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  1. Cleric

    Emails from Valve

    Someone should make a Mod where you get to play as one of the white robots of death from the planet Krikket :cheese: anyone who has read the hitch hikers guide to the galaxy series will know what i mean.
  2. Cleric

    HL2 SDK Realease?

    I was just wondering if anyone had any info on when the HL2 SDK would be released to the general public? Me and a few mates are thinking of starting a mod but want to get a feel of the SDK before we finalise anything. I get the feeling tho that if you dont have a mod setup or something you...
  3. Cleric

    EVIL, this thread is for you baby...

    I have never seen posting at the speed guinny is doing, its insane!! are you really that bored?
  4. Cleric


    Someone should make a mod where you wander round as God or his angel of death an smite the unbelivers!! Go back to God being Old Testament style, all vengance an rivers of blood....
  5. Cleric

    America is better!

    That is the most accurate account of britans history i have ever seen!!! We just have to hope the immagrents run away like everyone else did...
  6. Cleric

    the hover ships are organic

    The machine gun on it was great as instead of shooting exactly where you are it strafed the ground in a line towards you!!! so damn goood....
  7. Cleric

    Father who?????

    maybe he will be able to call on the power of god to smite his fows and crush them for him!!! rainging fireballs from the sky and causing the earth to shake an stuff like that!!! well it would be nice anyway...
  8. Cleric

    No BunnyHoP in HL2 ?

    To be honest your the n00bs, if you need to be able to bunny hop and have a gauss gun to get any kills then you the one with the lack of skill :cool:
  9. Cleric

    America is better!

    bah, its all about the brits and the russians!!! i was up in central london near St James's park (if you have been to london or live there you will know where i mean) an because putin was visiting the road down to the palace was covered in huge union jacks and russian flags :cheese: Thats...
  10. Cleric

    My nomination for unintentional and unofficial Half-Life soundtrack...

    i personally think it sucks balls but that is just my opinion :bounce: i think it should be something with more of a beat behind it but still some heavy guitar, like the Mad Capsule Markets :afro: nothing like a good bit of japanease metal to get you going. A good example is a song...
  11. Cleric


    The Zombies from 28 days later are not traditional ones, they have a virus that basically just makes them degenerate into extreamly violent and pissed off animals, so they just run at people. You could have it so that there are people with a slight imunity so they are still Zombies but not as...
  12. Cleric

    It's Time For Some New Speculation!

    Do you think they will leave us guessing about the game untill its release or do you think we will be given little bits of info about it leading upto its release?
  13. Cleric

    What you listening too?

    from what i have heard of metallicas new album sucks hard, they have just jumped on the nu-metal bandwagon :flame:
  14. Cleric

    What you listening too?

    Do any of you ever wonder why games use more techno an dance music in games rather than metal? i personally always turn music off in a game an the "energetic beats" as they call them piss me off so much!!! it would be good if a game made several sound tracks for a game and you could choose the...
  15. Cleric

    The Flashlight

    If it is a new model Hazard suit maybe they will include some kind of night vision or something, maybe thermal immaging :cheese:
  16. Cleric

    Generation Half-Life 2

    any of you guys like nevermore/in Flames/Children of Bodom type stuff?
  17. Cleric

    Recommended Requirements posted...

    why do so many threads degenerate into "look this is my PC i hope it will run it!!!" threads?
  18. Cleric

    Generation Half-Life 2

    Germans rock, they hold the best metal festivals anywhere!!! Wacken here i come!!!! :bounce:
  19. Cleric

    What you listening too?

    Just to get an idea of what the people on this forum listen to while brousing.... At the moment im listening to: Nevermore - Believe in nothing :cool:
  20. Cleric

    What Mods are you looking forward to?

    im getting bored with all these WW2 games they all promise "new" features but are all the same!! an when will people stop picking on the Germans? i for one would much rather run around shooting french people, but maybe thats just me...