Cool I saw that movie but never heard him say that, must have watched it late at night... The returning aliens I know of are headcrap, zombie, bullsquid.
Though Ridic you see that you have to do well in school to live life out to your fullest. Money, knowledge, etc.
Teachers would go crazy hearing kids talk about HL2 every day in their class and never getting HW done. Next school year will be a record school grades low with Halo2, HL2, Doom3...
I know they wont have it, all these little details people imagine would make the game too real. If some of the realism details were added that would be fine, but to make a game to real would make it crappy.
Yah the skeleton does slide around way to much. He sits on on of the stairs then slowy slides down. Pretty gay, I hope its different in HL2.
Originally posted by skogum!
I would think that if you pressed up against the desk that one person would not be able to break inside. They would probably double up on the door and break in, throw grenades or something in the window, or find a door in the back to break into. It would be freaky hearing them stop trying to...
Lol yah the dinofish was the scariest for me too. I played a mod the other day "Azure Sheep", a very long mod, you had to get into the water and I saw two of those fish's and didnt get in. I shot all my ammo above water till I killed them. Kinda like your playing "Hide and go seek", you know...
When will Valve release info on upcoming tf2? They said after most of their info was released on Half-Life 2, they would talk about tf2. Also whats the difference between tfc2 and tf2? Is tfc2 a mod and is tf2 a game you buy at the store?
Fire in front of someone wouldnt make their eyes turn red. Have you ever seen your cat at night in the dark, sometimes there eyes look almost pure yellow or red if you look at them the right way, the same thing happens with humans. They probably are goggles like everyone said and are because it...
If they had been working on the Source engine for that long than they could have easily started CS:CZ with the Source engine or changed it an early time into production. I would think that it would take attention away from HL2 also anyway.
If Valve and Ritual are co-producing this game then why didnt Valve switch it to the Source Engine? This game comes out November 1st which is after Half-Life 2's arrival. They have been working on Half-Life 2 for what 5+ years. Switching it to the Source Engine would have made it a hell of a...
Dukeinaction is right on the location. Opposite of Nevada would be in the southern hemisphere. City 17 is in the nothern hemisphere if its in Europe. Opposite of Nevada for be like around India I would guess. Plus Gordan Freeman didnt lead that experiment and I dont think he felt responsible for...