This only applys to Brits

Originally posted by |MaTT|
damn... I missed this thread!

Sheffield here. Home of Sean bean, Deaf leopard and hendersons relish!

Heheh, same.
Me too. Oh but make sure you get me one of those cups with the thing to drink it through. You know so i wont just drop it on the floor and let it spill everywhere.

We are talking about apple juice right? Because if it isnt....:flame:
I want to go to Nottingham University..... and I know its notorious for crime.... but its a cool Uni :)
Im not entirely sure which Uni im gonna pick. Ive still kept my options open with my chosen subjects. I dont really know what course im going to do. Ive left my self a choice of 3 different routes.
lol sorry - it was a dispute over a garden hedge (size of whatever) a la neighbours from hell

Uni for me next year :S cambridge, durham, bristol or st andrews

So much stuff to do, so little time :(
hmmmm Cambridge .... you must b pretty clever :thumbs:

I'm gonna do Physics at Nottingham.... it's gonna rock so much :) ... only two years of Sixth Form to go :)
There are a lot of these where do you live threads.

norfolk in a village called Wacton (wackytown)
and there are farmers and tractors and yokels and junk and stuff
but no shops or technology.
Originally posted by Shodan
There are a lot of these where do you live threads.

norfolk in a village called Wacton (wackytown)
and there are farmers and tractors and yokels and junk and stuff
but no shops or technology.

Except your computer?
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Except your computer?

Coming from Norfolk its probably a Casio FX-250HC calculator...
I didnt want to say that because it wouldnt surprise me if someone would burn the idea. But it would be nice. After all there are forums for other countries.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Where about in the UK do you live? Just curious really.

I live in a town called Stalybridge (AKA Staly-vegas) which is about 10 miles east of Manchester. Just at the base of the pennines.

Bromley, just outside of London.
Stalybridge? Thats near Ashton-Under-Lyne aint it? My dad lives there (well in Dukinfield)

I live in Lincoln
<----- Scouser

Liverpool, an Evertonian so dont anyone call me a Liverpudlian :)

North > South.
Live in Huddersfield in Yorkshire....

err umm yay me?

I'm from the Isle of Wight, which is about as far south (in England) as you can get and has the highest teen pregnancy rate in Europe, so I'm doing well not to have fathered a baby so far.
Originally posted by Murray_H
Stalybridge? Thats near Ashton-Under-Lyne aint it? My dad lives there (well in Dukinfield)

I live in Lincoln

Wow. Where abouts is Lincoln?

Where i live is about a quater of a mile from duckinfield. My old school is on the border between the two.
Liverpool... yes stevie gerrard is the master
Brynhoffnant West Wales. But when people hear my accent they thinks im from Bradford :/

So +1 Northern Bastard.

-1 Southern Shandy Basher.
everything north of london is basically the 3rd world, it sucks so hard!!! The fact im a born an bread london boy has nothing to do with this!! If you go south of london it gets quite nice but north just sucks.

Except the isle of weight, i have seen shanty towns tha are more advanced than that slum.
Originally posted by Cleric
everything north of london is basically the 3rd world, it sucks so hard!!! The fact im a born an bread london boy has nothing to do with this!! If you go south of london it gets quite nice but north just sucks.

Except the isle of weight, i have seen shanty towns tha are more advanced than that slum.


If that bomb hadnt gone off i might agree with you, with regards to Manchester anyway. Funny how a bomb did actually improve the place qite a lot.
nice picture, reminds of the wrestling i saw yesterday, it was the 7"2 bigshow fighting....a one legged teen!!! oh how i laughed when the teen won as everyone knew he would, but it was fun watching a cripple get his arsed kicked, i dont know why it just was...
Your a nice person arent you? Not sadistic in anyway.

/me Slowly backs away from Cleric. Then realises that all he is doing is rolling back from his computer.
No i am just the type of person who says what everyone is thinking but doesn't want to say because it will either kill the conversation an make an awkward silence or it might be seen as non PC. This earnt me the nickname "Professional Bastard" an also got me called biggot on more than one occation, it didn't help me an my mates sat around telling people how much better than them we were :bounce: oh those were such happy days....
P.C has been the bane of my life. (Dont try to make a joke of that please) People call you a racist for no good reason. "Im making fun of you, idiot, not black people!"
i know, some people are far to sensative, i have loads of non-white non-english friends and i would never be rude to them but people are always saying "you cant say that its not PC!!" the thing is the people that are offended are always the people who the joke isn't aimed at!!
A word of advice. Dont go to the US. OVer there the segragation is terrible. Blacks only stick with black mexicans with mexicans etc. Its mad. I can understand people groups sticking together. But if anyone insults someone in another group it automatically becomes a "hate crime". Its not so bad if you come from another country. Like you jsut make fun of everyone. When we weont over a while back. my dad was talking to this black guy (whos parents were french) you could quite easily see that his features were french looking. But my dad said to him "So where are you originaly from....and dont say its Africa" In a joking way. We stayed with this mexican dude and the looks my dad got from walking around with him. Its like noone of different colours mix. When we went to San fran is wasnt quite so bad but still it was bad.
oh well, America is going to tear itself apart soon you mark my words, an us brits will jus sit here going "jolly good show what not!" :afro:
Originally posted by Cleric
oh well, America is going to tear itself apart soon you mark my words, an us brits will jus sit here going "jolly good show what not!"

hey, Viva La Revolution... Britian will rule the waves once again....:cheers:
Originally posted by Cleric
everything north of london is basically the 3rd world, it sucks so hard!!! The fact im a born an bread london boy has nothing to do with this!! If you go south of london it gets quite nice but north just sucks.

Except the isle of weight, i have seen shanty towns tha are more advanced than that slum.

:eek: Slum! Honestly.
Well I suggest u all come to Nottingham where on average there are twice as many girls as there are boys, and trust me THAT RULES!
ahem, well i am moving to northumberland very soon so it wont mater for me :'(. I should be moveing to Morpeth if you know it

And Yes Notingham is very very rough in some parts of town.
We are one of the only cities in England to have armed police on the streets, which is a big thing for us u americans cos we only use the guns if we have to :P.
We had an induction day at college yesterday. 300 pupils from an all girl school came looking round.

Just thought id mention that.
Hi marksman,
Coincedense, I'm living in Morpeth while not studying at Nottingham.
How come you're moving up North then?