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  1. Nostradamus

    Why does everybody care about hl2 going gold?

    Be nice... and besides. This is whining: OMG WTF, GIMME MY HL2 NOW WTF!. This is not whining: We have been waithing over a year and afterwards we'll be bloody happy!
  2. Nostradamus

    CD questions

    both yes. With your player... no clue
  3. Nostradamus

    A Perfect Circle -- eMOTIVe

    Crazy I was just about to post about this! Just pre-ordered my cd, including an exclusive tshirt! :D check out the videos for "imagine" and "counting sheep...."
  4. Nostradamus

    HL2: The After the End Part .... Thing...

    Actually will play WoW and HL2 silmutaniously(sp?) So I guess it will take a while, and I will be developing my own mod as well, so no worries from me :D Got bored of CoH a long while ago... but a nice game for a 4-5 months! :D
  5. Nostradamus


    The servers was iunder a lot of pressure when cs:s got released, but that was for ½-1 hour or so.. no biggie... It'll be cool :D
  6. Nostradamus

    Underwear Goes Inside Your Pants [video]

    No point.. he's a comedian...
  7. Nostradamus

    legality issues with mods

    I dont understand why they dont just contact them first tho :D
  8. Nostradamus

    Demon Humanoid.

    Looks funky nice... could we get a closeup on the hand?
  9. Nostradamus

    getting home on novemeber 16th

    Day off babY! :D
  10. Nostradamus

    Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)

    Perectly aware of that, but just pointing out stuff, that he might not have seen.... I know I like getting crits on my work anyways.
  11. Nostradamus

    Demon Humanoid.

    pull the thumbs to go lower and make his torso wider... also the bulge between the neck and shoulders make him look fat up there. Hope that you can use my crit....wont crit on poly management until you're done with the model.
  12. Nostradamus

    Snake Fist (Quick Sketch)

    Vairly nice scetch.... anatomy seems ok, but a thing seems awkward to me.... his left hand and his right leg are way too perfectly aligned to x and y if you ask me.....sepcially the hand looks odd.
  13. Nostradamus

    13 Year Old arrested for child porn, including self pictures

    wtf, why are they arresting him? I mean he's abviously messed up(since he's posting pics of himself...) he should go to a shrink or something.
  14. Nostradamus

    Free Half-Life 2

    OMG WOW! That's the greates news ever!!! ;D Jking :D
  15. Nostradamus

    New WIP - Beretta Storm

    Ichi: Ok I'm not talking about the manner in which he stole it which is wrong, but in the way in which he is wrong BY stealing it.... two different things. Then I am sorry I am wrong, but it certainly looks like it :D
  16. Nostradamus

    Allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery!

    No 6-8 weeks from the day you recieve a mail that states that the wares has been sent.
  17. Nostradamus

    Surely no one cares, but I'm depressed.

    I would really try to help you and tell you that your famility really isn' trying to push you away, but that it's all in your head, but I'm afraid I don't know your situation or your family, so I'll just stick to what I can assure you. Stay tough but dont always think what you are thinking...
  18. Nostradamus

    New WIP - Beretta Storm

    Ichi you logic seem to fail mine every time.... why no reason in not explaining it to him because he's wrong? ... that's like telling a child that has just stolen something, that's wrong, but I wont explain to you why!... But Eat, check out as mentioned above.. It will really...
  19. Nostradamus

    Sawyer (ex-Black Isle) talks modding

    This is top sweet... Wonderful post,,, This is THE most important thing I have ever read regarding mod development tbh!
  20. Nostradamus

    Shadow 'bug' also present in DX: Invisible War

    This will still be in HL2 and will never disapear, live with it.