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  1. MIWojo11

    Quick Question about the graphics

    Thanks guys.
  2. MIWojo11

    Quick Question about the graphics

    I have a huge favor to ask. How will this sytem work with Half-Life 2? AMD Athlon 1.2GHZ 1024MB SDRAM 64MB ATI Radeon 7000 Sound Blaster Live! Value With maximum graphics which will probably be shitty, make the FPS drop much since its a shitty card? Or with the lowest graphics will...
  3. MIWojo11

    The Flashlight

    That picture kinda looks like HL1 graphics if you ask me. See how the front (operations deck) goes curved then strait? The movie graphics looked alot better to me. Maybe its just that picture is 2 from the year 2000. Only difference I see is the lighting and water.
  4. MIWojo11

    It's Time For Some New Speculation!

    If Black Mesa was in HL2, maybe he needs to head back to Black Mesa to get something or to research something there. You never know..
  5. MIWojo11

    Multiplayer...This is my final answer..

  6. MIWojo11

    Tf2 Is Retail Gabe Says!!!!

    I dont thnk its 3 years old because we never knew about the source engine then. Hopefully it comes out soon. They already said that TF2 and HL2 will be retail and steam.
  7. MIWojo11

    Hoo boy, someone got too excited.

    They get used quite a bit probably around the same as this one. I just like this forum better. :)
  8. MIWojo11

    Multiplayer...This is my final answer..

    Hey valved ray try quoting my whole reply you dumb ****! I never said anything about it being absolutely true or not true. I said that I heard that there will be a DOD2 but never say any real info about it. My CS idea was.. just an idea!
  9. MIWojo11

    Have you guys read this?

    The first one doesnt work and yes the 2nd has already been posted. Thanks though.
  10. MIWojo11

    Multiplayer...This is my final answer..

    I knew CS2 wasnt planned. I heard DOD2 was being worked on but the DOD team hasnt said anything that I have read. I think that they will convert CS1.6+ to HL2 as a mod sometime or another. So pretty much the game will be the same besides physics and graphics perhaps. Just an idea...
  11. MIWojo11

    Multiplayer...This is my final answer..

    CS: CZ as you know is a single player game (mostly). The multiplayer part we be exactly like CS 1.6, so pretty much if you have the retail or mod game of Counter-Strike then your buying CS: CZ for the singeplayer. Here's where my idea comes into play after HL2's release CS 1.7 or 1.8 (you know...
  12. MIWojo11

    TF2 movies?

    yeah those videos arent from the source engine though, they are from the older hl1 engine and graphics, not much to wacth anyway.
  13. MIWojo11

    Which box would you buy?

    Hell im buying all 4!
  14. MIWojo11


    is warex a free ripping program to download games and movie?
  15. MIWojo11

    Lowest price for a Radeon 9500 Pro?

    Where is a good site that compares graphics cards? I cant find any..
  16. MIWojo11

    Half-Life 2 Physics Test Level HERE

    I put it into my cs map folder and it played fine. I never played against anyone though. I joined ct and bought stuff so it works on cs. It gets boring though.
  17. MIWojo11

    HL2/HL3 wishlist

    Snows levels where it leaves imprints of your feet on the snow. Also if you walk in dirt or blood it shwos on the snow. Kinda like in some Metal Gear Solid games.
  18. MIWojo11

    Spankin New Half-Life 2 Website

    Is it just me or is it that every HL2 forum except this one has less than 50 posts. HL2 Zone, HL2 HQ, HL2 Central, City 17. I wouldnt be surprised if Valve offers money for this site.
  19. MIWojo11


    Theres gonna be significant changes probably because those videos are from last september.
  20. MIWojo11

    School and HL2

    I would imagine you the guy in your avatar. :flame: