CS:condition zero--- CS 2


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Wow looking at the half life 2 screens i can really start to see some potential for CS 2.
BTW new conunterstrike: condition zero website:

Just looking on the website i noticed the beautiful renders of the two counter-terrorists. Am i seeing CS2? I wish...so do most people in this forum, but now with HL2 it is starting to look promising. Hehe..:cheers:
Originally posted by BWMASTER
Wow looking at the half life 2 screens i can really start to see some potential for CS 2.
BTW new conunterstrike: condition zero website:

Just looking on the website i noticed the beautiful renders of the two counter-terrorists. Am i seeing CS2? I wish...so do most people in this forum, but now with HL2 it is starting to look promising. Hehe..:cheers:

Do you have anything else you want to add, to your infamous and very exciting post. :eek:
wow....its not like cz has been anouced 50 years ago or anything.... and its not like we all know about....just like ur not a fool....get it?
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
Doesnt cs cz use a mod'ed hl engine?
Supposedly heavily modified, but yes it does, good sir.

If Valve and Ritual are co-producing this game then why didnt Valve switch it to the Source Engine? This game comes out November 1st which is after Half-Life 2's arrival. They have been working on Half-Life 2 for what 5+ years. Switching it to the Source Engine would have made it a hell of a whole lot better game. Check out this one gun model: http://www.gamespy.com/e32003/image...py.com/e32003/screens/PC/conditionzero/02.jpg Thats looks the same as an Half-Life 1 gun model.
1) They wouldn't want to detract any attention from HL2 just before HL2's release
2) The HL engine STILL sells quite well. No switching is necessary for the uneducated gamer (and there's quite a few out there, as 'Enter the Matrix' sales show)
3) Scrapping the whole current engine and going to the Source engine would take time, and CS:CZ has already been delayed to a point where its sales may be jeapordized
4) There's still a chance for CS2. CS:CZ, if made on the Source Engine, would look little more than a Single Player component of CS2, thus making the sales lower for each.

If they had been working on the Source engine for that long than they could have easily started CS:CZ with the Source engine or changed it an early time into production. I would think that it would take attention away from HL2 also anyway.
Well, see, the problem is, Valve isn't the real developer here. Ritual Entertainment is the 'official' developer, and as such, I doubt Valve would give them full access to the Source Engine. That and the fact that CS:CZ would come out before HL2 and would DEFINITELY steal HL2's fire as a wonderful graphics engine, and that the developer has switched so many times would be plenty of reason for Valve not to use the Source Engine.

Originally posted by Vertigo
Well, see, the problem is, Valve isn't the real developer here. Ritual Entertainment is the 'official' developer, and as such, I doubt Valve would give them full access to the Source Engine. That and the fact that CS:CZ would come out before HL2 and would DEFINITELY steal HL2's fire as a wonderful graphics engine, and that the developer has switched so many times would be plenty of reason for Valve not to use the Source Engine.

Just to add to that, The source engine probably wasn't at a stage in development that you could use to begin creating a fully fledged game on when they decided to make CZ.
And if they had wanted to use Source on CZ then they wouldnt have been able to publicize it at all (like HL2 and TF2). which wouldnt necissarily be a bad thing... ie. getting us hyped up and then making us wait forever.
Originally posted by bonanzaguy
And if they had wanted to use Source on CZ then they wouldnt have been able to publicize it at all (like HL2 and TF2). which wouldnt necissarily be a bad thing... ie. getting us hyped up and then making us wait forever.
Alright, that's it! For no apparent reason, I'm going to PM-spam you! Prepare for my dialup fury! Buahaha

i quit cs 2 months ago, because it nearly killed me...
I have a few friends that consider themselves "recovering CS addicts". Right now they do whatever they can to stay away from CS, just incase it starts over again.

I am not joking, its kinda freaky and cool at the same time.
i dont really play much anymore because too many people cheat or TK or just act like a$$holes. oh well, will be a few good days of gaming when 1.6 comes out :D
I reckon '1.6' will never come out - CZ is supposed to be coming out in a few weeks/2-3 months at the latest. The mod version of the original CS is supposed to be recieving a patch to get it to CZ status. I reckon they will add to 1.6 what they were going to add fo the CZ update and release it all as one when CS:CZ is released.
Damnit, bonanza...you don't seem too intimidated by my unstoppable PM-spam! Oh well...in any case, I never liked CS. It was at its best in betas, and even then, I didn't think it was a great game, really. Oh well, just not my style, I suppose.

Originally posted by Murray_H
I reckon '1.6' will never come out - CZ is supposed to be coming out in a few weeks/2-3 months at the latest. The mod version of the original CS is supposed to be recieving a patch to get it to CZ status. I reckon they will add to 1.6 what they were going to add fo the CZ update and release it all as one when CS:CZ is released.
...uhhh, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought CZ was a single player-only game. Maybe I'm just an insane crack addict.

