I do and i've finished it and i know what im talking about.

Second of all, i suggest you dont go calling him a Fan-boy dude, you sound like the biggest hypocrite from what you've just said calling Far Cry a masterpiece and calling him an idiot for not realising it. And i totally argee with SMT, there is WAY too much specularity in that game
Caminante said:
huh? I can't help it but laugh at such ridiculous statement, from such "ungreatful" :laugh: - if you will - person. Who obviously lacks good old common sence as well as any artistic skill.

FarCry is trully a master piece from it's AI to it's physics engine period, you would have to be either blind or utterly dumb not to realise this.

but that to me is fanboy talk. :p

I think the AI bites(it seems "incomplete" if you will)its and the physics are nothing but a gimmick.
Sparta said:
First off, i doubt Valve are drooling over that game, but im pretty sure they've got more up their sleeve then anything Far Cry has to offer. Because, for a start, this is probably the first game that actually matches the same level of co-operative AI in Half-Life, which is 6 years old. Im sure Valve have better'd their AI since SIX YEARS AGO

And before you say "I dont own the game so i wouldn't know". I do and i've finished it and i know what im talking about.

Second of all, i suggest you dont go calling him a Fan-boy dude, you sound like the biggest hypocrite from what you've just said calling Far Cry a masterpiece and calling him an idiot for not realising it. And i totally argee with SMT, there is WAY too much specularity in that game

Boohoo, FarCry has too much specularity, please someone turn it off - just so you know, the game is capable of different rendering modes. :laugh: Just like SMT, you are baseing your reply on wishful thinking, "i'm sure Valve has more up their sleeve", "the game will be release on Sept the 30th". :laugh:

Sparta said:
Second of all, i suggest you dont go calling him a Fan-boy dude, you sound like the biggest hypocrite from what you've just said calling Far Cry a masterpiece and calling him an idiot for not realising it.

Wait, you are the real fanboy! FarCry is indeed the best game out there right now, from the obvious graphical eye-candy to all the flora and fauna found throughout the game. If you can't see all that, buy a better graphic card or something. By the way, i never called him directly either an idiot nor dumb, please do not make stuff up.

Sparta said:
And before you say "I dont own the game so i wouldn't know". I do and i've finished it and i know what im talking about.

I'm assuming that, FarCry is the game you currently own? Because, if you do, i will tell the same thing i sudgested SMT to wait until he played HL2.
Caminante said:
By the way, i never called him directly either an idiot nor dumb, please do not make stuff up.
Excuse me? Read below
Caminante said:
FarCry is trully a master piece from it's AI to it's physics engine period, you would have to be either blind or utterly dumb not to realise this
You didn't call him DIRECTLY dumb but you still implied that he is stupid because he doesnt agree with you

I'm the fanboy? I was more impressed by the strider video then everything i PLAYED in Far Cry. Oh and im not the Fanboy dude, at least not as much as you are. Read below

Caminate said:
FarCry is indeed the best game out there right now, from the obvious graphical eye-candy to all the flora and fauna found throughout the game.
Wow, grass can be truly amazing when put next to shiny pipes and metal. You've got me there......Also i find that UT 2004 is alot more fun then Far Cry. Again, Far Cry's a great game, but i disagree with you there

And everything i've played in Far Cry and everything i've seen in HL2 tells me that HL2 looks like it has more going for it.
FarCry *is* the best fps out there period, for it to be the best that means its revolutionary....HL1 is the second best fps out there...there is no other fps that comes in a close 3rd because all the rest sucked.

HL2 probably has more up its sleeve but then again, Crytek did'nt have the backing of one of the best selling games to fund them which Valve have already said "They put it all back into making HL2" and have already hypothetically said "We will not hesitate to delay the game till 2005 and put an extra 20million into it" ...so yeah HL2 probably will be better than FC in many ways but HL2 isnt out and FC is and FC currently holds the fps crown in all glory's except story.
In every one of these type of threads I have had to express my pity for people who believe Far Cry Vs HL2 is even worth consideration. I have just been playing Far-Cry, and it's hardly anything special even compared to games that are already out, never mind HL2..

The water is about the prettiest thing in the game, and it's nowhere near as good as HL2 in that respect either.

That's not to say Far-Cry isn't a great game, it's just that HL2 is totally out of its league, so all these Far-Cry threads are turning me insane...
but but but......... farcry is teh pwnz!!!11 dont you understand.....

I are not teh fanboy you stupid nooby idiot reject dumbass. Farcry is the best game ever, it is more technically advanced than a yugo. it is the best game to date and anyone that diaagrees is a fanboy of some other game. If you dont think farcry is the best game ever you must be blind.... you fanboy. I will never consider that I might be the fanboy here.

/stupid sarcasm
Sparta said:
Don't get me wrong, Far Cry's an awesome game, but there is nothing revolutionary about it, except that its the prettiest Direct X 9 game currently out. Thats it, other then that, there's nothing in the game that hasn't been done before

youre right, there is absolutely nothing revolutionary about it, I still like HL1 better in the end...

