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  1. 82ross

    Powered by the Havok

  2. 82ross

    HL2_TechDemo Easter Egg Hunt - Gone GOLD

    I fugin dont, missin six.
  3. 82ross

    HL2 Movie's Easter Egg - the many toilets of HL2 I found a toilet ages ago, i didnt bother to post pics of any others cos i posted the first as a joke. Theres no way they are part of an easter egg. (24th post down) heres the...
  4. 82ross


    It is called SPAM and is very very much a no-no. People dont like spammers at all. So i would cut it out if i was you ;(
  5. 82ross

    Exclusive forums easter egg hunt!

    count me in if im not too late.
  6. 82ross

    Normal Maps

    I doubt they would use one polygon surfaces to model 20000 surfaces. That was just a demonstration on how good the technology is. They use normal mapping to reduce poly counts but 1 poly is an extreme. And normal maps are supposed to be used for finer details, you shouldnt for example try and...
  7. 82ross

    What's your STEAM ID # ?

    Nope one isnt made for you untill you join a server online. Dunno why seems silly to me. I would have had a very low id if the account creation way was true.
  8. 82ross

    OT: CS1.6 Weapon Names

    What a gobshite forgot about the propper cs forums.
  9. 82ross

    OT: CS1.6 Weapon Names

    Anyone know how to change these? I havent got a clue what half of them are when named the retail way. Thought id ask here while the steam forums are down.
  10. 82ross

    steam is out!

    If you look post but one above you i already did confirm this. Right now there is no media tab in Steam 1.0. It could be activated at any time. Most probably when the release has died down a little and some things are ironed out. If you have HL/CS/DOD already installed it doesnt ask you to...
  11. 82ross

    steam is out!

    Its been said for a few days that offline play will be added soon, at first i thought it just had todo with logging into steam to play LAN games etc. But it probably means bots aswell. For anyone on irc seeing the whole business about MD5 checksums and beta installers. I persoanally used a...
  12. 82ross

    steam is out!

    Look at this in Cobble. Is it meant to be there or is it just a big glitch the mapper missed? BTW cobble looks wierd but good now.
  13. 82ross

    steam is out!

    Is the SteamID format 0:0:0000? I was all chuffed that i created an account very early, the like a dick didnt realise you have to join a server to get your ID.
  14. 82ross

    New mod idea for team that wants it.

    Its an ok idea. You did get a bit flamed to begin with, a few ok responses in the middle then some more flames :P TBH you should start a new thread in the:- Help Wanted & Offered Thats what its there for.
  15. 82ross

    A virus disguised as the new Steam

    I didnt. What was it?
  16. 82ross

    New mod idea for team that wants it.

    Why dont you just contact mod teams instead of posting it here but not actually telling us what it is?
  17. 82ross

    multiple gravity?

    You could pull off some great Matrix style running along walls with multiple gravity.
  18. 82ross

    Wayne Rooney is a football genious

    For anyone who's been lucky enough to see him play, im sure you'll agree. Made up im a Evertonian. :cheers:
  19. 82ross

    STALKER and HALF LIFE2 Physics.

    Ive seen the Stalker video just for ragdoll bodys. They are very good compared to the previous videos where the movements were a bit jerky. Both games seem pretty equal now. Videos cant really show us anything more on ragdoll. Ill have to wait to play them to decide which is better.
  20. 82ross

    Something interesting I've noticed about the crosshairs

    Might be for dual/akimbo weapons. Having two pistols, one in each hand.