Half-life 2 doesnt look speicial anymore since far cry is out

Revolutionary would require something other than +1 graphics, +1 AI, etc. New games come out all the time which are better than what came before: hence "evolutionary." I don't think even HL1 was revolutionary per se: it just perfected the form of SP FPS games.
Caminante said:
Finally, yes! I do get impressed when i see and get to play a game which engine is capable of render hudge enviroments without having negative impact on LOD. Has a realistic behaving AI and that it uses an amazing physics engine. And as well as having a flora and fauna that even includes mamals, birds, fishes and incepts. That is something worth being impressed of.
And you're calling me a fanboy because i thought the strider video was cooler then everything i've played in Far Cry? After you just said all that about Far Cry? How many people thought "Holy Sh*t" when the strider blew up that bridge for the first time?? How many people didn't? I think you'll pretty much EVERYONE whose seen that video was pretty damn impressed by it.

Far Cry is NOT revolutionary, to me, in anyway. It just happens to the the prettiest game out right now. Thats it, the AI's good but its nothing revolutionary, its just good thats it. If you want to play something revolutionary play Deus Ex, not DE:IW but the original, THAT was revolutionary.

And as for realistic AI...dude you can snipe a guy a mile away who's standing next to another group and NONE of the other group will notice.
The physics are good but there about on par with Max Payne 2, fun to mess around with but a gimmick that has nothing to do with gameplay at all

Oh and by the way, its INSECTS not INCEPTS.
Alig said:
No, open your eyes and tell me why farcry is normal.
Pros: Very pretty game, fun to play at times, vehicles (The glider imparticular), physics.

Weak Plot, Glitchy AI, GRAPHICS HOG, brings nothing new to the table other then a fantastic view/view distance, Gameplay quality varies from awesome to tedious (last level sucks), the monsters thing has been done 1000 times before. Dodgy MP.

Overall : More Cons then Pros but still a great game to play, maybe a bit above normal but i can still have more fun playing UT2004 or System Shock 2 (Damn that games awesome)
I give it about....87%
FarCry was ok but the ragdoll was kind of crappy. Shoot a guy and he slowly slides down a tiny hill for 30 minutes, and most of the time they didn't look or bounce real.
So far i dont think anygame but STALKER can pull Ragdoll off perfectly. I'd like to see a ragdoll ROLL down stairs instead of slide like in MP2 or FC
I sent an e-mail to Rick Ellis about ragdolls rolling in HL2 and he said they would. It's somewhere in the info from Valve thread.
Some of the scenes in the Barricade Video show some dodgy Rag Doll effects at the begining when the resistance bloke get's shot when tagging alon with Gordon. When you look back you see him get shot, and he slowly starts to rotate on the spot. By the time you reach him to pick up his weapon he had rotated around about 45 degrees.

Yes, old demo on old code. All fixed probably, still funny to watch.
ElFuhrer said:
I sent an e-mail to Rick Ellis about ragdolls rolling in HL2 and he said they would. It's somewhere in the info from Valve thread.
Yes, HL2 employees a friction system. You can see it in the Ant Lion video towards the end when the queen whomps one of the soldiers. He flies through air and realistically tumbles when he hits the ground.
i just played the demo a little..
the loading time is huge..
there's some slowdown when i fight..
the story.. uuh what story?
the controls were awfull.. moving with the numeric pad.. yeah right.. (but maybe it's just the demo)
i tried to play like in operation flashpoint.. well.. that didn't worked.. i tried to "hide" in the bushes but they seem to see me anyway, i tried to steal the boat, kill them and then i found a sniper rifle so i thought "yeaaah! gonna shoot them from far away they wont be able to kill me!" so i killed 1 guy and another and 2 of them got in a boat and went here fast.. and killed me.. normally i would have ran and hide but.. with thoses stupid controls.. :/

Fun facts:

Demos rarely give you any insight on story. Whichever demo you played is a part of the SP full game, somewhere in the middle. So of course it makes no sense.
Controls are standard WASD movement.. why were you using the numpad?

As for slowdown during firefights, I'd rule that as low RAM/settings too high for your graphics card
I think that the people thinking FarCry will beat the other next-gen games just don't have much of an imagination. They just accept that what they see in the present is the best and don't expect much more in the future besides more graphics. HL2 fans have a hope that there is more to come in terms of story, gameplay and immersion(and what Valve has said backs this up) and will always argue that FarCry is weak compared to their ideal and imagined vision of Hl2. Of course everything depends on the game Valve actually release.
blahblahblah said:
I personally haven't played far cry, but I have been a PC gamer for years. A game can have good graphics, good story, good etc, but there is something intangible that takes good games to the next level. From what I am reading about Far Cry, it may be good, but it doesn't take FPS to the next level.

