Well if youd word it correctly you might get a better response. "What are you waiting for this year" well right now its this year and im still waiting for stalker.
You should have said "What games are you waiting for that are getting released this year."
So its your fault you mong.
Wny not just limit SDK talk to a single forum. Any leaks out side that forum can be removed. Repeated incidents = ban.
I wouldnt mind knowing about the engine before i got the game. I dont really care about spoilers either but i wouldnt spoil it for anyone else.
You do all realise that the "Combine" is the fortress taking over city17 not the soldiers. So the "men" you fight are the Combine's soldiers but they are not the combine.
And the sky to the right on barricade is just the coast. :)
They are very big fans of star wars. They are trying todo a jedi mind trick on gordon or take his weapon. But it doesnt work and they have a very short memory, 10 secs later they try it again.
LOD = Level of Detail
I noticed the gmans neck straight away. It was very obvious. Things like...
Most modelers build their models high poly anyway, then reduce them to fit the games constraints. So it might even get easier for them. :)
Also with increased cpu power, you get better tools to make things with.
Your right, the order is not the same as the Gamespy vid. But the tunnels clip was seen in the e3 demo.
People keep confusing E3 footage with Gamespy vid. Gamespy excluded the tunnels part, but it is just as part of the e3 demo and any other.
It has been stated that TF2 will be standalone you are correct DarkelP :)
They will make the most profit selling HL2, TF2 and CS2 as seperate products. It wouldnt make any financial sense including one free with the other, unless for a short time sale offer.
Do you think the HL2 team are incapable of making a game with Doom3 capabilities? They could if they chose to, they just decided it wouldnt suit their needs at the time.
I think HL2 will look better than it does in the videos. Cos i agree it looks pretty flat now. Alls we have seen is the odd...
Cos you would get 4fps. Valve are wuite capable of making HL2 look as good as Doom3, but certain design decisions were made for maximum scalability and playability.