Originally posted by Vertigo
...uhhh, correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought CZ was a single player-only game. Maybe I'm just an insane crack addict.


yes u are....

CS:Cz will be compatible(sp?) with the CS1.6 in multiplayer...

which means that people still playing the mod, will be able to play with people who has CS:Cz....the coming patch for the mod will include weapons and equipment(+ some maps I think) that is in CS:CZ....but people who own CS:CZ will get the new weapon+player models....singleplayer part and I think some CZ-only maps ....

*edit* woops...it might be that v1.7 instead of 1.6 that will be compatible....can't remember...
CZ, and CS2 are gonna be CRAP!

I dunno about you, but i'm sick of games which claim to be realistic, and are arcade.

CZ uses a modded HL1 engine, so it's about 5 years out of date, so only hardcore fans are going to buy it. As for CS2, it's probably gonna be actural product, to sell....

I'm not looking forward to it.
Realistic is 1 shot from the glock in the foot and you are dead/incapacitated. I'll take CS the way it is now, thank you. It's pretty realistic for me, all I get are headshots anyways.
Originally posted by TPBin
CZ, and CS2 are gonna be CRAP!

I dunno about you, but i'm sick of games which claim to be realistic, and are arcade.

CZ uses a modded HL1 engine, so it's about 5 years out of date, so only hardcore fans are going to buy it. As for CS2, it's probably gonna be actural product, to sell....

I'm not looking forward to it.

They never claimed CS1 was realistic. And if they did, im sure it was meant in comparison to tfc or something.
lol...mist of been in comparison with TFC...lol, what happens when you shoot a guy point blank range with a Desert Eagle...he dies, on CS u need bout 3 or 4 shots
Originally posted by simmo2k3
lol...mist of been in comparison with TFC...lol, what happens when you shoot a guy point blank range with a Desert Eagle...he dies, on CS u need bout 3 or 4 shots

First off its more like 2 shots from DEeagle. Also no one ever said CS was realistic, the developement team sure as shit didnt. **** CS and **** everyone who doesnt hack it.
Originally posted by THUGENSTEIN
First off its more like 2 shots from DEeagle. Also no one ever said CS was realistic, the developement team sure as shit didnt. **** CS and **** everyone who doesnt hack it.

unless you totally gay...you meant "does hack it"

btw. the cs team never have said that cs was realistic...but that it was semi-realistic and that they would always choose gameplay over realism.
9th of September 2003 - the supposed relase date of CS:CZ (from IGN)...which is kinda near HL2, probably will be the 30th eventually
The source engine wouldn't change very much in CS. Only graphics.
But it would change very much in Day of Defeat! It would make the game more realistic, give it better feeling and stuff.

The DoD-team are more skilled modelers than the CS-team, so they can fast and easily make their mod look as good as HL2.

I see the possiblities like this, HL2 may/will add:

More players at the same server. In DoD it would be better, more action! In CS it would ruin everything, because it isn't that kind of game.

Bigger maps. In DoD it would rock, better sniper distances, big open areas (and look at Vehicles). In CS this would result in lack of action.

Vehicles. In DoD Jeeps could be added, with mounted MG's and stuff. This would be good in wide areas. Not tanks, cuz it would turn it into BF1942. In CS it could be good for CT, to storm, but I don't know.

So I hope DoD is going to Source, it would rock!
I wonder who is going to buy Condition Zero when you can save money to upgrade ur computer or buy HL2. Hmmm....
Yeah, and at the CS: CZ site they say "The no1 action game" or something.

Hell no, hehe, HL2 will be the no1!=)
i dont know if HL2 multiplayer will be no1, but from what iv seen im sure sp will be so good it just cancels cs out.
Yeah, it depends on how well and unique HL2 MP is.

But I hope more mods add singleplayer, cuz I wanna see SP in DoD (:afro:)
If new source engine works online without lag then multiplayer WILL be no 1.
Imagine how fun it would be if there was a mod that allowed you to use only the gravitygun and you have to fight a bunch of other people. Picking up stuff and throwing it...JUST IMAGINE
If new source engine works online without lag then multiplayer WILL be no 1.
Imagine how fun it would be if there was a mod that allowed you to use only the gravitygun and you have to fight a bunch of other people. Picking up stuff and throwing it...JUST IMAGINE
Originally posted by BWMASTER
If new source engine works online without lag then multiplayer WILL be no 1.
Imagine how fun it would be if there was a mod that allowed you to use only the gravitygun and you have to fight a bunch of other people. Picking up stuff and throwing it...JUST IMAGINE
Valve mentioned something about client side server, and physic side server.. don't really get how they work, but it should reduce the lag to 0