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  1. Cleric

    lack of new stuff

    Its monday, its almost midday (here in london anyway) and there is still no sign of any new videos or info or anything!! You dont think they will just keep saying "it will be here next week honestly!!" right up untill release date do you?
  2. Cleric

    Model dammage??

    nice, i thought there would have to be but i just wanted to make sure. :cheers:
  3. Cleric

    Model dammage??

    i have seen the Zombies shot apart but i havent seen any impact marks on any of the enemies? does this mean if you shoot someone it wont put a mark on there body? It really annoys me in a game if you hit someone an cant see how accurate you were!! it wont spoil the game for me but it would be...
  4. Cleric

    What is the world coming too?

    har har har har!! Dont they know by banning these things children would probably just go out an look them up to find out why!!!
  5. Cleric

    This only applys to Brits

    oh well, America is going to tear itself apart soon you mark my words, an us brits will jus sit here going "jolly good show what not!" :afro:
  6. Cleric

    Eh?..svencop included with HL2?

    how do such big companys print such crap when us forum types know so much more!!!
  7. Cleric

    Food for Thought.

    If you look on 85% of what is on there is only counter terrorist stuff or WW2 mods, im not against any of these but with the ammount of them that there are it is pointless making any more!! No one will play them because the few origanal ones will just piss on them from a great height...
  8. Cleric

    New Videos.. When!!!

    i think it is just the same video but with just a few new bits...
  9. Cleric

    Please discuss NEW HL2 Media HERE (when time come)

    This wont help, people will still start about a thousand threads of "look new stuff!!" its what always happens, its just the way the world works.
  10. Cleric

    This only applys to Brits

    i know, some people are far to sensative, i have loads of non-white non-english friends and i would never be rude to them but people are always saying "you cant say that its not PC!!" the thing is the people that are offended are always the people who the joke isn't aimed at!!
  11. Cleric

    This only applys to Brits

    No i am just the type of person who says what everyone is thinking but doesn't want to say because it will either kill the conversation an make an awkward silence or it might be seen as non PC. This earnt me the nickname "Professional Bastard" an also got me called biggot on more than one...
  12. Cleric

    Behavior Modification Center

    that is a collection from all over the country i have got from going to uni, one thing i have found is that you dont get them in other countries its something that only seems to affect us here in england. I have tried to explain about them to people from all over the world an none of them...
  13. Cleric

    This only applys to Brits

    nice picture, reminds of the wrestling i saw yesterday, it was the 7"2 bigshow fighting....a one legged teen!!! oh how i laughed when the teen won as everyone knew he would, but it was fun watching a cripple get his arsed kicked, i dont know why it just was...
  14. Cleric

    Behavior Modification Center

    Pikes, chavs, townies, rude boys, these are all word that are used to describe the nobs that roam england these days. They all wear denim jackets over hoodies an some designer label jeans or jogging bottoms here in london an drive about on there scooters, oh how i laugh at them....
  15. Cleric

    This only applys to Brits

    everything north of london is basically the 3rd world, it sucks so hard!!! The fact im a born an bread london boy has nothing to do with this!! If you go south of london it gets quite nice but north just sucks. Except the isle of weight, i have seen shanty towns tha are more advanced than...
  16. Cleric

    OMG I Can't Wait

    Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam...
  17. Cleric

    Anyone else not thrilled about vehicles in multi?

    I personally think that vehicles are going to rock in the game!! This said i also really like just good old deathmatch. I will be annoyed if every single map has vehicles on them as it would get a little annoying after a while but i think it will definatly add to the overall game having them on...
  18. Cleric

    Congrats Sniper and the Sven team!

    you dont need the co-op mode to throw barrels at each other, you will probably be able to do that in good old death match...
  19. Cleric

    The Rail Gun lives in HL2

    if you look at the picture of the gun it looks like it has a kind of handle on it, maybe you carry it a bit like a mini-gun? it would be cool if ingame you could pull it off the buggy an jus start wandering round with it. :cheers:
  20. Cleric

    HL2 SDK Realease?

    i know its before the game ships but that is quite a long way away.