Half-life 2 doesnt look speicial anymore since far cry is out

Source is based on rigid bodies (not to be confused with corpses), so non-scripted deformation of any whole object within the game world isn't possible.
Tarkus said:
will we be able to remove chunks out of someones body in hl2?? i dont think we will....
Oh dear god you just ruined the entire game for me, why oh why can't i gib in HL2, dear god, why?............So what dude? Who cares if you can't gib. rag-dolls are cooler
Sparta said:
Oh dear god you just ruined the entire game for me, why oh why can't i gib in HL2, dear god, why?............So what dude? Who cares if you can't gib. rag-dolls are cooler

Yes but on the one hand you have TrinityXero saying oh man you can't rip chunks off people in Far Cry which is lame. But if you can't do it in HL2 it's all fine and dandy according to you.
Damn straight. Gibbing's only eye candy, no effect on the gameplay whatsoever, same with rag-doll. However, since we've had gibbing in games as far back as.....Quake (were there any earlier games with it?) i think im much happier with HL2's cool-ass physics system then the gibs from the original game
EvilInside said:
Remeber a video when Gordon throws a grenade and the bad guy flies like 10 meters?
didnt lose any leg or show any kind of physical damage(the physics looks really good tho ;) ). That was before the code was stolen, when they claimed the game was near complete i believe, so an early build wouldnt be a scuse. I dont expect the game to be very gore, just see some blood when they get hit. I wish it was a point between a hl1 and soldier of fortune (that one was too exagerated imo)

Well, I'm pretty sure it's been said several times that most of the vids were recorded at the tail-end of 2002...

And those zombies that get hit by the car in the traptown vid certainly seem to gib...
Personally I don't mind whether gibbing is in or not. If it is in then I think cool, if it's not then I won't cry over it. Though I agree that I prefer the rag-doll effect, seems alot more realistic and you hardly ever get situations where someones body is going through a wall or floating on top of a box or something.
I've played the FC demo on my GF3-equipped P4/2.4 and it looked 'nice' but I wouldn't say I was astonished - maybe the effects only shine through on a DX9 card, I dunno. I found FC to be a system hog (esp. compared to UT2k4) like others have reported and I heard that the MP experience can "change" if you turn your graphics detail down.

I've seen the HL2 vids (hasn't everyone???) and I was impressed - the atmosphere just seemed "right", maybe to do with the lighting or the city setting. The FC island was very colourful but a bit bright (or even brash) IMO. I appreciate that the HL2 vids were taken from a 9800Pro-equipped system, so hard to judge side by side.

The gunfire sounds in HL2 seem different to any other FPS I've played - more of a "crack" from the machine guns than, say SoF2 or FC, and when I play SoF2 online I tend to wish for HL2-style sound-effects.

Regarding body physics / ragdoll / gibbing etc...
I've been playing SoF2 online since the MP demo, replete with gore (and basic ragdoll) (although it's only really noticeable on the RD mod) and I'd go as far as to say that I would miss the gore if it was turned off - although admittedly you just tend to get used to it. I wouldn't say it "adds" to the gameplay but if it wasn't there, I'd get the feeling that something was missing. Some of the headshot / crotch-shot animations are funny though... :-)

Finally, I'm waiting for HL2 - badly. My hopes are built-up that it'll be *the* game to draw me away from SoF2 INF - UT2k4 hasn't had that effect, neither has FC (from the demo). If HL2 doesn't deliver on its promises I'll be gutted.

The HL2 vids were done on a GF4 Ti4xxx series card. except the source video
Sparta said:
The HL2 vids were done on a GF4 Ti4xxx series card. except the source video

Actually, they were done on a Radeon 9800 Pro according to Gabe.
Silent_night said:
well i hate to say it but hl2 doesnt look so amazing anymore coz far cry has pretty much all the stuff that we were looking forward to in hl2. i am not comparing the games coz hl2 isnt out yet but i am just saying if u r really looking forwarad for the awesopm physics and the awesom graphics well far cry has them both along with an amazing singleplayer , but the multiplayer is pretty shitty for far cry.



Hl2 being much better looking.

and as far as Far Cry's story goes...... :laugh:
I've always thought that HL2 will be about average in the graphics/physics department when it comes out (with the exception of the character models, whick will be a leap forward with their ability to mimic realistic facial expressions).

BUT, I think many of us who are fans of HL and who are eagerly awaiting HL2 understand that HL wasn't JUST a fps...there was something MORE. For example, in HL, I didn't eagerly await the "reward" of the next big weapon so I could kill things in new and exciting ways. The reward was in "what's gonna happen next?" The first time through, I didn't predict ANY of the plot twists. THAT was what made HL great...the STORY.

