Top 3 features of Half-Life?


Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, there are so many great things about Half Life that it's obvious to list them all, but try this. Name the three features that most got you hyped for the game and why.

For me, it's:

3. The AI
Watching Gordon block the door with the table only to have a second enemy shooting in through the window was pretty cool. When the first enemy kicked the door open and sent the blocking objects flying away, I got shivers running down my spine and back up again.

2. The Models
Is it just me, or does the G-Man look so life-like it's scary? And to think that all models will have THAT amount of realism and depth... you can practically see the emotion in their eyes.

1. The Physics
A great thing about Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was how you could try all sorts of wierd things you could think of. Now, take that awesome, replayable element and times it by five. There's Half Life's physics. Want to temporarily disable an enemy? Send a matress flying in his direction and then start running. Want to take that enemy your fighting and give him a ground-shaking death? Shoot out the catawalk under his feet and watch him go bye. Want to go across the meat-grinder of the open battlefield while taking as little hits as possible? Just grab a barrel and use it for cover. There are so many things to do, and think of all those things to do across a 30 hour + game. Wow.

Say hello to HL2! :cheers:

"And to think that all models will have THAT amount of realism and depth... you can practically see the emotion in their eyes."

thats a negative...only main "actors" will have that depth and realism. everyday citizens will be detailed but not to the degree of the main chars.
Actually, I think they stated that the "extras" would not have that degree of expressiveness. I don't know if anything's been said as to their actual physical detail though.
I dunno - the M4 in the high definition pack was kind of arse... It looked cool in 3rd person (but then so did the MP5) but in 1st person and in terms of beefy sound it wasn't nearly as good as the MP5. And the shotgun's new sounds took some getting used to. The snarks were cool though.
Wait, there are everyday citzens in HL2?! That's awesome!

I was thinking that the only real people in the game were main actors, like the G-Man, Alex, or that one scientist dude.
For me:
3. Graphics, since they are the most lifelike to date in any game, and will make the game feel much more immersive vs. other games

2. Physics since this will add many new scenarios to gameplay, and just make the game feel more realistic

1. The mod community, since the source engine is tailored towards mod teams, this will certainly be my favourite part of hl2 since we will likely have numerous mods out by Christmas time (there are already dozens of mods in development), with many more to follow in the years to come
Originally posted by yeggz
Wait, there are everyday citzens in HL2?! That's awesome!

I was thinking that the only real people in the game were main actors, like the G-Man, Alex, or that one scientist dude.

freedom fighters? you never saw all those pics of the citizens being rounded up by combine forces?

Whoa! No! That's awesome!

Also, were the combine in the 22 min trailer? I didn't see them anywhere. They look really scary though lol
Originally posted by yeggz
Whoa! No! That's awesome!

Also, were the combine in the 22 min trailer? I didn't see them anywhere. They look really scary though lol

Uh, they were the guys shooting you.. with guns.
OOOOH lol! NOW I remember them... wow. I'm stupid. Anyway, that's really cool. They look so freaky!
Originally posted by Direwolf
Actually, I think they stated that the "extras" would not have that degree of expressiveness. I don't know if anything's been said as to their actual physical detail though.

The extras will use the same system, however their expressions were not customized as they were for other "star" characters. The reason is, of course, is that they will probably be impaled by a Strider as soon as they step outside. :)
Yeah those are all good things there... But I have yet to see much of Deus Ex Invisible War... and Deus Ex is my favorite game ever... it was quite interactive... I can only imagine DX: IW... Especially since it also uses the Havok Engine for its physics.
I think the refraction and reflection aspects of the game are better then models. But the physics is the dogsbollocks. Buoyency! Mass! Momentum! Materials! Dynamic Lighting!
Deus ex is a unreal-based sci-fi game similar to system shock. You can be stealthy, use skills, or weaponry to overcome almost every obstacle. Graphics are outdated... but other than that its a fun, slower-paced FPS.

Back on topic, here's my top 3:

1. Physics - the "revolutionary" aspect of HL2 will pave the road for future FPSs, adding loads of replayability and realism.

2. Graphics - High-poly models, superb animation, the water... They will give doom3 a run for its money.

3. VIDEO CAMERAS - This has to be the coolest thing I've seen in a 3D game yet. There are so many cool things modders can do with this I don't want to name them. Here's one: A RTS mod where the commander can view the action only from video cameras. Maybe they are on the units' heads, maybe they are on walls. droooooooooool