I guess you have been reading too much fanboy utterly bias opinion lately. Bare in mind that this HL2's discussion boards, which according to most fanboys, i mean members is going to be the best game in the whole universe. Just play the game and you will see what everyone - with the exeption of the HL2 blinded fanboy ofcourse - is talking about.
Dude, you can't tell people their wrong because of their opinions. Those of us who have played Far Cry KNOW its a great game, just face it that some people will think even though its a great game, its not the best game ever to walk the earth. Chill
Sparta said:
Dude, you can't tell people their wrong because of their opinions. Those of us who have played Far Cry KNOW its a great game, just face it that some people will think even though its a great game, its not the best game ever to walk the earth. Chill

Dude ...just stop arguing with these idiots...its a lost cuase....the only fanboys here are them.
crabcakes66 said:
Dude ...just stop arguing with these idiots...its a lost cuase....the only fanboys here are them.
Dude i totally wanna drop an anvil on his head. I'll stop now
Apos said:
Revolutionary would require something other than +1 graphics, +1 AI, etc. New games come out all the time which are better than what came before: hence "evolutionary." I don't think even HL1 was revolutionary per se: it just perfected the form of SP FPS games.

Quite right, the only thing that was new and maybe revolutionary were the scripted sequences.
HL1 might not have been revolutianary like Mario 64 of Wolfenstein 3D, but it sure was near perfect.
Don't know if it was mentioned or not. Didn't read the 1000 posts ha.

In FarCry the ragdoll physics aren't realistic. When you kill a guy on a hill he slides instead of rolls. Like he's on ice. HL2 won't have that problem. To me this was a big issue that could have been overcome. Too much sliding.
Farcry wasn't even finished for gods sake! they released the game way to early, you shoot someone and he falls back as if hes leaning against a wall when hes in mid air.... and FarCry could of been such a better game, now we have to wait and see how awsome HL2 is going to be "Finished" and too bad HL2 will have physics engine in Multi unlike farcry
Far Cry was made by computer programmers. What i mean is, there is virtually no creativity or original cinematic style that a game like Half-Life has. It's just a whole bunch of great techincal features with a C-grade computer game story slapped on.

No doubt there were some great, immersive moments which i solely attribute to the game engine and not any actual scene storyboarding/planning!

Valve oozes with style.
ferd said:
Quite right, the only thing that was new and maybe revolutionary [in Half-Life] were the scripted sequences.
And the AI, and the unprecedented integration of story and gameplay, and the inclusion of thoughtful, interesting, and logical puzzles, and sidekicks that you genuinely cared about, and the insane amount of attention to detail compelling you round the next corner just to see what's in store, and a free professionally developed multiplayer mod that redefined online gaming and mod making.

In short, Half-Life is one of those rare games that got everything right. Far Cry, as fun as it is, has several conspicuous flaws.
Kincaid said:
Don't know if it was mentioned or not. Didn't read the 1000 posts ha.

In FarCry the ragdoll physics aren't realistic. When you kill a guy on a hill he slides instead of rolls. Like he's on ice. HL2 won't have that problem. To me this was a big issue that could have been overcome. Too much sliding.

A body in real life would only roll or tumble down a hill depending on the inclination and precipitousness. In other words, if the hill isn't too steep the body will just slide down.
Caminante said:
A body in real life would only roll or tumble down a hill depending on the inclination and precipitousness. In other words, if the hill isn't too steep the body will just slide down.

Maybe I didn't explain it. You get a 75-80 degree incline, you shoot the guy and he slides down the hill very slowly. Taking like 5 minutes to get down a 10 foot slope. It's unrealistic.
The thing with Far Cry's corpses is that they never roll down hills.They slide regardless of how shallow the incline is.
To me Far cry is a polished Quake 2.

it looks pretty and thats about it.

theres nothing in it that other games havent done better aside from the graphics.

Said graphics that will be out of date as soon as HL2/Doom3/Stalker are released.

lets just leave this thread like this and in 4 months we will compare peoples opinions again when the initial cool factor has worn off and 99% of Far cry cd's are gathering dust on the shelf.
Meh, someone needs to define revolutionary.

Genre defying? Visually exquisite? Never before seen features?

Far Cry was just a pretty game- albeit one with enormous amounts of graphical features (and the bugs to go with it)- with big levels. That's about it.

Now, to my eyes HL2 looks better (albeit via the HDR video, a level of quality I'll probably never be able to run at) but that's because I've always liked urban environs. Coastline also hints at damn big levels (as does all our correspondence).

If HL2 is another bout of eye candy wrapped in nice graphics, then FC would easily dwarf HL2, what with being out earlier and all.

I still find the contrived, linear scripting of HL and its better SP modifications more enjoyable than a fair number of modern games- including some rather pokey parts of FC, to be honest.

Gameplay > Graphics, but I guess in my case that's down to a little thing called opinion.

*twiddles thumbs and waits half a year to make a decision*