And imo, Far Cry doesnt deserve a 90%, more like a 85%

And gaming sites aren't the most obejective source's :smoking:
Alig said:
FarCry *is* the best fps out there period, for it to be the best that means its revolutionary....HL1 is the second best fps out there...there is no other fps that comes in a close 3rd because all the rest sucked.

HL2 probably has more up its sleeve but then again, Crytek did'nt have the backing of one of the best selling games to fund them which Valve have already said "They put it all back into making HL2" and have already hypothetically said "We will not hesitate to delay the game till 2005 and put an extra 20million into it" ...so yeah HL2 probably will be better than FC in many ways but HL2 isnt out and FC is and FC currently holds the fps crown in all glory's except story.

dude, i'm sure but... youre wrong:sleep:

FC just doesn't has the magic HL1 has.
nothing touches FarCry right now. but in the near future, farcry will no longer be 'revolutionary'
Mac said:
nothing touches FarCry right now. but in the near future, farcry will no longer be 'revolutionary'

Im sorry but it never was revolutionary.

hl2 d3 and stalker are revolutionary

farcry is just an intermittent step
Sparta said:
Excuse me? Read below

You didn't call him DIRECTLY dumb but you still implied that he is stupid because he doesnt agree with you

I'm the fanboy? I was more impressed by the strider video then everything i PLAYED in Far Cry. Oh and im not the Fanboy dude, at least not as much as you are. Read below

Wow, grass can be truly amazing when put next to shiny pipes and metal. You've got me there......Also i find that UT 2004 is alot more fun then Far Cry. Again, Far Cry's a great game, but i disagree with you there

And everything i've played in Far Cry and everything i've seen in HL2 tells me that HL2 looks like it has more going for it.

I just hope that english be your second language as it is mine, otherwise you'd look stupid and yes...this time i really mean it!:p However, it is a good thing that you were not offended when i "called" him blind person too.

As a blinded fanboy, ofcourse you'd be impressed with the Strider video, that is why you fail to notice that the buildings only had texture painted on them and so forth. Not to mention that although the water surface looks great, it doesn't look so well, when it makes contact with the shore line. Perhaps you ought to see the clever job, that Crytek did on the matter.

Finally, yes! I do get impressed when i see and get to play a game which engine is capable of render hudge enviroments without having negative impact on LOD. Has a realistic behaving AI and that it uses an amazing physics engine. And as well as having a flora and fauna that even includes mamals, birds, fishes and incepts. That is something worth being impressed of.

Just so you know, i also think that UT2004 is best online mp game to date. :E
Well i just went and bought Far Cry, i'll give an opinion soon ;)
Crusader said:
In every one of these type of threads I have had to express my pity for people who believe Far Cry Vs HL2 is even worth consideration. I have just been playing Far-Cry, and it's hardly anything special even compared to games that are already out, never mind HL2..

The water is about the prettiest thing in the game, and it's nowhere near as good as HL2 in that respect either.

That's not to say Far-Cry isn't a great game, it's just that HL2 is totally out of its league, so all these Far-Cry threads are turning me insane...

BY BUDDA!!11 How could you people be so blind!?!?!1 Here is a good one, take your current GPU, place on the garbage can, run to bestbuy and buy a better GPU -preferly Radeon 9800TX- then run FarCry at the hightest setting possible. Then take a good of all the HL2 media that features water in it. And you be disapointed to find out that, where the water meets the shore, instead of looking like FarCry's more natural effects, it looks more like a straight line thus making it look unrealistic.

You people need to stop being such of fanboys and drawing comparations between one game that is already out, looks better then anything else out there, and another that only Budda knows when it'd come out.
Well, most of the media is at least a year old...

Plenty of time to add better water-land transitions...
Well from just playing it for a short while, i am very very impressed! A lot better than the demo, really fun, actually looks pretty darn good (well i played the demo on a P3/GF2 system, now i'm on an XP 2800/9800 pro)

But anyway, bloody good game! (PS i absolutely hated the demo)
crabcakes66 said:
Im sorry but it never was revolutionary.

hl2 d3 and stalker are revolutionary

farcry is just an intermittent step

Want to explain to me what hl2/doom3/stalker have over farcry in detail? how can games that are'nt even out/have next to no media be revolutionary? When farcry has absolutely everything them 3 games has except the story i admit that. Your just to into this whole hl2 > anything thrown at it and yes im going to love hl2 but i still make sure there is room for other 'good' games, you can argue the toss that hl2 has better AI/graphics/physics but the problem is hl2 isnt even out to compare. :rolleyes:
Alig said:
Want to explain to me what hl2/doom3/stalker have over farcry in detail? how can games that are'nt even out/have next to no media be revolutionary? When farcry has absolutely everything them 3 games has except the story i admit that. Your just to into this whole hl2 > anything thrown at it and yes im going to love hl2 but i still make sure there is room for other 'good' games, you can argue the toss that hl2 has better AI/graphics/physics but the problem is hl2 isnt even out to compare. :rolleyes:

Im sorry but that is just not a very good arguement.

