Which games are you waiting for this year ?

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I would say Duke Nukem Never... That game is NEVER coming out!
- HL2 (of couse!! :dork: )

- Doom3

- Sims2 (maybe)

- Halo2

- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (it will come out september in my country)

- S.T.A.L.K.E.R

- Full Spectrum Warrior (after i try some demo)

- Deus Ex2

- The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal (have to ask someone to buy it for me one of these days)

And that's about it...i think...
Ah yes, and Duke Nukem Forever (whenever it comes)
Half-Life 2, Deus Ex 2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R,

Next year
Doom 3, DNF
Max Payne 2
Commandos 3 (comes in 2nd)
Call of Duty
Medal of Honor : Rising Sun
Hidden and dangerous 2
Thats right i forgot about H&D2. I want that game a lot, i like any game that has iron sights.
OMG, I see some of you are REALLY mentally defective.
I simply asked which games are you waiting for THIS year (NOT NEXT) and some of you keep including Doom III and STALKER which are products of 2004 ..... wtf is wrong with you people ? math problems ? English problems ? what, tell me!
how can u you not see that he did not mean year as in 365 days but year as in 133 days. you fools.

And you can't include Doom 3 anyway, cos it's not made by valve. and you can't have stalker for the same reason. Actually you can only have HL2. And I', sure some1s posted an OMG HL2 DELAYED UNTIL 2004!!!!! thread, so you can't have that either. So just stfu all you damn n00bs out there.
This year:
Half-Life 2
Far Cry
Max Payne 2

Next year:
-Far Cry
-UT 2004
-Deus Ex 2
-Call of Duty
-Jedi Knight
-NHL 2004
-Joint Operations
-Medal of Honor Breakthrough
-BF 1942 Secret Weapons Over Normandy
-NFS Underground
-Silent Storm
-Battlefield Vietnam
-Men of Valor Vietnam
-I hope an add on for RtCW Enemy Territory

I can probably afford about 4. I don't get much on my salary(I am 13)
Would someone be kind enough to donate money to the "Save ray_MAN
Originally posted by Acidtrip
OMG, I see some of you are REALLY mentally defective.
I simply asked which games are you waiting for THIS year (NOT NEXT) and some of you keep including Doom III and STALKER which are products of 2004 ..... wtf is wrong with you people ? math problems ? English problems ? what, tell me!

Well if youd word it correctly you might get a better response. "What are you waiting for this year" well right now its this year and im still waiting for stalker.

You should have said "What games are you waiting for that are getting released this year."

So its your fault you mong.
In order of importance...

Half-Life 2 & Deus Ex: Invisible War (tied)
Theif III
Star Wars: KOTOR
Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark
waiting is lame.

I'm serious. One of the worse states of human existance is in the state of waiting.

think about it.

(oh..... HL2, Doom3, FarCry, CS2 and Strip Poker on Friday night)
Half-Life 2, Halo 2 (maybe next year), day of defeat......thats all i can think of now :borg: :borg:
(in this order)

Half-Life 2 (OMG Manipulator)
Stalker: Oblivion Lost (OMG COOP in that huge game)
Max Payne 2 (awesome story, gritty gameplay)
Thief 3 (sneakin in shadows mmm boy)
Jedi Academy (teamin up with friends and double sabers)
Halo PC (already played the hell outta Xbox version, but still fun)
Far Cry (demo was ok, i am curious how it'll turn out)
Tron 2.0 (i'm only curious, the cycles and disc fights could be fun)