He never said they would be stupid, he was just comenting on the games that would be released after a year or two development which will just look completely cheap and useless when compared to the top games.
CS isnt so hot at loading maps on its own. It seems that every version takes longer and longer to load a map. Steam adds a few seconds on itself probably a few more validation routines than normal.
I miss the good old beta days sniff sniff.
Its not just the flamers that need to go, its the people who post the daft threads that enduce the flames.
A month ago the forum had very few flamed threads cos we had something to talk about. Now most things have already been said a few times over and some late comers come in and repeat...
Its not the official anything. But it didnt seem like a rant tbh more like a valid opinion.
Like HL1 doesnt get appreciation? 50 awards? Modding is a major part of the HL scene i dont think you can really expect to not have a barrage of crap mods for the first few months before they evolve...
The way people got unreleased media was to change some file targets for the media browser. You still needed to run steam and the media browser to get the file out.
There was another way, i think it was Chris who extracted the bink or bik file directly. Youll have to ask him for the latest...
Re: Re: Cons of the Source
There are a few clipping issues in the e3 movie. The wooden planks in the tech demo. The ant lion going through the matress and the beam that falls out of the dumpster onto the combine soldier.
Just lettin you know so you can have a look.
Who has said that the e3 demo was on a build from last september? I know some screens were = (shadows facing wrong way), dont think the e3 footage was from anything than current builds at the time. I just want you to prove it so i know for sure.
Erik said they would be close to final aswell. I fail to understand why they would use the old feeds. Why not just run the .dem file now and make an updated feed?
Saying that though i think they did use old feeds cos the crowbar pickup still looks biffy and the placeholders for "green blood"...
I was confused when people where chattin about 5800. The 5800 was a failure and replaced with the 5900 pretty quickly.
The 5900 is supposed to be the fastest card on the market but have worse image quality than the 9800, in most peoples opinion.
From all the opinions and benchmarks ive...
There are two officially released videos (g-man and docks) there is also the kleiner_lab video contained in the gcache file. You can either open the cache in a hex editor and replace g-man.exe with kleiner_lab.exe and run it through steam - it will get extracted into your media folder. Or you...
I was gonna do this at the end once i had all the files. If its gonna take that long i think ill just convert them all to divx then join them instead. Not perfect but its what im gonna do.