You tell me im caught up in hl2(i am) when i mention all 3 truly next-gen games? Please.

I have already said what i dislike about farcry......several times.

Basicaly your whole argument is that anyone who doesnt think farcry is the best game ever is a blind fanboy of some other game.

Grow up.
crabcakes66 said:
Im sorry but that is just not a very good arguement.

You tell me im caught up in hl2(i am) when i mention all 3 truly next-gen games? Please.

I have already said what i dislike about farcry......several times.

Basicaly your whole argument is that anyone who doesnt think farcry is the best game ever is a blind fanboy of some other game.

Grow up.

No, open your eyes and tell me why farcry is normal.
Alig said:
No, open your eyes and tell me why farcry is normal.

I personally haven't played far cry, but I have been a PC gamer for years. A game can have good graphics, good story, good etc, but there is something intangible that takes good games to the next level. From what I am reading about Far Cry, it may be good, but it doesn't take FPS to the next level.
Sparta said:
Damn straight. Gibbing's only eye candy, no effect on the gameplay whatsoever, same with rag-doll. However, since we've had gibbing in games as far back as.....Quake (were there any earlier games with it?) i think im much happier with HL2's cool-ass physics system then the gibs from the original game
Doom had it...
Well when I saw the first HL2 screenies last year, I was blown away. It was so much better than other things at the time, and ofcourse alot better looking then the original HL.

Farcry is good looking, yes. We all know that it is multiplayer mods that made HL such a god. People also have a mod kit for Farcry now.

Only time will tell. I think HL2 will still sell a ton of copies and be nearly as successful as it's ancestor. However, I do think FarCry has the possibility of giving HL2 a run for it's money. To do so it will have to incorporate some very successful multiplayer mods.

We really don't even know what multiplayer HL2 will ship with.
crabcakes66 said:
welcome to my ignore list :thumbs:

Dont make an arguement if you dont have any answers to back yourself up, fool.
Alig said:
FarCry *is* the best fps out there period, for it to be the best that means its revolutionary...
It may be the best new FPS currently on the market, but that's still quite a long ways from "revolutionary".

Specifically, what is revolutionary about it (besides the graphics, which are debatably revolutionary)?
Alig said:
Dont make an arguement if you dont have any answers to back yourself up, fool.

If you are honestly trying to say far cry is better than HL2 then permit me to laugh my arse off.

*10 minutes later*

From what ive read Far cry is nothing special, it gets old fast and its MP isnt exactly inspired.
This is my opinion but id say the best fps isnt necesary the one with the best graphics. If the plot is weak(and Farcry's is) it will keep me away from it. I expect HL2 have a strong plot as well. :)
EvilInside said:
This is my opinion but id say the best fps isnt necesary the one with the best graphics. If the plot is weak(and Farcry's is) it will keep me away from it. I expect HL2 have a strong plot as well. :)
EDIT: Dont get me wrong, im not saying farcry is a bad fps, it's good. Just saying for me, there are more important points, like the plot and inmersion. (HL1's plot is way better and Call of duty or MOH: allied asault more inmersive imo.
Alig said:
FarCry *is* the best fps out there period, for it to be the best that means its revolutionary....

No, it just means it's better than the rest (which I don't agree with, but I'm not gonna argue with your opinion).
Revolution = rapid massive change from the standard, which I don't see in Far Cry. It is by no means revolutionary.
I'm sure it's a very good fps, but revolutionary? Stop kidding yourself.
uuh i'm downloading farcry demo right now but i saw a lot of screenshots... and.. uuh.. why the characters look like plastic toys action man?
For me, farcry felt kinda meh... The graphics were nice but really hogged my system and would slow down at times, i also got some glitches... The story was meh. The island setting was really cool at first but after a while it got boring. Overall though it was an entertaining experience. I guess its kinda like comparing a movie like "X-Men", while a really fun movie, to an academy award winning movie like "Gladiator". Nobody here has played hl2 yet, but anyone can tell you that the movies just looked like the FELT right.
i just played the demo a little..
the loading time is huge..
there's some slowdown when i fight..
the story.. uuh what story?
the controls were awfull.. moving with the numeric pad.. yeah right.. (but maybe it's just the demo)
i tried to play like in operation flashpoint.. well.. that didn't worked.. i tried to "hide" in the bushes but they seem to see me anyway, i tried to steal the boat, kill them and then i found a sniper rifle so i thought "yeaaah! gonna shoot them from far away they wont be able to kill me!" so i killed 1 guy and another and 2 of them got in a boat and went here fast.. and killed me.. normally i would have ran and hide but.. with thoses stupid controls.. :/