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  1. 82ross

    Kleiner video has been hacked, picture inside

    Anyone got a patch maker? Just make 2 patches, one to goto to the lab and one to go back to g-man. BTW people its not that hard to do it manually.
  2. 82ross

    Steam is updating.

    They dont need to update steam to release a new media file, they can just update mediabrowser.exe. As long as theres no new bug fixes with regards to the media distrib.
  3. 82ross

    hl2-docks.exe movie in gcache.gcf (Pic!)

    Chris what does the bink header look like?
  4. 82ross

    hl2-docks.exe movie in gcache.gcf (Pic!)

    90% sure it wont be the same thing. Just cos something has got the same extension doesnt mean its teh same thing. Unfortunately. :dozey:
  5. 82ross

    Upcoming movie discussion !!

    Yep. I hope though, they include some dynamic displacement maps for the seawater in some parts of the game. Instead of just refractive methods.
  6. 82ross

    hl2-docks.exe movie in gcache.gcf (Pic!)

    Its not, its a completely custom filing method. No existing program can extract files from the gcache files. EDIT. I tell a lie, except for that wav extractor i mentioned.
  7. 82ross

    hl2-docks.exe movie in gcache.gcf (Pic!)

    Re: sooooo? Why dont you have a a bash at it.
  8. 82ross

    hl2-docks.exe movie in gcache.gcf (Pic!)

    25kb/s isnt very much. Steam definitley did not download a 400MB file but it did download something around 14MB in my case. I have no idea what it is. You can extract things from the cache files (as long as they are there) Some guy did it. He made a program that targeted the wac files in the...
  9. 82ross

    ??This?? is steam?

    Why would steam recognise that you own hl and cs already? It is a completely seperate product. And why would you play hl through steam if you had that already? Delete the steam hl and use the normal one, theres only really cs1.6 thats worth playing through steam. Everything on steam is...
  10. 82ross

    When will next movie be released?

    I dont think things were crazy an hour after the movie got released.
  11. 82ross

    Top 3 features of Half-Life?

    I think the refraction and reflection aspects of the game are better then models. But the physics is the dogsbollocks. Buoyency! Mass! Momentum! Materials! Dynamic Lighting!
  12. 82ross

    What do you think about the Manipulator Gun?

    The fishing pole one isnt that much of a weapon. It would be a clumsy weapon as alls you can do it pick something up and move it around, trying to swing a box at a combine solider? Cant see that happening. It would actually be like putting a brick on a fishing rod and running after someone...
  13. 82ross

    What do you think about the Manipulator Gun?

    I was under the impression the fishing rod style weapon isnt in the game but the manipulator weapon shown above IS.
  14. 82ross

    Half-Life 2 video and now....

    Its a game in development. Search for "Stalker Oblivion Lost" in google. Its pretty impressive.
  15. 82ross

    So one video per day?!

    There was the bandwidth to release more than one. Pity they didnt release the second one aswell. One a day is good but the first one is very short. :(
  16. 82ross

    bink info

    Are you resizing using the Divx Codec or Radtools? Crop or scale? EDIT: BOOOOOOLLLLLOCKS! It wasnt working cos i still had some parameters from my Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels rip i done yesterday. DUH
  17. 82ross

    bink info

    Do you crop or scale to get it to a size Divx can handle. None of them are working at the minute.
  18. 82ross

    HL2 water doesn't fall out of boxes? Not true.

    Im interested to know more about this map Adam. Is it available?
  19. 82ross

    How do file downloads actually work?

    Steam will update. In the games menu there will be additional icons under a new section "media" Here is where you click to get the media. This will download a Bink exe to a folder similar to: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamCache\[email protected]\Media It should be along those lines...
  20. 82ross

    First Movie Release today *Confirmed*

    I didnt know.