Hopefully (and I have great confidence in Valve on this point), Gabe and the rest of the team remember that in HL2.
I think HL2's physics won't be average at all, because where other games have licensed Havok just to look good and show off a bit, Valve are actually implementing it to the gameplay in a way we haven't seen yet.
Sparta said:
The HL2 vids were done on a GF4 Ti4xxx series card. except the source video

No, the E3 vids were done on a Dell XPS 2.8 with 9800 Pro 128 MB.
But the press demo's in february 2003 were done on a Ti4600.
el Chi said:
I have to say, whilst I haven't played Far Cry, it seems a little hasty to claim Far Cry has already out-stripped it. We don't have all the details on HL2 and, even if you played the leak, we don't know how the final game will turn out. Who knows, maybe you'll be right, but it seems far too early to judge. Silly person.

Just what I was thinking.

All we have seen are videos, a few screen shots, and a stolen early build of a portion of a game which wasn't ever meant to be "played".

Wait until these games are actually released before passing judgement.

As far as the look of the game being outdated. Hell, I wouldn't care if the game was made with the original HL engine if the gameplay was outstanding. I think graphics help a game, but they certainly are vastly overrated as to the importance of a games success.

That's one thing I fear about Doom3....is it just "pretty" or will there be more? Only time will tell...
Actually I think far cry is the best shooter ever made (released) to date. It's strengths are in graphics, physics, sound, ai, but lacks in story and multiplayer. I have really enjoyed far cry, and it did take away from my anticipation of halflife 2, but I have no doubt that hl2 will take everything to a higher level. The physics in max payne 2 seemed a bit better than the physics in far cry, and since the physics in max payne 2 are by the same company doing them for hl2, well I think you know what that means. You really cannot judge by movies alone how good a game will be, but after seeing the hl2 videos I of course have high expectations like everyone else. Just like you, I'm playing the waiting game o_O
Far Cry sp was ok , but the multiplayer was simply boring.
Way too realistic , its hard to shoot straight when your not proning or standing still, and the maps are also too big.
I even like Half Life 2's water better than Far Cry's.
There was a new screenshot but the link I had it from is now down :{
I meant THIS ONE
Far Cry is a good if entirely derivative shooter. The physics are O.K. but entirely incidental to the actual gameplay. Vehicle physics are an absolute joke (the Hummer drives like it has an aluminum frame and helium filled tires). The AI is in turns very clever and very stupid. I've seen it make intelligent use of cover while advancing on your position and I've seen it run into walls or completely ignore you while you shoot at it. The voice acting and general merc comments are lame and the story is pretty much Ed Wood quality.

On the up side, the graphics are a thing of beauty and the overall game does provide you with solid entertainment for the most part. It's just not nearly as good as the hype would seem to suggest. Personally, I expect Half-Life 2 to be leaps and bounds better than Far Cry, especially in terms of gameplay.
Why do I always feel an obligation to post in these silly threads?

We really do need something else to talk about, other than people have lost interest in HL2 and Far Cry is good (thats not my opinion, but it must be for so many people to like it).
On the whole I would agree with Mountain Man, I would also add that far cry is/was quite buggy; enemies would die but continue to run on the spot, their machine guns would remain firing after they died (quite annoying), in one room in the game all of the enemies just froze and if you tried using the console commands to quicksave the game, the game logic got all messed up (this was only partially addressed with the patch).
getName() said:
On the whole I would agree with Mountain Man, I would also add that far cry is/was quite buggy; enemies would die but continue to run on the spot, their machine guns would remain firing after they died (quite annoying), in one room in the game all of the enemies just froze and if you tried using the console commands to quicksave the game, the game logic got all messed up (this was only partially addressed with the patch).

I had no problems with farcry whatsoever. But I guess I was one of the lucky ones. The only oddities I came across were one or two graphical glitches. My impressions were that, it was a surprisingly polished game. Having said that I didn't encounter any bugs whilst playing, just one of those weird things.
After all the games I've ever seen S.T.A.L.K.E.R is definitely the best game graphics I've ever seen to date. I can't wait for the PLAYSTATION 3 release so that I finnaly will be able to play these graphic on my TV for the first time ever in history.
I havent experienced any of those bugs in far cry either, sounds like a warez related issue if anything...
DjBourgeoisie said:
I havent experienced any of those bugs in far cry either, sounds like a warez related issue if anything...

Warez versions of games are usualy the same as the real game.

Take BF:V for instance.

ATI 9800 users sometimes get weird glitches, whilst some 9800 users dont.

theres a lot of things that can go wrong with two seemingly similar computers, whilst only 1 will have the bug and the other will play fine.
If Far Cry would be just "eye candy mediocre $hit" it wouldn't get such high notes on gaming sites. I didn't saw anything below 90% note anywhere.
I know this is rather missed purpose to post such topics here on HL2 board cuz it's filled with (no offense intended) fanboys. However Far Cry IS revolutionary game both technically and in whole prospectum and there is no need to say it isn't. It's easiest to lie yourself.
DjBourgeoisie said:
I havent experienced any of those bugs in far cry either, sounds like a warez related issue if anything...

