HL2 Movie's Easter Egg - the many toilets of HL2

  • Thread starter Thread starter StormCyko
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hello, im a friend of Hish << i just want to know what a easter egg is ? what do you mean with that i knoow im a noob :p
i believe easter eggs are usually oval shaped
pity they wasted time on thinking up easter eggs for these video.

j/k :P
Exactly what's so speacial about toilets? How is it an easter egg? Woah, there's a toilet in almost all the videos... That doesn't really signify anything - you're in a city, so toilets aren't all that crazy a thing to see. Plus, there are boxes, barrels and crates in pretty much every video, but they're just part of the scenery...
I fail to see why toilets would hold any significance whatsoever. A couple of people mentioned this AGES ago, but most people seemed to disagree because that would be just about the strangest most meaningless easter egg ever.

Of course I couyld be wrong, but if I am I'd love for someone to explain the significance to me...
There is a toilet in the Dune Buggy clip. It's near the start as he drives past the rock walls on the right hand side, lying on the ground.

Coincidence??? I think not...
theres a toilet in the strider clip too, i think, will have to double check it
i thought the TOILET would be as well....although i only spotted the one in TRAPTOWN. i thought it was odd that it was in the big blue crate!!!?

yes that MUST be it man
Why would there be a toilet in the klieners VID!! and there is jus sitting there in a wierd place!

well done EMAIL IT TO GABE! man i should of realised after i saw the one in traptown
But why? Toilets? What kind of easter egg is that?
it is the easter egg!! well done man.

i mean they are trying to hide a toilet in every veid clip!

well they done it. maybe they are trying to say that well 5yrs of making this game non-stop...bladder control! LOL
you guys don't realize that the videos are taken from the actual maps which are going to be in the game.. the toilets are just part of the maps, maybe an overused prefab, but not an easter egg ... ??????
well than valve got some serious issues with their amount of objects if they put toilets in crates and in the storage room of a lab
here is a pic of the Dune Buggy movie toilet


  • buggytoilet.jpg
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wow, valve must have some diatery problems to be putting in toilets like this :P
i doubt this is the egg, gabe told us to pay attention to the characters eyes.

while this might be something fun the map editors did, i doubt it is the actual easter egg gabe was refering to
maybe if you pay closer attention to the eyes we might be able to find hl2's real release date :D
the eyes is such a red herring, there's nothing to see there.
no look...yes they are maps from the game, but they prob jus put the toilets in there for an easter egg, and then goin to get rid of them for the final release.

In a way, it is like an easter egg hunt, finding the toilets in places where they ought not to be, so it could be the famous easter egg.

Though, I'm still not sure that Gabe didn't mention the easter egg thing just to mess with our heads and keep busy until ship. The toilets, as has been mentioned, might just be an overused prefab prop.
Maybe it's a structural change in design from HL1, and instead of dumping crates everywhere toilets are now all the rage in City 17.
I always thought that the egg was the text on the wall in the e3 vid, u know when they demonstrate the wood splintering etc.
And whats the reason valve chose TOILETS to be the egg?
There's a toilet, just lying there for no real reason, in every single video and there's no way they're part of an easter egg?

I noticed 2 of those toilets but none of the others, and they never struck me as odd. Good find! :cheers:
If this turns out to be true, then I can surmise this is the first easter egg I have ever seen that was full of crap :D :D
What's so amazing about toilets?

1 in every 3 rooms is a toilet, it's really not that amazing.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
What's so amazing about toilets?

1 in every 3 rooms is a toilet, it's really not that amazing.

Could be worse. Could be Sonic Hedgehog attaching a Strider...and winning
Hmm nice pictures! seems like it is an easter egg....

btw my first post, Hi!
I'm thinking "HL2 drinking game"
You have to have a shot everytime you see a toilet.
Originally posted by Orange
the lack of bathrooms in black mesa perhaps?
Actually, there was at least one bathroom in the game, right at the very beginning next to the locker room.
It seems that people are under the misconception that easter eggs have to have some significance. Most of the time, they're just little things that make you stop and say, "Well isn't that odd." This may not be the easter egg(s) Gabe is hinting at, but it could be an inside joke for the map designers to see just how many toilets they can put about without it looking too odd.
Originally posted by worldspawn
nothing i say is against the rules.. this is a forum, a place for expressing opinion and is based on free speech, thanks.


A common misconception among people who never read the terms they click "agree" to when they sign up. "Free Speech" rarely exists on irc or forums. Might want to bare that in mind. :cool:
yea, usually easter eggs are just plain weird..

look at Legend's games, a woodchuck and squirrles thanking you for saving them, with a picture of Ol' Abe behind them, saying " Lincon is Pleased"
If this isn't the easter egg embedded in the videos, that would mean at the rate they appear here, you'd be seeing a toilet about once every five minutes in the HL2 game proper.

I don't think so.

Having one random toilet in every single video clip? Easter Egg.
so... is there a toilet in the strider vid as well?
someone make a pic of it! :D