
  • Thread starter Thread starter Shyguy
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I was just thinking about an idea for a mod. Kind of a zombie survival type thing, I had been thinking about stuff from resident evil than I saw the trailer for "28 Days later" and thought wow that would be a really cool game.

One team could be Humans (swat/police/civilians)
Other team is zombies

It could be done many ways but round base (a la cs) would be pretty damn cool, the objective is for humans to survive, zombies get 2 lives, humans only 1, waht with their guns and all.

Where it gets interesting is the humans could board themselves up in a house, putting furniture in front of doors/stairs (whatever) Then move up to high levels and attempt to defend themselves from hoardes of attacking zombies (who would be ripping apart doors and walls and such doing anything to get to the humans. The zombies main attack would be a good ol' swipe with their clawed hands and after a critical hit (to the head) or similar, the humans could be disabled temporarily on the floor while the zombies then eat them HAHAHAHAHAA. Regaining health perhaps.

Now I don't know but this sounds like alot of fun for a mod, I myself could not make it (very little experience) but it still sounds cool


Another thing that would make it interesting is if there could only be x number of humans for every zombie. Like on a 16 player server there could be 6 humans and 10 zombies. Just to re-inforce the "horde" thing. And the mod author would have to come up with something for the zombies attack because I don't know about the rest of you but I would become bored pretty quickly if all I could do was swing my arm. Maybe the zombies would only get melee weapons but they would get to pick between a bat, a 2x4, a chainsaw, an axe and maybe a circular saw or something. (And the circular saw could have an alt fire that shot the blade out =) )

And if you wanted to hype up the humans fear factor even more just give them a variety of pistols.
yah that would be smart to allow the zombies melee weapons, I would love to knock a guys head off with a baseball bat!
Or, even better, the zombies don't get actual weapons. They just get boards and pipes and stuff (that all work the same in game).

THen you give the humans a bunch of improvised melee weapons and a couple weak pistols... so if they want to really hurt the zombies, they have to get inside brain eating distance :borg:
cool idea. I had this idea also when I saw the movie (great movie BTW)I think it would be cooler if there where 3 zombies for every human in the server. this would make it a bit more survival like
5 humans VS 15 zombies.

/me would enjoy to be a zombie.
Since you named this thread "mod" can I post other mod ideas here?

But first, I'll lay down some ideas.

Some Zombie-Mod ideas:
-To keep the 3:1 zombies to humans ratio, you might need bots
-Two types of human weps, ballistic and holy
-the entire thing is one continuous game, no rounds
-the zombies respawn whereas the humans do not

hmm, that last one has some issues...unless the game is very fast-paced, humans and zombies dying right and left.
Heres my take on teh Zombie- Human idea:

Zombies respawn in cemetaries (or labs, either is gd :))
Humans rapel down from helicopters (or charge from the back of a truck)
Humans get armour (but cannot get more health)
Zombies get more health (from eating humans :P)

This story reminds me of a movie called "the living deads" or "day of the living deads"

dawn of the dead?

night of the living dead?

someone make this mod for me hehehe

btw tairngire I really like your idea about weapons, cause zombies are dumb they cant really have REAL weapons but planks, pipes would be awesome!
not bad

Not a bad idea the only problem with zombies is there no suppose to be very quick and they can only use melee most likely and if your a civillian, SWAT or Police it wont be that hard to kill them.
Re: not bad

Originally posted by BadBruzer
Not a bad idea the only problem with zombies is there no suppose to be very quick and they can only use melee most likely and if your a civillian, SWAT or Police it wont be that hard to kill them.

Yeah, but if you only can kill the zombies with ...umm....things.

Like this:

A zombie are walking up the stairs after you. You turn around and shoot down lamp or something that fall down and crush the zombie.

Bullits wont kill em :)

Or you have to blow them apart....or what ever...
The Zombies from 28 days later are not traditional ones, they have a virus that basically just makes them degenerate into extreamly violent and pissed off animals, so they just run at people.

You could have it so that there are people with a slight imunity so they are still Zombies but not as thick so could manage to use a pistol or something.
^ Yep, thats right about the virus crap, came from the monkeys. Anyways, it sounds like it'd be loads of fun. I could see myself wacking a zombie over the head with a pipe while he gnaws on my leg D:
Maybe when the zombie bite a soldier... the soldier will K.O. and within 1 min he will transform into a zombie too... that would be awsome. :)

Is that possible with the engine? changing player models and skins?
Originally posted by sharp
Maybe when the zombie bite a soldier... the soldier will K.O. and within 1 min he will transform into a zombie too... that would be awsome. :)

Is that possible with the engine? changing player models and skins?

Almost everything is possible only if you know how to code it :)
I think this is possible. I really hope this goes for the headcrab zombies in HL². seeing them change etc.
I wonder if valve will help mods even more in HL2, eg: giving advice, and stuff...thank that will happen ?
Originally posted by simmo2k3
I wonder if valve will help mods even more in HL2, eg: giving advice, and stuff...thank that will happen ?

I hope so, and i think so too. They own us something when we made thier game so popular :)
and I'm sure I read some where that modders will get all the help they can get, as they want the modding to continue, as its whats kept the game alive since the start...
Well - on the issue of zombies closing into close range, why not give them a stealth advantage - either harder to see in shadows, and quieter.. sneak up on unsuspecting humies and munch on them.. leaping through windows and more w/ the HL2 engine :)

If you look at it, you can find ways to equalize their movement problems w/ some other thematic systems..
i'd like to see a "night of the living dead crash test dummies" mod

just think about it, wave after wave of crash test dummies, intent on eating your brain!

(i was trying to think of more zombie ideas and i remebered an old gary larson (far side) comic)