The machine gun sound bug is in the retail version, I get that bug and the little white spots with my 9800XT... the sound bug could be releated to my Audigy 2 card I guess. And like the post above mine says, the warez version is probably exactly what the retail version is unless:

a. Its a pre-release version or beta
b. Its a ripped version (Reduced size, sound&texture quality, no movies, ect)

And do I think any less of Half-Life 2 because Far Cry is a pretty good game? Hell no, I can't wait for Half-Life 2, Far Cry is fun... but its no Half-Life! Half-Life 2 will be AT LEAST as good as HL was!
FarCry is graphicaly very pretty. It takes A LOT to run it with everything on highest. I've recently upgraded to a AMD XP 3200 (Barton), 1GB Geil Golden Dragon PC3200 RAM, Hercules 9800pro 128MB and a 160GB Seagate 7200.7 HD and it's still not fluid on anything above 1024x768 (I just sold my house, so I could afford to splash out a bit :P).

I've not tried it since the patch mind you, so that might have helped :P. Anyone have any suggestions on what Catalyst drivers are the best? I'm runing v4.4 atm.
farcry stunk... the story was the same and any outher evil island search for the babe then get backstabed the terran, watter, the gibbing sucked to... the recoil was exsesssavely insane you cant hit anything... unless your a good sniper like me... 1v1 i just waited for my target for 45 mins... scoped out 1 place waiting... allso the AI yeah... when you fire your weapon half of it is scriped... they just run behind the same tree the same car and dont even move if your shooting them in the foot... in the end its a stupid game...

FarCry:rip off

Halflife2:one of the greatest if not THE greatest game ever made!!/

Uru:ages beyond myst folows Halflife2 foloweed by the original deus ex(great story interativity your actions really do affect parts of the game latter on... you dont rescue gunther from liberty island... then hes guna have a ****ing cow in paris..
TrinityXero said:
Halflife2:one of the greatest if not THE greatest game ever made!!..

Except for the little fact it's not made yet.
Brian Damage said:
Not finished, y'mean...

Ya....I was using "made" as meaning done, since no one can know how the game is 'till it's done.
HL2 will still be something very very special indeed :bounce: Even if FarCry has already shown us uber graphics, best ragdoll system out, best AI to date. Games are'nt all about graphics, though graphics do sell games more over gameplay probably but if the gameplay rocks then everything else becomes irrelevant, like Final Fantasy and GTA 1/2 i wouldnt call them graphical genuises. (im not counting FF10/FFonline - GTA3/VC)

And for anyone that thinks FC sucks or is poorly made, your wrong its the best FPS SP game ive played since HL1, you need to relax and open the HL2 bandwagon door and see what else is out there and not base every other game on "What HL2 can do" even though we have'nt actually got much official word on "What HL2 can actually DO!".
Silent_night said:
well i hate to say it but hl2 doesnt look so amazing anymore coz far cry has pretty much all the stuff that we were looking forward to in hl2. i am not comparing the games coz hl2 isnt out yet but i am just saying if u r really looking forwarad for the awesopm physics and the awesom graphics well far cry has them both along with an amazing singleplayer , but the multiplayer is pretty shitty for far cry.

nah, your wrong, the full potential of the HL2 gfx engine isn't even possible yet with the current hardware...so how can it be topped?
hl2 is probly done thare just holding back till schools out so they can sell more to the inmature kids out thare...
Cujo said:
If Far Cry would be just "eye candy mediocre $hit" it wouldn't get such high notes on gaming sites. I didn't saw anything below 90% note anywhere.
It's overrated.

However Far Cry IS revolutionary game...
What's revolutionary about it? Every feature in it is a perfectly predictable next step in the genre.
MAZA-51 said:
After all the games I've ever seen S.T.A.L.K.E.R is definitely the best game graphics I've ever seen to date. I can't wait for the PLAYSTATION 3 release so that I finnaly will be able to play these graphic on my TV for the first time ever in history.

after watching some vids of stalker, the graphics arent all that great imo. hl2's and especially doom3's graphics look better

but stalker's physics, and what ive heard from the gameplay should make it a pretty good game.
Mac said:
after watching some vids of stalker, the graphics arent all that great imo. hl2's and especially doom3's graphics look better

but stalker's physics, and what ive heard from the gameplay should make it a pretty good game.

I think Theif 3 looks just as good if not better than Farcry. FarCry was a great sp experiance but the best part of the game is the Level editor.
Far Cry is a good solid FPS, and good FPSes should get support from gamers like us.
Yakuza said:
I think Theif 3 looks just as good if not better than Farcry. FarCry was a great sp experiance but the best part of the game is the Level editor.

what does that have to do with my post?

or did you meant to hit the 'other' reply button?