Hoo boy, someone got too excited.


May 22, 2003
Reaction score
over at City-17, they posted a new interview with Gabe Newell. Well, i copied the link over to put on my website, and checked it out to get a quote or two.

Yeah, so this interview is from the year 2000. There is no mention of HL2...it's all about TF2...before it slipped off the radar.

City 17 loves posting old news :/
Every HL2 site post things just for the cause of posting somthing. (Guess where i learned that from?)
This site has the advantage of a really active forum. City 17's forums are dead.
Their are alot of HL2 websites with practically dead forums, I think halflife2.net has the most active forums anywhere right now. Although Im not sure about the official forums at Sierra's website.
They get used quite a bit probably around the same as this one. I just like this forum better. :)
Originally posted by Majestic XII
Every HL2 site post things just for the cause of posting somthing. (Guess where i learned that from?)

would it be moddb? :P
I wonder why we chose these fourms. I mean this site isn't even being updated anymore.

There really isn't anything too update. Theres just been a few new interviews, and thats really just about it.
Face it folks, we're basically going to pour water back and forth for the next 3 months.

Then things will get iiinteresting.:bounce:
Come September 30th business will pick up there is no doubt about it and it is safe to say HL2.net will have to pull some trump cards if its not to get in the envitable crush of HL2 related sites.

Speaking of active forums, I would visit the official HL2 forums if they werent so strict and had a forum system from the Dark Ages.
Thumbscrews if you post more than once per minute?

... what nut screws?!?!?:eek:

I'm stayin' outta there.
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
Face it folks, we're basically going to pour water back and forth for the next 3 months.

Until the fourth month, at which point the Source's liquid physics limitations will force us to stop sloshing the water around and play HL2.
Look at the bright side though. When it comes out this forum will be flooded by newbies, we'll be seasoned veterans, we'll extract tribute for posting privilidges!:devil:
The Mullinator

Registered: May 2003
Posts: 307
Their are alot of HL2 websites with practically dead forums, I think halflife2.net has the most active forums anywhere right now. Although Im not sure about the official forums at Sierra's website.

LOL the official forum is rubbish and they have an official chan as well i visited there on tuesday .....6 bloody people in there What a shambels... Half Life2.net rules...
Yeah, this is undisputdely the best place for HL2 stuff. Gamespy might have more content but their forums absolutely suck.
I like gamespy sites only for the news, they suck when it comes to anything else. And I really hate fileplanet.

www.HalfLife2.net shall rule the HL2 community from now until its demise!
